
She reproached me, blaming me for sins,

أتتني تجنى علي الذنوب

1. She reproached me, blaming me for sins,
Yet I have no sin except for hoary hair.

١. أَتَتني تَجَنّى عَلَيَّ الذُنوبَ
وَمالِيَ ذَنبٌ سِوى الشَيبِ صارا

2. And nothing has old age increased me in
Except wisdom, dignity, and self-control

٢. وَما زادَني الشَيبُ إِلّا نَوى
وَإِلّا عَفافاً وَإِلّا وَقارا

3. And patience for vicissitudes of fate.
A man is spared who others have spared.

٣. وَإِلّا اِصطِباراً عَلى النائِبا
تِ وَالمَرءُ يَمنَعُ مَن قَد أَجارا

4. So do not be surprised at a wakeful man
Whose hair old age has covered in a cowl.

٤. فَلا تَعجَبي مِن مَشوقٍ صَحا
وَعَمَّمَهُ الشَيبُ مِنهُ خِمارا