1. We are those who greeted the dawn
On the day of the palm trees with a fierce attack
١. نَحْنُ اللَّذُونَ صبَّحُوا الصَباحا
يَوْمَ النُخَيْلِ غارَةً مِلْحاحا
2. We are those who killed the screaming king
Stirring lamentations for an epoch
٢. نَحْنُ قَتَلْنَا المَلِكَ الجَحْجاحا
دَهْراً فَهَيَّجْنا بِهِ أَنْواحا
3. Today there is no jest or lies
When they were insolent we assaulted them violently
٣. لا كَذِبَ اليَوْمِ وَلا مِزاحا
مَذْحِجَ فَاجْتَحْناهُمُ اجْتِياحا
4. We left no respite for any fugitive
Except houses with blood spilled or ruins
٤. فَلَمْ نَدَعْ لِسارِحٍ مُراحا
إِلَّا دِياراً أَوْ دَماً مُفاحا
5. We are the clan of Khuwailid, clearly
٥. نَحْنُ بَنُو خُوَيْلِدٍ صِراحا