
The tongue of the youth is half, and half is his heart,

لسان الفتى نصف ونصف فؤاده

1. The tongue of the youth is half, and half is his heart,
So there remains only the image of flesh and blood.

١. لِسانُ الفَتى نِصفٌ وَنِصفٌ فُؤادُهُ
فَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا صورَةُ اللَحمِ وَالدَمِ

2. And however much a youth is infatuated by your beauty,
His increase or decrease is in his speech.

٢. وَكائِن فَتىً مِن مُعجِبٍ لَكَ حُسنُهُ
زِيادَتُهُ أَو نَقصُهُ في التَكَلُّمِ