
The wise man who is content with his life

إن اللبيب الذي يرضى بعيشته

1. The wise man who is content with his life
Is not one who grieves for what is past and gone

١. إِنَّ اللَبيبَ الَّذي يَرضى بِعيشَتِهِ
لا مَن يَظَلُّ عَلى ما فاتَ مُكتَئِبا

2. Do not despise the weak among men
For each person will reap what they have sown

٢. لا تَحقِرَنَّ مِنَ الأَقوامِ مُحتَقَراً
كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ سَوفَ يَجري بِالَّذي اِكتَسَبا

3. Do not reveal your secret to other than the wise
Nor to one who may spread it if they become upset

٣. لا تُفشِ سِرّاً إِلى غَيرِ اللَبيبِ وَلا ال
خَرقِ المُشيعِ لَهُ يَوماً إِذا غَضِبا

4. A man may scorn what he desires and pursue it
Until it becomes the cause of his downfall

٤. قَد يَحقِرُ المَرءُ ما يَهوى فَيَركَبُهُ
حَتّى يَكونَ إِلى تَوريطِهِ سَبَبا

5. The worst of companions is one whose friendship
Shifts with the times whenever fear or greed calls

٥. شَرُّ الأَخِلّاءِ مَن كانَت مَوَدَّتُهُ
مَعَ الزَمانِ إِذا ما خافَ أَو رَغِبا

6. If you abandon a man, beware his enmity
He who plants thorns does not harvest grapes

٦. إِذا وَتَرتَ اِمرَأً فَاِحذَر عَداوَتَهُ
مَن يَزرَعِ الشَوكَ لا يَحصُد بِهِ عِنَبا

7. Though the enemy may feign peace
If he spies a chance, he will pounce and leap

٧. إِنَّ العَدُوَّ وَإِن أَبدى مُسالَمَةً
إِذا رَأى مِنكَ يَوماً فُرصَةً وَثَبا