1. O you who rebuke me for my noble traits in ignorance,
I have intentionally disobeyed the words of the prohibiting chider.
١. يا أَيُّها الزاجِرِي عَن شيمَتي سَفَهاً
عَمداً عَصَيتُ مَقالَ الزاجِرِ الناهي
2. Be brief, for you are from a people whom I have raised
In villainy, so boast of them as much as you wish or desire.
٢. أَقصِر فَإِنَّكَ مِن قَومٍ أَرومَتُهُم
في اللُؤمِ فَاِفخَر بِهِم ما شِئتَ أَو باهِ
3. Poetry adorns mouths when they speak it
One day, while it may disgrace other mouths.
٣. يُزَيِّنُ الشِعرُ أَفواهاً إِذا نَطَقَت
بِالشِعرِ يَوماً وَقَد يُزري بِأَفواهِ
4. One may be granted sustenance not by his cunning,
And sustenance may be diverted from the cunning schemer.
٤. قَد يُرزَقُ المَرءُ لا مِن فَضلِ حيلَتِهِ
وَيُصرَفُ الرِزقُ عَن ذي الحيلَةِ الداهي
5. My traits will never be corrupted, nor my manners,
Nor is my rope for one who has abandoned me for delusion.
٥. لا شيمَتي تُجتَوى يَوماً وَلا خُلُقي
وَلَيسَ حَبلي لِمَن صافَيتُ بِالواهي
6. Rather, I make lawful for my friend my pure sincerity,
And I do not forget his benefit as long as I live.
٦. لا بَل أَبيحُ صَديقي مَحضَ خالِصَتي
وَلَستُ عَن نَفعِهِ ما عِشتُ بِالساهي
7. I am amazed by people who have no ancestry,
Who became wealthy but are not, even if they resemble the wealthy.
٧. لَقَد عَجِبتُ لِقَومٍ لا أُصولَ لَهُم
أَثرَوا وَلَيسوا وَإِن أَثرَوا بِأَشباهي
8. I have never attained, in wealth or poverty,
Anything but that I say for it: Praise be to God.
٨. ما نالَني مِن غِنىً يَوماً وَلا عَدَمٍ
إِلّا وَقَولي عَلَيهِ الحَمدُ لِلّهِ