
I remembered prayers, so passions were aroused

ذكرت أذكارا فهاجت شجبا

1. I remembered prayers, so passions were aroused,
When I recognized the stages were esteemed.

١. ذَكَرْت أَذْكاراً فَهاجَتْ شَجْبَا
مِن أَنْ عَرَفْت المَنْزِلات الحُسْبا

2. With a wink, no eye prevailed over a glance,
As if they were Damascus or books.

٢. بِالكِمْعِ لَمْ تَمْلِكْ لِعَيْنٍ غَرْبَا
يُحْسَبْنَ شاماً بالِيا أَوْ كُتْبَا

3. The passing years have made them withered,
And the mature have become like pebbles.

٣. طَحْطَحَها شَذْبُ السِنِينَ شَذْبا
وَالمُذْرِيَاتُ بالِذَوَارِي حَصْبا

4. In them is majesty, coquetry and swaying,
And they were blowing from the direction of youth.

٤. بِهَا جُلالاً وَدُقاقاً هَلْبا
وَكُنَّ مِنْ نَحْوِ الصَبَا مُهَبّا

5. They do not conceal themselves behind veils,
And the torrent burst forth with them and crept.

٥. لا يَحْتَجِبْن مِنْ وَرَاء حُجْبا
وَاعْتَلَجَ السَيْلُ بِها وَدَبّا

6. You can see the caves of the sand dunes as shelters,
Alive, desolate, and abundant.

٦. وَقَدْ تَرَي غُرَّ الثَنايَا عُرْبا
بِها وَأَحْياءً وَلاباً كَثْبا

7. And bare shanks running lightly and bounding,
And the glory of the young women rising to the peaks.

٧. وَالجُرْدَ تَعْدُو شَطْبَةً وَشَطْبا
وَعِزّ أَنْضادٍ تُسامِي الهَضْبا

8. You have enough of a living, lawful people,
You have enough of my sons and walking stick.

٨. حَسْبُكَ مِنْ حَيٍّ حِلالٍ حَسْبا
حَسْبُك أَبْنائِي وَكَعْبِي كَعْبا

9. And if we gathered the allies of Tameem,
The milkers saw our steeds lope.

٩. وَإِنْ جَمَعْنَا مِنْ تَمِيم أَشْبا
رَأَى حَصَانَا الحالِبُون الحَلْبا

10. Like the night bragging to the mountains,
The people blamed us in the morning.

١٠. كَاللَّيْلِ يَعْتَزُّ الجِبالَ القُهْبا
قَد أَصْبَح الناسُ عَلَيْنَا أَلْبا

11. So the people were on one side, and we on the other,
Tameem and rage have overcome.

١١. فَالناسُ فِي جَنْبٍ وَكُنَّا جَنْبا
إِنَّ تَمِيماً وَالغِضابَ الغُلْبا

12. It diminished the enemies so they withered,
You see them in their skins like palm fiber.

١٢. قَلَّصَ بِالأَعْداءِ فَاصْلَهَبَّا
تَرَاهُ فِي أَجْلادِهِ خِدَبّا

13. Huge lively chestnut stallions,
If their shoulders were covered they would bite.

١٣. ضَخْمَ الذَفارَى جَسْرَباً قَهْقَبّا
إِذا تَقَبَّى مُخْدِرَاهُ اقْتَبّا

14. Ambling this way and that with necks bent over,
And no group remained among us in the evening

١٤. هاماً وَهاماً وَرِقاباً رُقْبا
وَلَيْسَ مَن أَمْسَى عَلَيْنا حِزْبا

15. Seeking refuge from fierce adversity
Until it bites wood and staff.

١٥. مُعْتَصِماً مِنْ غَيْظِ كَرْبٍ كَرْبا
حَتَّى يَعَضَّ جَنْدَلاً وَخُشْبا

16. But rather with a bare hand it reaches far,
When the hem of night casts its cloak,

١٦. بَلْ بِيدِ صَحْراء تُناصِي سهْبا
إِذا قَطِيف اللَّيْل أَلْقَى الهُدْبا

17. Or boys play on it,
You see it coming and going gold.

١٧. أَوْ لَعِبَ الآلُ عَلَيْها لِعْبا
تَراهُ مَرَّاتٍ وَمَرّاً ذَهْبا

18. It stripped the ground bare and slipped by it
And the lambs bleat from the baby camels loudly,

١٨. جَرَّدَ سَهْباً وَتَغشَّى سَهْبا
وَالعِيسُ يَنْعَبْنَ العَنِيقَ نَعْبا

19. Having been brought together by destiny so they stood erect
Except rescued or visitors briefly hosted.

١٩. قَدْ ضَمَّها النَحْزُ فَصَارَتْ قَضْبا
إِلّا نجاة أَوْ زِوَرّاً صَقْبا

20. Bewitched so they barely escape,
Journeys that bring our humiliation nearer,

٢٠. مَلْحُوبَةً تَنْجُو نَجاءً لَحْبا
سَيْراً يُدنِّي مِنْ هَوانَا قُرْبا

21. Galloping freely with the saddlebags,
Terrified by the thickets of ELEI shrubs and pulling away,

٢١. يَفْرِينَ بِالخَرْقِ فَرِيّاً أَدْبا
بَوْعاً بِأَشْطانِ الفَلا وَجَذْبا

22. When they stumble over a hill or sands,
And their smooth shoes have become firm.

٢٢. إِذا اعْتَسَفْن عَتَباً أَوْ نَقْبا
وَانتَعلَت أَخفافُهنَّ صُلبا

23. Like the firmness of elephants' legs, long striding,
Chestnut, ambling on paths.

٢٣. كَصلَبِ الفيلِ عُراضاً قَسبا
أَصْهَبَ يَمْطُو مَرِساتٍ صُهْبا

24. And if he saw a village or a slope,
When its flank turned aside it leaned over.

٢٤. وَإِنْ قَرىً أَوْ مَنْكِب أَلَبَّا
إِذَا تَنَزَّى ثِنْيُهُ اتْلأَبَّا

25. Mount them or avoid them,
And the fifth a companion is urging on company,

٢٥. رَكبْنَه أَوْ كُنَّ عَنْهُ نُكْبا
والخِمْسُ ناج مُسْتَحِثُّ الصَحْبا

26. When the relatives fell he relied on himself
And if we direct their journey,

٢٦. إِذا تَهاوَى القَرَبُ اسْتَتَبَّا
وَإِنْ نصَبْنا سَيْرَهُنَّ نَصْبا

27. They gulp clear cold water to drink,
Wandering lost or returning to a hollow.

٢٧. ناوَشْنَ مِنْ آجِنِ ماءٍ شِرْبا
حائِرَ غَيْل أَوْ يَرِدْنَ جُبّا

28. Kindling from their captives a spark,
The jar of the eye has become ember,

٢٨. قَدْ قَدَّحَتْ مِنْ سَلْبِهِنَّ سَلْبا
قارُورَةُ العَيْنِ فَصَارَتْ وَقْبا

29. Like lime whose water has dried up.
When we stay up late crowding together,

٢٩. كَالقَلْتِ آلَ الماءُ مِنْهُ نَضْبا
إِذا أَقَمْنَا عَجِراتٍ شُزْبا

30. The stars in the darkness sparkled drawing near.
Small words reaching the night - how they pleaded!

٣٠. جارَت إِلَى الغَوْرِ النُجُوم سَحْبا
خُوْصاً تُسامِي اللَّيْلَ ما اسْلَحَبَّا

31. And smooth cheeks laughed at me in wonder,
When she saw me after softness, bending.

٣١. وَضَحِكَتْ مِنِّي أُبَيْلَى عُجْبا
لَمّا رَأَتْنِي بَعْدَ لِينٍ جَأْبا

32. She saw the sprinkling of gray hair,
Left white or touching the dye.

٣٢. رَأَتْ مِنَ الشَيْبِ حَماطاً شُهْبا
تُتْرَكُ بِيضاً أَوْ تَمَسُّ الخَضْبا

33. And she used charming words to tempt me,
A flash with fires that ignite passion.

٣٣. وَاعْتَبَطَتْ عِرْسِي كَلاماً ذِرْبا
قَدْحاً بِنِيرانٍ تُذَكِّي العُطْبا

34. If I were upset, they would shatter the heart,
So I said, and the ribs bend the bamboo stalk.

٣٤. لَوْ كُنْتُ مَوْهُوناً صَدَعْنَ القَلْبا
فَقُلْتُ وَالأَضْلاعُ تَطْوِي الضَبّا

35. “My longest days reveal love,
They deceive my eyelids and the sharp swords.

٣٥. أَطول أَيّامِي فَضَحْن الحُبّا
أَخْلَقَ جَفْنِي وَالحُسَامَ العَضْبا

36. Fate and destiny have tied a bond,
And fate shows after words, words -

٣٦. دَهْرٌ وَأَقْدارٌ عَصَبْنَ عَصْبا
وَالدَّهْرُ يُبْدِي بَعْدَ خَطْبٍ خَطْبا

37. Well being or misfortune for its people.
When she saw me like an abandoned house,

٣٧. لأَهْلِهِ سَلامَةً أَوْ نكبا
لَمَّا رَأَتْنِي يَرْفَئِيّاً نَدْبا

38. I said, “Wake up, do you not see my sadness?
Why do you accuse me of sin?

٣٨. قُلْت أَفِيقِي لَمْ تَرَيْ لِي عَتْبا
فِيمَ تَجْنَّيْنَ عَلَيَّ الذَنْبا

39. Do not gather gossip and lies.
I was healing passion with passion,

٣٩. لا تَجْمَعِي نَمِيمَةً وَصَخْبا
وَكُنْتُ بِاللَّغْبِ أُدَاوِي اللَّغْبا

40. And I long for you longingly.”
I deny words and keep madness,

٤٠. مِنْكِ وَأَشْتَقُّ اشْتِقاقاً شَغْبا
أُنْكِر أَقْوالاً وَأُبْقِي علْبا

41. And we have known Iraq to be barren,
And the years have partnered with humpbacks,

٤١. وَقَدْ تَعَرَّفْنَ العراقَ الجَدْبا
وَمَارَسَ النّاسُ السِنِينَ الحُدْبا

42. And the rainmakers have submitted to childhood friends.
And the place sprouted leaves and grew fresh,

٤٢. وَاسْتَسْلَمَ المُؤَيِّلُونَ السِرْبا
والمَحْلُ يَبْرِي وَرَقاً وَنَجْبا

43. She said, “Do you not want earnings for your sons,
Syrian, Eastern, or Western?”

٤٣. قالَت ألَا تَبْغِي بَنِيكَ الكَسْبا
شَآمِياً أَوْ مشْرِقاً أَوْ غَرْبا

44. So your time has passed to be corrected,
To the Purifier, if you complained of insolence.

٤٤. فَقَد أَنَى حَينُك أَنْ تَأْتَبَّا
إِلَى المُصَفَّى إِنْ شَكَوْتَ اللّزْبا

45. He bit with fangs and left worry,
From the weight of debt and tightening of the bowstrings.

٤٥. عَضَّ بِأَنْيابٍ فأَبْقَى جُلْبا
مِنْ ثِقَلِ الدَّيْنِ وَشَدَّ القِتْبا

46. The Purifier is awe and desire,
He gives and suffices the reverent their reverence.

٤٦. إِنَّ المُصفَّى رَهْبَةً وَرُغْبا
يُعْطِي وَيَكْفِي الراهِبِينَ الرُهْبا

47. A right from God over him is obligatory,
Prosperity from Him supplies prosperity.

٤٧. حَقّاً مِنَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ وَجْبا
خَصابَةً مِنْهُ تَمُدُّ الخِصْبا

48. Like rain cheering with dew and grass,
Watering a friend and plentiful pouring.

٤٨. كَالغَيْثِ يَشْرَوْرَى نَدىً وَعُشْبا
يَسْقِي وَلِيّاً وَرَبِيعاً سَكْبا

49. And you are most protective of people that they insult
His honor with blame and youth.

٤٩. وَأَنْت أَحْجَى النَّاس أَنْ يَذُبّا
عَنْ عِرْضِهِ مَلامَةً وَسَبّا

50. Shining, bestowing Wahhab scorns hides,
A young man, if the blessings of his Lord are bestowed,

٥٠. أَبْلَجُ وَهّابٌ يُعَادِي الخَبّا
فَتىً إِذَا أَنْعَمَ نُعْمَى رَبّا

51. When the generous are sought, the gift overflows.
You refuse the noble except willingly,

٥١. إِذَا الصَنِيعُ المُسْتَغِبُّ غَبّا
أَبَيْتَ بِالأَكْرمِ إِلَّا طِبّا

52. Glory has smiled upon you smiling.
Paying it what the years were accustomed to,

٥٢. قَدْ نَحَّبَ المَجْدُ عَلَيْكَ نَحْبا
تَقْضِيهِ ما كانَ السِنُونَ دَأْبا

53. Vast forbearance and remote defense.
In every street you have scented sweetly,

٥٣. الضَخْمُ حِلْماً وَالبَعِيدُ إِرْبا
في كُلِّ شَعْبٍ قَدْ نَفَحْتَ شَعْبا

54. When spoils have gone you prepare spoils.
You house a riding animal and guide a riding animal,

٥٤. إِذَا مَضَى نَهْب أَعَدْتَ نَهْبا
تُنْزِلُ رَكْباً وَتُؤَدِّي رَكْبا

55. So the guest is fed and the guide loved.
Pleasant rain and abundant gift,

٥٥. فَالضَيْفُ يُقْرَى وَالمُؤدّي يُحْبا
الْهِنْءُ غَيْثاً وَالجَزِيلُ وَهْبا

56. When your torrent flows, frolic.
And the channels pour from it strongly,

٥٦. إِذَا جَرَى سَيْلُكَ فَاذْلَعَبّا
وَأَفْرَغَتْ مِنْهُ السَواقِي ثَغْبا

57. The Euphrates split the land when it gushed.
When its floods converge, lean over.

٥٧. شَقَّ الفُرات الأَرْضَ حِينَ انْصَبّا
إِذَا تَدَاعَى سَيْلُهُ اتْلأَبّا

58. So whoever comes drawing or crossing
Meets it fresh and sweet.

٥٨. فَمَن أَتَى مُغْتَرِفا أَوْ عَبّا
صادَفَ مِنْهُ صافِياً وَعَذْبا

59. And you, O son of the reverent stem,
Protect those who revile you from reviling.

٥٩. وَأَنْتَ يا ابْن المُتَّقِينَ القَصْبا
تَحْمِي حِماكَ القاشِبِينَ القِشْبا

60. First if you dispute with them and afterward
Until the slanderers die.

٦٠. بَدْأً إِذا جارَيْتَهُمْ وَعَقْبا
حَتَّى يَمُوتَ الناقِلُونَ السَبّا

61. You ransom those who were stingy and bent over,
And you mend frightening cracks.

٦١. فَداكَ مَنْ ضَنَّ وَمَن أَكَبا
وتَرْأَبُ الصدْعَ المَخُوفَ رَأْبا

62. And when the mourners counted the mourning,
They did not find a peer among the generous.

٦٢. وَحِينَ عَدَّ النادِبُونَ النَدْبا
لَمْ يَجِدُوا فِي الأَكْرَمِينَ ضَرْبا

63. A blow like yours except Hatem or Ka’b,
Who sees enmity beneath you as formidable.

٦٣. ضَرْبَك إِلّا حاتِماً أَوْ كَعْبا
يَرَى العِدَى دُونَك طَوْداً صَعْبا

64. The well-aimed missed you and the bounding missed you
When a brother visits you invoking calamity,

٦٤. فاتَ المُرَامِينَ وفاتَ الوُثْبا
إذا أَخٌ زارَكَ يَدْعُو الرّبّا

65. Asking for money and fearing sin,
He finds what he desires and loves.

٦٥. يَسْأَلُ مالاً وَيَخافُ ذَنْبا
لاقَى الَّذِي يَبْغِيكَ ما أَحَبّا

66. Your protection scorns those who blame,
Sorrow a gate and alienation a dog.

٦٦. فَدَاكَ وَخْمٌ لا يُبَالِي السَبّا
الْحَزْنُ باباً وَالعَقُورُ كَلْبا