
A sleepless anxiety has robbed me

أرقني طارق هم أرقا

1. A sleepless anxiety has robbed me
Cawing ravens disturb me at dawn

١. أَرَّقَنِي طارِقُ هَمٍّ أَرَقَا
وَرَكْضُ غِرْبانٍ غَدَوْنَ نُغَّقَا

2. They arouse longing, and a place arouses longing
The shivering cold made his wrap shreds

٢. هَيَّجْنَ شَوْقاً وَمَحَلٌّ شَوَّقا
كَالبُرْدِ أَبْلَى لِفْقَهُ المُلَفَّقا

3. May the shredding destroy his gown, indeed
We see a life of ease has become disturbed

٣. سَحْقُ البِلَى جِدَّتَهُ فَأَسْحَقا
وَقَدْ نَرَى بِالدارِ عَيْشاً دَغْفَقا

4. When the love of meadows ravishes the shepherd
A rumbling cloud in the horizon thundering

٤. إِذْ حُبُّ أَرْوَى يَشْعَف المُؤَنَّقا
مَيَّالَةٌ تَرْتَجُّ إِرْعادَ النَقَا

5. With a herd that filled the valley
You see lightning in the flashes

٥. بِوَعْث أَرْدافٍ مَلأْنَ المِنْطَقا
وَقَدْ تُرِيك البَرْقَ فِيمَن أَبْرَقا

6. When you seek rain from a wrung out cloud
With the blink of a pouring rain and a face that glistened

٦. إِذْ تَسْتَبِي الهَيَّابَةَ المُرَهَّقا
بِمُقْلَتَيْ رِيمٍ وَجِيد أَرْشَقَا

7. And you see me frolicking, enchanted
Hissing with passions of a beloved who peered

٧. وَقَدْ تَرَانِي مَرِحاً مُفَنَّقا
زِيراً أُمَانِي وُدَّ مَنْ تَوَمَّقا

8. Resting when you let him rest appeased
I frolic foolishly and naively

٨. راحاً إِذَا رَوَّحْتَهُ تَشَمَّقَا
أَجُرُّ خَزّاً خَطِلاً وَنَرْمَقا

9. Indeed, the rashness of youth is madness
As if there is in me an afflicted demon

٩. إِنَّ لِرَيْعانِ الشَبابِ غَيْهَقا
كَأَنَّ بِي مِن أَلقِ جِنٍّ أَوْلَقَا

10. I do not love artificial manners
The proud is deluded even if he is distinguished

١٠. وَلا أُحِبُّ الخُلُقَ المُمَذَّقا
وَالغِرُّ مَغْرُورٌ وَإِنْ تَلَهوَقا

11. The evilest of youth peers are those who are effeminate
But she saw an old man who turned away and pitied

١١. وَشَرُّ أَلَّافِ الصِبَا مَنْ آنَقا
بَل أَبْصَرَتْ شَيْخاً وَنَى وَأَشْفَقَا

12. The times were disturbed for his sake, saddened
If time does not last long it would madden

١٢. وَاضْطَرَبَ الدَهْرُ بِهِ فَرَقَّقا
وَالدَهْرُ إِنْ لَمْ يُبْلِ طُولاً عَوَّقا

13. When the crescent of a new moon vanishes
So time took its course and missed him

١٣. إِذَا اجْتَلَى رَأْسَ هِلالٍ مَحَقا
فَسَبَحَ الدَهْرُ بِهِ وَعَفَقا

14. When the new ones succeed the old
They join the early generations calmly

١٤. إِذا الجَديدانِ استَدارا أَلحَقا
بِالأَوَّلينَ الآخِرينَ رُفَقا

15. When the two new ones depart in it (time)
Unable to find when they perish

١٥. إِذَا الجَدِيدَانِ بِهِ وانْطَلَقا
وَلا يُجِدَّان إِذَا ما أَخْلَقا

16. If only they could sell their youth, they would spend it
While gray hair has no market even if it is peddled

١٦. وَلَوْ يَبِيعَان الشَباب أَنْفَقا
وَالشَيْبُ لا سُوقَ لَهْ إِنْ سُوِّقا

17. He who encounters it is dispraised and fails
If they were to distinguish between people they would separate

١٧. مَنْ سَامَهُ سُبَّ بِهِ وَأخْفَقا
وَإِنْ هُمَا بَيْنَ الجَمِيعِ فَرَّقا

18. The separation of death, loss and perdition
To a country cloaked with the yellow mirage

١٨. فُرْقَةَ مَوْتٍ أَبْعَدَا وَأَسْحَقا
بَلْ بَلَدٍ يُكْسَى الشَعاعَ الأَبْهَقَا

19. And the darkest gloom
When the seeing casts his eye there it sparks

١٩. مِنَ السَرابِ وَالقَتَام الأَعْبَقا
إِذَا رَمَى فِيهِ البَصِيرُ اغْرَوْرَقَا

20. A pit he desires with high sides
When the skilled ones select it they tear

٢٠. فِي العَيْنِ مَهْوَى ذِي حِدابٍ أَخْوَقا
إِذَا المَهَارَى اجْتَبْنَهُ تَخَرَّقا

21. To uncover the hidden glories or they are cautious
As if they tore a patch reveals

٢١. عَنْ طامِس الأَعْلامِ أَوْ تَخَوَّفا
كَأَنَّما شَقَّقْن رَيْطاً يَقَقا

22. The bare back of a sand dune deeper
It slopes when the riders ascend zigzag

٢٢. عَنْ ظَهْرِ عُرْيان المَعَارِي أَعْمَقا
أَمَقَّ بِالرَكْبِ إِذَا تَمَقَّقا

23. When the late morn arrives the breastplates sound
Spreading in the expanse or seeping

٢٣. إِذَا الحَصَا بَعْد الوَجِيف أَعْنَقَا
مُنْتَشِراً فِي البِيدِ أَوْ تَطَرَّقا

24. Elevated above the signs that guide
And its wavy slopes speak gibberish

٢٤. سامَيْنَ مِن أَعْلامِهِ ما ادْرَنْفَقا
وَمِنْ حَوابِي رَمْلِهِ مُنَطَّقا

25. As if playful demons visited last night meandering
Their singing echoed in the still darkness

٢٥. عُجْماً تُغَنِّي جِنُّهُ بِبَيْهَقا
كَأَنَّ لَعَّابِينَ زارُوا هَفْتَقا

26. If they ascend from a torn piece of cloth, it tears
He meets the ground muddy and turbid

٢٦. رَنَّتُهُمْ فِي لُجِّ لَيْلٍ سَرْدَقا
وَإِنْ عَلَوا مِنْ فَيْفِ خَرْقٍ فَيْهَقَا

27. When its bubbles bubble forth
When lightning hides, you would think

٢٧. أَلْفَى بِهِ الأَرْضَ غَدِيراً دَيْسَقا
ضَحْلاً إِذَا رَقْراقُهُ تَرَقْرَقا

28. Like a revolving planet, the moon wanders
Widowed or patching rags

٢٨. إِذَا اسْتَخَفَّ اللامِعاتِ الخُفَّقا
حَسِبْتَ فِي جَوْفِ القَتام الأَبْرَقا

29. While the slaves fear the cracking whips
As if their chests are tightly fastened

٢٩. كَفَلْكَةِ الطاوِي أَدار الشَهْرَقا
أَرْمَلَ قُطْناً أَوْ يُسَدِّي خَشْتَقا

30. In water they separate the thick foam with fingers
Shooting with them pearls

٣٠. وَالعِيسُ يَحْذَرْنَ السِيَاطَ المُشَّقا
كَأَنَّ بِالأَقْتادِ ساجاً عَوْهَقا

31. Bent like a she-camel impregnated
Or a rescue by Damascus

٣١. فِي الماءِ يَفْرُقْنَ العُبابَ الغَلْفَقا
ضَوابعاً تَرْمِي بِهِنَّ الرَزْدَقا

32. As if my chests collided with a boat
Rambling or neighing of an ostrich in heat

٣٢. عُوجاً تُبَارِي ناعِجاً مُنَوَّقا
أَعْيَسَ مَحْضاً أَوْ نَجَاةً دَمْشَقا

33. Or a Najdi camel with a swaying walk
A hybrid with a ruddy complexion and smooth

٣٣. كَأَنَّ أَقْتادِي جَلَزْنَ زَوْرَقَا
أَزَلَّ أَوْ هَيْقَ نَعام أَهْيَقا

34. Its movement makes it slip
As if its carrier borrowed ornamentation

٣٤. أَوْ أَخْدَرِيّاً بِالثَمانِي سَهْوَقا
ذا جُدَد أَكْدَر أَوْ تَزَهْلَقا

35. Worn by persistent roaming until it became emaciated
In suffering that casts aside the baby camels

٣٥. كَأَنَّ مَتْنَيْه اسْتَعَارَا أَبَقا
قَدْ لاحَه التَجْوالُ حَتَّى أَحْنَقا

36. Running in illness or stumbling
A nude palm tree shedding its clothing in shreds

٣٦. فِي عَانَةٍ تُلْقِي النَسِيلَ عِقَقا
قَدْ طارَ عَنْهَا فِي المَرَاغِ مِزَقا

37. Or a shirt that tore and ripped
On an Iraqi from Hirah with a short neck

٣٧. جُرْدٍ سَماحِيجَ وَأَلْقَى في اللَقا
عَنْهُ قَمِيصاً طارَ أَوْ تَفَتَّقا

38. Its lining is underneath what glistened
From the smooth edges of fabric lighter in color

٣٨. عَنْ هَرَوِيٍّ مِنْ هَرَاة اخْلَوْلَقَا
وَبَطَّنَتْهُ تَحْتَ ما تَشَبْرَقا

39. Or a double lined elegant soft cloak
Projecting from the core of a well-bred she-camel of delicate build

٣٩. مِنْ مَزْقِ مَصْقُول الحَوَاشِي أَخْلَقا
مُوَشَّحَ التَبْطِينِ أَوْ مُبَنَّقا

40. With a pure white exterior and a pasture overflowing
And a shriek from both voice boxes shrieking

٤٠. تَرَبَّعَتْ مِنْ صُلْبِ رَهْبَى أَنَقَا
ظَواهِراً مَرّاً وَرَوْضاً غَدَقا

41. Rabble and carrion to match the cawing of crows
And from two fearing suburbs, lightning

٤١. وَمِنْ قَيَاقِي الصُوَّتَيْنِ قِيَقا
صُهْباً وَقُرْياناً تُناصِي قَرقَا

42. Until when they mixed in private, they glistened
If tiredness tended them they would be gentle

٤٢. وَمِنْ ضَوَاحِي وَاحِفَيْنِ بُرَقا
إِلَى مِعَا الخَلْصَاءِ حِينَ ابْرَنْشَقا

43. They complied with a torrent flooding them
Remaining are clefts and remaining are rings

٤٣. وَإِنْ رَعَاها العَرْكُ أَوْ تَأَنَّقا
طاوَعْنَ شَلَّالاً لَهُنَّ مِعْفَقا

44. With the echo of a pick axe and splinters
From the solid surface of a basin inverted

٤٤. أَبْقَت أَخادِيدَ وَأَبْقَتْ حَلَقا
بِصَحْصَحَانِ مُطْرِقٍ وَفِلَقا

45. Where eagles land and stamp
A packed crowd pushes the slippery rocks

٤٥. مِنْ جُمْدِ حَوْضى وَصَفِيحاً مُطْرَقا
بِكُلِّ مَوْقُوع النُسُور أَوْرَقا

46. Until when the downpour irrigated and saturated
From the cool overflow which glistened

٤٦. لأْمٍ يَدُقُّ الحَجَرَ المُدَملَقا
حَتَّى إِذَا ماءُ القِلاتِ رَنَّقا

47. A sip that makes the fleet-footed does forget
It marched in the train of a dark night

٤٧. وَشَاكَلَت أَبْوالُهُنَّ الزَنْبَقا
وَمَلَّ مَرْعَاها الوَشِيجَ الخَرْبَقا

48. Nor do you see time violating tenderly
With greater jealousy and attachment

٤٨. وَنَتَقَ الهَيْفُ السَفا فَاسْتَنْتَقا
مالاثَ مِن ناصِلِهِ وَحَزَقا

49. Nor more passionate if they become estranged
A beloved intimacy enduring what they inducted

٤٩. وَاصْفَرَّ مِنْ حُجْرانِهِ ما أَذْرَقا
وَحَتَّ فِيمَا حَتَّ إِذْ تَحَرَّقا

50. A pleasure constantly peering from them
Leave this and return to confused speech more confusing

٥٠. قِلْقِلَهُ الضاحِي وَحَتَّ البَرْوَقا
وَمَجَّتِ الشَمْسُ عَلَيْهِ رَوْنَقا

51. Expressing the words of a nomad and more truthful:
We are a people who do not die separate

٥١. إِذَا كَسَا ظاهِرَهُ تَلَهَّقا
وَنَشَرَتْ فِيهِ الحَرُورُ سَرَقا

52. When the flames of conflict flare
Blows scatter limbs and markets

٥٢. حَتَّى إِذَا زَوْزَى الزَيَازِي هَزَّقا
وَلَفَّ سِدْرَ الهَجَرَيْنِ حِزَقا

53. And zeal flies segments dispersed
If an enemy exhausted his trickery to the utmost

٥٣. راحَ بِهَا فِي هَبْوةٍ مُسْتَنْهِقا
كَأَنَّما اقْتَرَّ نَشُوقاً مُنْشَقا

54. We defeated him with hate until he weakened and gave in
So today my tongue has been freed

٥٤. مِنْ غَلْوَةٍ بِالرِيقِ حَتَّى يَشْرَقا
أَفْلَحَ نَشَّاجٌ إِذَا تَشَهَّقا

55. A victory from God and a light illuminated
And a craving aroused my poetry without any merit

٥٥. أَلْقَى عَلَيْهَا صِلْدَماً مُعَرَّقا
كَأَنَّ نَوْطاً ناطَهُ مُعَلَّقَا

56. If he saw me, whatever was created would be defective
He would die if he were the son of sod

٥٦. يُغْشِيهِ مِنْ أَكْفالِهِنَّ المَزْلَقا
أَوْ فَكَّ حِنْوَيْ قَتَبٍ تَفَلَّقا

57. I have let the poets taste my stings, the bad and the worthless
From me, whenever they wanted a guided invective

٥٧. إِذَا تَبادَرْنَ الثَنَايَا عَرَقا
مُسْتَوْئِراتٍ عُصَباً وَنَسَقا

58. Until their watchdog started yelping pointlessly
A dog barks not unless frightened

٥٨. جَدَّ وَلا يَحْمَدْنَهُ أَنْ يَلْحَقا
أَقْبُّ قَهْقاهٌ إِذَا مَا هَقْهَقا

59. The barking of dogs when the lion attacked frightened
With a blink that ignites wicks of blue

٥٩. نَيَّبَ فِي أَكْفالِها فَأَزْعَقَا
نَهْساً يَدَمِّيهِنَّ حَتَّى أَفْرَقا

60. You see for him flecks and moisture
A simmering broth and a ditch

٦٠. وَإِنْ أَثارَتْ مِنْ رِياغٍ سَمْلَقا
تهْوِي حَوامِيها بِهِ مُذَلَّقا

61. And a poet I impoverished so he crumbled
Who throws an arrow above the arrows

٦١. وَلا يُرِيدُ الوِرْدَ إِلَّا حَقْحَقا
ناجٍ مِسَحٌّ آمِنٌ أَنْ يُسْبَقا

62. And he came to me saying that an stupid slave
Seeking to control a subject and stick to her

٦٢. مَعْجاً وَإِن أَغْرَقْنَ شَدّاً أَغْرَقَا
يَجِدْنَهُ فِي وَلْقِهِنَّ مِيلَقا

63. Threatens me, and if he comes nearer I will finish him off
In the rope of an executioner who tightens the noose

٦٣. أَبْقَى إِذَا طاوَلْنَهُ وَأنْزَقَا
مِذْءاً مِخَدّاً فِي الجِراءِ مِسْحَقَا

64. Without slackening if he ties firmly
Like the padlock of a Roman, no even more secured

٦٤. كَأَنَّمَا هَيَّجَ حِين أَطْلَقا
مِنْ ذات أَسْلامٍ عِصِيّاً شِقَقا

65. The edges of youth prevent it from clattering
From the bite of carping that repeals the adversary

٦٥. مِنْ سَيْسَبانٍ أَوْ قَناً تَمَشَّقا
يَضْرحْنَ مِنْ ثَوْبِ العَجاجِ خِرَقَا

66. If the frowning foreheads knit frequently
They meet my columns, a wall that slants

٦٦. قَساطِلاً مَرّاً وَمَرّاً صِيَقَا
يَغْزُونَ مِنْ فِرْياضَ سَيْحاً دَيْسَقا

67. Turning away from dim-witted feebleness more dim-witted
When he contorts in it the snarling increases

٦٧. فَوَجَد الحَايِشَ فِيمَا أَحْدَقا
قَفْراً مِنَ الرامِينَ إِذْ تَوَدَّقا

68. Its clamor rises when the jaws meet
A bare head where baldness slides down

٦٨. حَتَّى إِذَا الرِيُّ سَقاها وَاسْتَقا
مِنْ بارِدِ الغَيْضِ الَّذِي تَمَهَّقا

69. Its trickling exposes tender moons when he frowns
Of one with gap teeth and a sliding protrusion

٦٩. جَرْعاً يَنُسُّ القافِزاتِ النُقَّقا
أَصْدَرَ في أَعْجازِ لَيْل أَطْرَقا

70. As if he moves a towering mountain
He cannot climb in it a smooth incline

٧٠. وَلا تَرَى الدَهْرَ عَنِيفاً أَرْفَقا
مِنْهُ بِهَا في غَيْرَةٍ وَأَلْبَقا

71. To inherit glorious heights constantly frowning
I was hostile to enemies, and spoke

٧١. وَلا عَلَى هِجْرانِهِنَّ أَعْشَقا
حُبّاً وَإِلْفاً طالَ ما تَعَشَّقا

72. So raise sincere praise, and believe it
The elect and the choice are the purified

٧٢. وَمِشْذَباً عَنْهَا إِذَا تَشَمَّقا
دَعْ ذَا وَرَاجِعْ مَنْطِقاً مُذَلَّقا

73. And God chose what he created, Marwan
How often Marwan rose until he shone

٧٣. أَعْرَبَ مِنْ قَوْلِ القَطا وَأَصْدَقَا
إِنَّا أُناسٌ لا نَمُوتُ فَرَقَا

74. From overwhelming darkness reaching to choke
So God gave him victory and liberation

٧٤. إِذَا سُعارُ فِتْنَةِ تَحَرَّقَا
وَالضَرْبُ يُذْرِي أَذْرُعاً وَأَسْوُقَا

75. Thanks to God for what he facilitated
Marwan, when matters bewildered

٧٥. وَالْهامُ كَالقَيْضِ يَطِيرُ فِلَقَا
وَإِنْ عَدُوٌّ جَهْدَهُ تَمَعَّقا

76. Supporting God, then brace firmly
The command came together in his hands, see how he asked for harmony

٧٦. صُرْنَاهُ بِالْمَكْرُوهِ حَتَّى يصْعَقَا
فَأَصْبَحَ اليَوْمَ لِسَانِي مُطْلَقا

77. A band that draws closer what was separated
He kept repelling the corrupting troublemakers

٧٧. نَصْراً مِن اللَّهِ وَنُورا أَشْرَقا
وَهَاجَنِي جَلّابَةٌ تَسَرَّقا

78. And he takes from behind a horizon, horizons
Until they spread corruption in the countries, confused and perplexed

٧٨. شِعْرِي وَلا يَزْكُو لَهُ مَا لَزَّقا
إِذَا رَآنِي ضَلَّ مَا تَخَلَّقا

79. Killing and disabling whom they desired
But God pacified the anxious hearts

٧٩. فَمَاتَ لَوْ كَان ابْن أَرْضٍ أَطْرَقا
وَقَد أَذَقْت الشُعَراء الذُوَّقا

80. And freed us from the ignorant, troubled souls
And the kinsmen, harmful and troublesome

٨٠. فُحُولَهمْ وَالآخَرِينَ الدَرْدَقا
مِنِّي إِذَا شَاؤُوا حِداء مِسْوَقا

81. And whoever believed Marwan truthfully
In obeying God and what he spent

٨١. حَتَّى صَغَا نابِحُهُمْ فَوَقْوَقا
وَالكَلْبُ لا يَنْبِحُ إِلّا فَرَقا

82. Marwan gave him security, good and loyal
His influence lasted so he was not blamed

٨٢. نَبْحَ الكِلابِ اللَيْثَ لَمَّا حَمْلَقا
بِمُقْلَةٍ تُوقِدُ فَصّاً أَزْرَقا

83. As if he hung when he hung
His causes on the stars when he wandered

٨٣. تَرَى لَهُ بَرَانِساً وَيَلْمقا
دُبْساً وَنُمْراً فِي شَمِيط أَبْرَقا

84. Far from betrayal, even if it is expected
For one who lost guidance and caused torment

٨٤. زَمْزَمَ يَحْمِي أَجَماً وخَنْدَقا
وَشاعِرٍ أَنْسأْتُهُ فَاسْتَمْحَقا

85. His group tasted swords that chop
In the claws of the hen until they choked

٨٥. يَرْمِي بِسَهْمٍ فِي النِصال أَفْوَقا
وَقَد أَتَانِي أَنَّ عَبْداً أَحْوَقا

86. So God destroyed the wicked slick bandits
Their lies and the dishonest sinner

٨٦. مُسْتَوْلِغاً تابِعَةً وَمُلْزَقا
يُوعِدُنِي وَلَوْ دَنَا لَاسْتَغْلَقا

87. And those who rebelled in religion or sank in it
Thirstily seeking war until it is crushed

٨٧. فِي حَبْلِ جَذّابٍ يَمُدُّ المُخنِقا
لا يُنْشِط العَقْد إِذَا مَا أَوْثَقا

88. It does not fill the land with a deep-rooted abundance
A torrent flooding and armies layered

٨٨. كَقَفَل الرُومِيِّ لا بَل أَغْلَقا
تَحْمِيه أَطْرافُ الشَبَا أَنْ يَقْلِقا

89. When the pots of the multitudes simmer
Their simmering boiled and burned

٨٩. مِنْ عَضِّ إِنشابٍ يَرُدُّ المِيشَقا
وَإِنْ أَمالَ المُقْرَماتُ الشِقْشِقا

90. Whoever deviated from the path of guidance and was narrow minded
The ways of the miserable are ways of discord

٩٠. سامَيْنَ مِنِّي أَسْطُوَانا أَعْنَقا
يَعْدِلُ عَنْ هَدْلاءَ شِدْقا أَشْدَقا

91. The generosity of Marwan when it flows
Is like rain generosity when it flows

٩١. إِذَا ثَنَا فِيهَا الهَجِيرَ بَقْبَقا
يَضِجُّ نابَاه إِذَا مَا أَصْلَقا

92. When growth soaks it, it revives foliage
Covering the cisterns of stables overflowing

٩٢. صَقْعاً تَخِرُّ البُزلُ مِنْهُ صَعَقا
فِي رَأسِ رَأَّاسٍ إِذَا ما أَطْبَقا

93. An estuary stretched out by the sea tranquil
It irrigated and sated pasture, so it flourished

٩٣. خرْدَلَها تَقْصِيلُهُ وَدَقَّقا
يَفْرَقْنَ مِنْ قَمْرٍ إِذَا تَحَنَّقا

94. Passionately preserving what it preserved for us
Graciously offering his money and loosening

٩٤. مِنْ ذِي شَناخِيبَ وَهادٍ أَشْنَقا
كَأَنَّهُ حارِكُ طَودٍ أَشْهَقا

95. He was like the shepherd of lambs, no, foolish
He did not realize what fine quality he herded

٩٥. لا يَرْتَقِي فِيهِ مِزلّاً مِزْلَقا
فِي إِرْثِ مَجْدٍ طالَ مَا تَحَنَّقا

96. When he saw our ears repelled and slid
Striking his colleagues having congealed

٩٦. عَلَى العِدَى أَزْرِي بِهِمْ وَأَنْطَقا
فَارْفَعْ ثَناءً صادِقاً مُصَدَّقا

97. Our shoulders and broken kneecaps
When he wanted to trample people layered

٩٧. إِنَّ المُنَقَّى وَالخِيارَ المُنْتَقَا
مَرْوانُ وَاللَّهُ انْتَقَى ما خَلَقا

98. He trampled them heavily with piercing intensity
Say to peoples who attained disappointment

٩٨. وَكَمْ جَلا مَرْوانُ حَتَّى أَشْرَقا
مِنْ غَمَراتٍ تَبْلُغُ المُخَنَّقا

99. Plucking falsehoods frayed
Disbelief is an illness not cured by rest

٩٩. فَنَصَرَ اللَّهُ بِهِ وَأَعْتَقا
فَالْحَمْدُ للَّهِ عَلَى ما وَفَّقا

100. My friend, I hate your diluted judgement
It resembles a slave who misguided you confused

١٠٠. مَرْوانَ إِذْ تاقُوا الأُمُورَ التُوَّقا
شَآمِيَاً بِاللَّهِ ثُمَّ أُعْرِقا

101. Your Master, the tranquil, composed dignified one
We have seen the lion from amongst us frenzied

١٠١. فَاجْتَمَع الأَمْرُ لَهُ فَاسْتَوْسَقا
لَفّاً يُدَانِي بَيْنَ مَنْ تَفَرَّقا

102. He denied what they had and split
The protective zeal from Tamim decided

١٠٢. مَا زَالَ يَنْفِي المُفْسِدِينَ البُوَّقا
وَيَغْتَزِي مِنْ بَعْدِ أُفْقٍ أُفُقا

103. When the honour of peoples are violated carelessly
When he saw a hint that stirs anxiety

١٠٣. حَتَّى اشْفَتَرُّوا فِي البِلادِ أُبَّقا
قَتْلاً وَتَعْوِيقاً عَلَى مَنْ عَوَّقا

104. He acknowledged their protector, having congealed
He did not settle the conflict until it was satisfactory

١٠٤. فَسَكَّنَ اللَّهُ القُلُوبَ الخُفَّقا
وَاعْتَاقَ عَنْهُ الجاهِلِينَ العُوَّقا

105. For reconciliation, from disdain and a sharp stab
When they wanted his blood it oozed

١٠٥. مِنَ العِدَا وَالأَقْرَبِينَ العُقَّقا
وَمَنْ بَلا مَرْوَان مِنْهُ مَصْدَقا

106. With the pangs of death or it dripped
As for me, I was the eloquent poet

١٠٦. فِي طاعَة اللَّهِ وَفِيمَا أَنْفَقا
أَعْطاهُ مَرْوَانُ الذِمام الأَوْفَقا

107. Who composes the refined ingenuity
In script and creativity of the highly valued

١٠٧. فَامْتَدَّ حَتَّى لَمْ يَكُنْ مُرَمَّقا
كَأَنَّما أَعْلَقَ حِين أَعْلَقا

108. When I saw evil shining
And a strife that throws whoever it struck

١٠٨. أَسْبابَهُ بِالنَجْمِ حِينَ حَلَّقا
بُعْداً مِنَ الغَدْرِ وَإِنْ تَوَعَّقا

109. Whoever falls in its sticky muck embarrassed
I retreated from my strong, guided opinion

١٠٩. عَلَى امْرِئٍ ضَلَّ الهُدَى وَأَوْبَقا
مُهْجَتَهُ ذاقَ الحُسَامَ المِخْفَقا

١١٠. فِي قَيْضِ أُمِّ الفَرْخِ حَتَّى نَقْنَقا
فَدَمَّرَ اللَّهُ الشُرَاةَ الفُتَّقا

١١١. ضَحّاكَهُمْ وَالخَيْبَرِيَّ الأَفْسَقَا
وَمَنْ بَغَى فِي الدِينِ أَوْ تَعَمَّقا

١١٢. يَسْتَزْحِرُونَ الحَرْبَ حَتَّى تَدْحَقا
ما يَمْلأُ الأَرْضَ بِحَاراً بُثَّقا

١١٣. سَيْلاً بِطاحاً وَجُنُوداً طَبَقَا
إِذَا قُدُور الأَكْثَرِينَ مَرَقا

١١٤. جاشَتْ فَأَحْمَى غَلْيُها وَأَحْرَقا
مَنْ ضَلَّ مِنْهاجَ الهُدَى وَضَيَّقا

١١٥. وَعادَة الأَشْقَيْنَ عاداتُ الشَقا
وَجُودُ مَرْوانَ إِذَا تَدَفَّقا

١١٦. جُودٌ كَجُودِ الغَيْثِ إِذَ تَبَعَّقا
إِذَا أَسْتَقاهُ العِرْقُ أَحْيَا وَرَقا

١١٧. يَغْشَوْنَ غَرَّافَ السِجالِ مِدْفَقا
مَدَّ لَهُ البَحْرُ خَلِيجاً مُتْأَقا

١١٨. سَقَى فَأَرْوَى وَرَعَا فَأَسْنَقا
وَحَائِنٍ مِنْ حِينِهِ تَمَأَّقا

١١٩. لَنَا وَأَهْدَى مالَهُ وَطَلَّقا
كانَ كَرَاعِي الضَأْنِ لا بَل أَحْمَقا

١٢٠. لَمْ يَدْرِ ما أَرْسَلَ مِمَّا رَبَّقَا
لَمَّا رَأَى آذِيَّنَا تَدَلَّقا

١٢١. يَضْرِبُ عِبْرَيْهِ وَيَغْشَى المِدْعَقا
وَكاهِلاً مِنَّا وَجَوْزاً مِدْهَقا

١٢٢. إِذَا أَرادَ هَرْسَ قَوْمٍ طَبَّقا
فَدَاسَهُمْ دَوْساً وَدَقّاً مِدْقَقا

١٢٣. فَقُلْ لأَقْوامٍ أَصَابُوا خَفَقا
يَقْتَضِبُونَ الكَذِبَ المُسَمْلَقا

١٢٤. وَالكُفْرُ داءٌ لا تُدَاوِيهِ الرُقَا
رَبِيعَ لُوْمِي رَأْيَكِ المُدَبَّقا

١٢٥. أَشْبَهَ عَبْداً قادَكُمْ وَغَيَّقا
سيِّدَكُمْ ذا الوَدَعِ الهَبَنَّقا

١٢٦. وَقَدْ رَأَيْنَا الأُسْدَ مِنَّا بَهْلَقا
أَنْكَرَ مِمَّا عِنْدَهُمْ وَأَفْلَقا

١٢٧. حَمْسَاءَ تَمَّتْ مِنْ تَمِيم فَيْلَقا
إِذَا اسْتَبَاحَتْ عِزَّ قَوْمٍ طَرَّقا

١٢٨. لَمَّا رَأَى غَمْزاً يُحِقُّ الأَرْفَقا
أَقَرَّ حامِيهِمْ وَقَدْ تَصَلَّقا

١٢٩. وَمَا أَقَرَّ النَزْوَ حَتَّى اسْتَوْدَقا
لِلصُّلْحِ مِنْ صَقْعٍ وَطَعْن أَبْخَقا

١٣٠. إِذَا أَرادُوا دَسْمَهُ تَفَتَّقا
بِنَاخِشَاتِ المَوْتِ أَوْ تَمَطَّقا

١٣١. إِنِّي وَكُنْتُ الشاعِرَ المُسْتَنْطَقا
أَنْسُجُ نَسْجَ الصَنَعِ المُحَقَّقا

١٣٢. تَحْبِيرَهُ وَالخُسْرُوَان الأَعْتَقا
لَمَّا رَأَيْتُ الشَرَّ قَدْ تَأَلَّقا

١٣٣. وَفِتْنَةً تَرْمِي بِمَنْ تَصَفَّقا
هَنَّا وَهَنَّا عَنْ قِذاف أَخْلَقا

١٣٤. مَنْ خَرَّ فِي طِخْطاخِهِ تَزَخْلَقا
رَجَعْتُ مِنْ رَأْيِي القَوِيَّ الأَطْوَقا