
I have come from Hanthalah's thickets,

وصلت من حنظلة الأسطما

1. I have come from Hanthalah's thickets,
And the many-hilled places abounding in rocks and stones,

١. وصَلْتُ مِن حَنْظَلَةَ الأُسْطُمَّا
وَالعَدَدَ الغُطامِطَ الغِطَمّا

2. Then you came, a deaf adder,
Huge, loving the hugest forms,

٢. ثُمَّتَ جِئْتُ حَيَّة أَصَمّا
ضَخْماً يُحِبُّ الخُلُق الأَضْخَمَّا

3. She shows you an arm and wrist,
Stout, with spreading fingers,

٣. وَهْيَ تُرِيكَ مِعْضَداً وَمِعْصَما
عَبْلاً وَأَطْرافَ بَنانٍ مُعْنَما

4. Deadly Teyma that spares none who dares approach her,
When she is approached by one of coiled form, dwarfish,

٤. تَيْماءُ لا يَنْجُو بِها مَنْ دَوَّما
إِذَا عَلاها ذُو انْقِباضٍ أَجْذَما

5. Whoever descends into our deep hollows,
Is as though he descends into clefts that subside with him,

٥. مَنْ خَرَّ في قَمْقامِنا تَقَمْقَما
كَأَنَّه في هُوَّةٍ تَذَحلَما

6. As Pharaoh plunged down when he drowned,
Beneath the waves billowing as he sank.

٦. كَما هَوى فِرعَونُ إِذ تَغَمغَما
تَحْتَ ظِلالِ المَوْجِ إِذْ تَدَأَّما

7. Yet the glory of Temim remains steadfast,
Calling the people, who answer the call;

٧. وَلَمْ يَزَلْ عِزُّ تَمِيمٍ مُدْعَما
لِلنّاسِ يَدْعُو هَيْقَماً فَهَيْقَما

8. As the sea whatever you throw to it swallows,
And whoever we guide finds the road easy,

٨. كَالبَحْرِ ما لَقَّمْتَهُ تَلَقَّما
وَمَن أَرَيْنَاه الطَرِيق اسْتَلْحَما

9. And whoever's head we tap is shattered;
So God broke the proud noses,

٩. وَمَنْ هَمَزْنا رَأْسَهُ تَهَشَّما
فَأَرْغَمَ اللَّهُ الأُنُوفَ الرُغَّما

10. And humbled the rancorous and inveterate.
They recoil from the pillars of glory they defame,

١٠. مَجْدُوعَها وَالعَنِتَ المُخَشَّما
يَهْوُونَ عَنْ أَرْكانِ عِزٍّ يُشْتَما

11. Wronging no people, and wronged by none,
Nor have I ever swerved from guarding my people,

١١. لا ظالِمَ الناسِ وَلا مُظَلَّما
وَلَم أَزَلْ عَنْ عِرْضِ قَوْمِي مِرْجَما

12. With a torrent of words the overwhelming flood;
Not one whose bones are cracked, or who is pierce-marked,

١٢. بِهَدْرِ هَدّارٍ يَمُجُّ البَلْغَما
لا خَرِعَ العَظْمِ وَلا مُوَصَّما

13. We praise our Lord the Most High, the All-Glorious.

١٣. نَحْمَدُ مَوْلانا الأَجَلَّ الأَفْخَما