
I block the way of the one who turns from me,

أصد صدود امرئ مجمل

1. I block the way of the one who turns from me,
When my close friend changes his attitude.

١. أَصُدُّ صُدودَ اِمرِئٍ مُجمِلٍ
إِذا حالَ ذو الوُدِّ عَن حالِهِ

2. And I do not reproach a companion,
When he makes estrangement his mindset.

٢. وَلَستُ بِمُستَعتِبٍ صاحِباً
إِذا جَعَلَ الهَجرَ مِن بالِهِ

3. But I do sever ties with him,
That is my way with the likes of him.

٣. وَلَكِنَّني صارِمٌ حَبلَهُ
وَذَلِكَ فِعلي بِأَمثالِهِ

4. And however much he argues his right,
I recognize for him the right to argue.

٤. وَمَهما أَدَلَّ بِحَقٍّ لَهُ
عَرَفتُ لَهُ حَقَّ إِدلالِهِ

5. Yet in any case for him,
Whether affection cools or is rekindled,

٥. وَإِنّي عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ لَهُ
مِنِ اِدبارِ وُدٍّ وَإِقبالِهِ

6. I am careful for the best between us,
By preserving brotherhood and its dignity.

٦. لَراعٍ لِأَحسَنِ ما بَينَنا
بِحِفظِ الإِخاءِ وَإِجلالِهِ