
I saw Fudayl, who was all wrapped up,

رأيت فضيلا كان شيئا ملففا

1. I saw Fudayl, who was all wrapped up,
Unravelled by scrutiny, so he appeared to me naked.

١. رَأَيتُ فُضَيلاً كانَ شَيئاً مُلَفَّفاً
فَكَشَّفَهُ التَمحيصُ حَتّى بَدا لِيا

2. So you, my brother, as long as I had no need of you,
But if I was in need, I realised you were no brother to me.

٢. فَأَنتَ أَخي ما لَم تَكُن لِيَ حاجَةٌ
فَإِن عَرَضَت أَيقَنتُ أَن لا أَخا لِيا

3. After I tested you in times of need, nothing increased between us
Except for separation.

٣. فَلا زادَ ما بَيني وَبَينَكَ بَعدَما
بَلَوتُكَ في الحاجاتِ إِلّا تَمادِيا

4. I am not overlooking the faults of a dear friend,
Nor some of the faults, if I was pleased.

٤. فَلَستُ بِراءٍ عَيبَ ذي الوُدِّ كُلَّهُ
وَلا بَعضَ ما فيهِ إِذا كُنتُ راضِيا

5. The eye of contentment overlooks every fault,
But the eye of displeasure reveals the equals.

٥. فَعَينُ الرِضا عَن كُلِّ عَيبٍ كَليلَةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ عَينَ السُخطِ تُبدي المُساوِيا

6. Each of us is independent of his brother during his lifetime,
And when we die, even more needless of each other.

٦. كِلانا غَنِيٌّ عَن أَخيهُ حَياتَهُ
وَنَحنُ إِذا مِتنا أَشَدُّ تَغانِيا