
Your cousin and your uncle's son, the weapons master

إن ابن عمك وابن أمك

1. Your cousin and your uncle's son, the weapons master
Pursues the foe unsatisfied, though his wings beat down

١. إِنَّ اِبنَ عَمِّكَ وَاِبنَ أُم
مِكَ مُعلِمٌ شاكي السِلاحِ

2. Think not your cousin still a babe who milk-teats sucked
Nay, like aloes 'neath the grindstone with poison racked

٢. يَقِصُ العَدُوَّ وَلَيسَ يَر
ضى حينَ يَبطِشُ بِالجَناحِ

3. See for yourself who comes to aid you midst the lances' points
He who was grieved you in your absence might attack

٣. لا تَحسَبَنَّ أَذى اِبنِ عَم
مِكَ شِربَ أَلبانِ اللَقاحِ