
O Bakr, you have rebuked early, leaving lasting embers in the heart,

يا بكر قد عجلت لوما باكرا

1. O Bakr, you have rebuked early, leaving lasting embers in the heart,
While time takes its revenge on the cunning trickster,

١. يا بَكْرُ قَدْ عَجَّلْتَ لَوْماً باكِرَا
يَتْرُكُ فِي القَلْبِ سُعَاراً ساعِرَا

2. Letting the vicissitudes of fate and time run their course,
For time in its ups and downs is bound by causation,

٢. وَالعَقْبُ يَعْتَزُّ الدّهِيَّ الماكِرا
يُجْرِي دَهارِيسَ وَدَهْراً داهِرَا

3. The repetition of nights is enough of a deterrent,
And every moment seeks to uncover treasures,

٣. وَالدَهْرُ مِنْ تَرْدادِه الأَطَاوِرَا
رَهْنٌ بِأَسْبابٍ تَصُورُ الصائِرا

4. You saw me not as one traveling afar,
Battling the biting winds and scorching heat,

٤. كَفَى بِتَكْرارِ اللَيالِي زاجِرا
وَكُلُّ ساعٍ يَجْتَبِي الذَخائِرا

5. Disheveled, a Najdi wandering and bewildered,
Turned away from pleasures and diversions, disinterested,

٥. لَقَدْ رَأَتْنِي لا أَنِي مُسَافِرا
أَلْقَى رِياحَ البَرْدِ وَالأَحارِرا

6. With the hair on my forehead unkempt,
Besides some tufts like the remnants of ruins,

٦. أَشْعَثَ نَجْدِيّاً وَمَرّاً غائِرا
عَنِ التَصابِي وَالغَوانِي فاتِرا

7. Repelled, as old age reveals its ugliness,
The gates of Umm al-Baww have become barred,

٧. وَالشَعْرَ عَنْ جَبْهَةِ راسِي حاسِرا
أَجْلَحَ إِلَّا قَزَعاً زَعائِرا

8. Since she saw the first signs of a beard on my face,
The ravens atop my head took fright and fled away,

٨. صَدَّتْ وَيُبْدِي الكِبَرُ المَقَاذِرا
صُدُود أَمِّ البَوِّ أَمْسَتْ ذائِرا

9. When gray hair descended, becoming prevalent,
God does not keep the flying raven far away,

٩. مِن أَنْ رَأَتْ في لِحْيَتِي القَتَائِرا
لاَقَى غُرابُ الراسِ ذُعْراً ذاعِرا

10. So if you see, wherever it once nested,
Some newly sprung shoots of old age sprouting,

١٠. إِذْ نَزَلَ الشَيْبُ فَأَمْسَى نَافِرا
لا يُبْعِدُ اللَّهُ الغُرابَ الطائِرا

11. It has shown me gluttony and harm,
And lack of generosity, while being fruitful,

١١. فَإِنْ تَرَى فِي حَيْثُ كانَ واكِرا
مِنِّي بَغَاثَ الكِبَرِ الهَنابِرا

12. With a soft complexion and raining body,
When my bow's strength brooked no resistance,

١٢. فَقَدْ أُرِي الأَدْمانَ وَالجَآذِرا
وَحَفْاً مِنَ الكَرْمِ عَلَيَّ ناشِرا

13. And it envisioned for me in youth armed forces,
My demon self that would strike the mighty lions down,

١٣. وَلِينَ سَحْناءَ وَجِسْماً ماطِرا
إِذْ مَتْنُ قَوْسِي لَمْ يُنَازِعْ آطِرا

14. I was almost ignorant enough to love the migrant,
In an era in which we lived most tumultuously,

١٤. وَقَدْ أَرَى لِي في الصِبا عَساكِرا
جِنِّيَ جِنٍّ أَضْرِبُ الأَسادِرا

15. And we recalled the mighty favors,
And a boyhood that did not let us forget the first steps.

١٥. أَكَادُ مِنْ جَهْلٍ أُحِبُّ الهاجِرا
فِي عُصُرٍ عِشْنا بِه أَعاصِرا

16. It was a time of most intimate and enchanting company,
An upright gathering and enrapturing company,

١٦. وَقَدْ ذَكَرْنا النِعَمَ الأحابِرَا
وصَبْوَةً لَمْ تُنْسِنا الأَخافِرا

17. If only the attainment of the redolent drink were obligatory,
And modesty made them avoid the forgiver,

١٧. أَزْمان أَرْقِي الأُنَّسَ المَعاصِرا
رُقْيَةَ خَتَّالٍ وَطِبّاً ساحِرا

18. Would that the days of youth were revolving,
And the wares of youth were sold by the merchant,

١٨. لَوْ نِيلَ زَلّالَ المَرَاقِي فادِرا
والعُصْمُ دَلّاهُنَّ عَنْ مَغَافِرا

19. We would give him a dinar before he could haggle,
To buy back flourishing youth from the auctioneer,

١٩. فَلَيْت أَيَّام الصِبَا عَواكِرا
وَلَيْتَ مُبْتاعَ الشَبابِ التاجِرا

20. That polishes and removes the tarnish,
And a land whose leader becomes confused,

٢٠. نُعْطِيهِ حُكْراً قَبْل أَنْ يُحاكِرا
فِي البَيْعِ لَوْ رَدَّ الشَبَابَ النَاضِرا

21. From a five-handed blow that rouses the inert,
When its flags don the veils,

٢١. يَصْقُل أَصْقالاً تُجِدُّ الداثِرا
وَبَلْدَةٍ يُمْسِي قَطَاها خادِرا

22. With a single swoop its leaders lost their wits,
Sloughing off and donning shrouds,

٢٢. مِنْ وَلْقِ خِمْسٍ يَحْفِزُ الأكادِرا
إِذَا أَكْتَسَت أَعلامُها السَدائِرا

23. While avoiding a kneeler and walker,
Head down, though he may raise up the lowly,

٢٣. مِنْ هَبْوَةٍ قُنُعَها السَمَادِرا
تَلَفَّعَتْ وَاجْتابَتِ البَقائِرا

24. They are covering the land and the surfaces,
Waves of mirages and a rolling sea,

٢٤. وَاجْتَبْنَ إِلَّا ناقِعاً وَسائِرا
مُخَفِّضاً لَوْ يَرْفَع الأَقاصِرا

25. As the blazing sun intensifies its raging heat,
Charging with arrows flung fiercely,

٢٥. يَكْسُونَ بَطْن الأَرْضِ وَالظَواهِرا
غُدْرانَ ضَحْضاحٍ وَمَوْجاً مائِرا

26. You can see it from the kindling of its embers
Drawing the deepest bog into its heat,

٢٦. وَالقَيْظُ يُحْمِي شَمْسهُ الظَهائِرا
هَجْماً وَأَجَّاجَ سَهامٍ سَاجِرا

27. And into the hollows of the burnt-out dunes,
I tasked them with gifts of gold coins

٢٧. تَرَاهُ مِنْ إِيقادِهِ الوَغائِرا
يُولِج أَرْطَى الغِينَة اليَعافِرا

28. That shake off the nation's filth and the trains' excrement,
The shaking of an ostrich scattering its plumage far and wide,

٢٨. وَفِي أَلاءِ الرَمْلَةِ المَحَافِرا
كَلَّفْتُها العِيدِيَّةَ الزَنانِرا

29. Coming humbly to them like the buzzing of flies,
As skill builds up bricks, layer by layer,

٢٩. يَنْفُضْنَ لَوْثَ القَوْمِ وَالقواتِرا
نَفْضَ النَعامِ الزِفَف الأَزاعِرا

30. A secret he constructed brick by brick,
I spread out the saddlecloth threadbare

٣٠. دَانَى لَهُنَّ الطَّيُّ زَبْراً زابِرَا
كَمَا يُعَالِي الصَنَعُ الجَدَائِرا

31. Capriciously becoming pregnant or barren,
As if, together with the howdah, arousing the fleer,

٣١. رَازٌ بَنَاهَا آجُراً وَآجُرَا
وَقَدْ فَرَشْتُ الرَحْلَ حَرْفاً ضامِرا

32. A widow from a fine woven garment, covering the haughty,
Soliciting the scattering of seeds and drunken,

٣٢. هَوْجاءَ تَمْسِي لَقَحا أَوْ عاقِرا
كَأَنَّها وَالأَيْنُ يُنْدِي الذافِرا

33. Even if the tent stakes battered and bruised the thumb bones,
From the hardness of a bow or the pain of elbows,

٣٣. قُرْواءُ مِنْ ساجٍ تُغَشِّي الثائِرا
مَشْتَقَّ مُسْتَنِّ الذُرَى وَساكِرا

34. And the hurling of pebbles from its violent shaking,
And from the deserts by its sorcerous hands,

٣٤. وَإِنْ خَبَطْنَ البِيدَ وَالأَسامِرا
مِنْ صُلْبِ قُفٍّ أَوْجَع الأَماعِرا

35. A barrenness that makes faraway places seem near,
You can see in its Najdi valleys the low sand dunes,

٣٥. نَكْبُ الحَصَى مِنْ رَهْصِهِ الجَماعِرا
وَمِنْ صَحَارِي بِيدِه الأَصاحِرا

36. And the groves and thickets of trees,
And if we transcended wilderness, empty and vacant,

٣٦. جَدْباً يُنَزِّي بُعْدُهُ الحَزاوِرا
تَرَى بِنَجْدَيْهِ المَهَا الغَرائِرا

37. Once settled, it would become populated,
With flames that penetrate the deep darkness,

٣٧. وَالعِينَ وَالأَلّالَةَ الأَواشِرا
وَإِن أَجَزْنا العِيسَ قَفْراً قافِرا

38. Serving the passage of ships and crossings,
Stirring up activity fleetingly,

٣٨. ذا قُحَم أَمْسَتْ بِهِ سَوامِرا
شُهْباً تَشُقُّ الظُلَم الأَخاضِرا

39. Pursuing the people until the furthest reaches,
From Syria and the yellow fortresses,

٣٩. كَانتْ لأَجْوازِ المَلَا مَسَابِرا
تَنَشَّطُ الخَرْقَ انْتِشاطاً عابِرا

40. Rather, I rode the risky vessel,
Looking for a protected sanctuary and pilgrimage,

٤٠. بِالْقَوْمِ حَتَّى تُدْرِك الأَقاعِرا
مِنَ القُصَى وَالأُجَّن الأَصافِرا

41. A caliph we can cast the undesirables at,
Or a king who does not deny the pulpits,

٤١. بَلْ قَدْ رَكِبْتُ المَرْكَبَ المُغَامِرا
أَنْظُرُ مَوْلَى حُرْمَةٍ وَزائِرا

42. So O angry one, if you wish to dispute,
Ask the towering camel necks and humps,

٤٢. خَلِيفَةً نَرْمِي بِهِ العَراعِرا
أَوْ مَلِكاً لا يُنْكِرُ المَنَابِرا

43. About enmity, fraud, and overt antagonism,
While the weak and oppressed are cast down in humiliation,

٤٣. فَأَيُّها الغَضْبانُ أَنْ يُحاوِرا
سائِلْ أُنُوفَ النُعَّرِ النَواعِرا

44. It will inform you, if you perceive a discerning glance,
That we straighten the twisted and crooked,

٤٤. مِنَ العِدى وَالخُنْزُوانَ الشَاخِرا
وَالعَبْدُ وَالمَكْثُورُ يُلْقَى صاغِرا

45. With blows that crush even the uncrushable,
Vanquishing and felling a rare head,

٤٥. تُنْبِئْكَ إِنْ آنَسْتَ لَمْحاً باصِرا
أَنْ قَدْ نُقِيمُ الصَعَر الأَزاوِرا

46. And with curses we silence the grumblers,
So bring before us one to be refuted or debate, a poet,

٤٦. بِمقْرَمَاتٍ تَخْدِرُ المَخَادِرا
يَضْغَمْن أَوْ يَخْفِقْنَ رَأْساً نادِرا

47. If you are truly observing us,
For we have seen the flaws and disgraces,

٤٧. وَبِالدَوَاهِي نُسْكِتُ النَخَاورا
فَاجْلُب إِلَيْنا مُفْحَماً أَوْ شاعِرا

48. Suffering vilification and quick reprisal,
When evil dons its finery,

٤٨. إِنْ كُنْتَ بِالجِدِّ إِلَيْنا ناظِرا
فَقَدْ رَأَيْنا العُورَ وَالأَخازِرا

49. And the oath-breaker and forgiver,
The Meccan and the Maghrebi and the veil-makers,

٤٩. يَلْقَوْنَ تَعْوِيراً وَصَكّاً بادِرا
مِنَّا إِذَا الشَرُّ اكْتَسَى الأَنامِرا

50. And the cavalry that bites the gaping throat,
God has made them behind an impregnable wall,

٥٠. وَالحَلَقَ الماذِيَّ وَالمَغافِرا
والمَشْرَفِيَّ وَالقَنَا العَواتِرا

51. To oppress the sinners, an overwhelming sovereign,
With excellent safekeeping that protects the sanctuaries,

٥١. وَالجُرْدَ يَعْلكْنَ الشَكِيمَ الثَاغِرا
قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ بِحَجْرٍ حاجِرا

52. A pillar of strength from us and a crashing torrent,
Warning, making clear his great affairs,

٥٢. عَلَى المُسِيئِينَ وَمُلْكاً قاهِرا
مِنْ ذِي حِفاظٍ يَحْفَظُ الذَمائِرا

53. A shining lantern whose light never wanes,
And if we desire a people's glory erased,

٥٣. دِعامَةً مِنَّا وَقَرْماً هادِرا
أَنْذَرَ يُبْدِي أَمْرَه النَذائِرا

54. We have geared for the foes dread and rancor,
We named them angrily, with lasting, festering hatred,

٥٤. فَرَّاجَ غُمَّى لا يَنِي مُصاحِرا
وَإِن بَغَيْنا عِزَّ قَوْمٍ كاسِرا

55. And the ferocity of proud glory, perilous to rival,
With which we subdue the potent heroes,

٥٥. وَقَدْ شَدَدْنَا لِلْعُدَا المَآزِرا
سُمْنَاهُمُ غَيْظاً وَبُجْراً باجِرا

56. Even if the lions attacked with fury,
They would meet the grip of violent youth in conflict,

٥٦. وَقَهْبَ عِزٍّ مُصْعَباً مُخاطِرا
بِهِ نَدُولُ الجِلَّةَ القَياسِرا

57. When the bowstrings were taut and throats pinched,
We flung them into chilling graves,

٥٧. وَالأُسْدَ إِنْ قَاسَرْنَنَا القَساوِرا
لاقَيْنَ قِرْضابَ الشَبَا قُناصِرا

58. As if they were loathsome female corpses,
Or the severed horns of a wretched beast,

٥٨. إِذا شَحَا الأَشْداقَ وَالحَناجِرا
لَهُن أَلْقاهُنَّ في جَرَاجِرا

59. When crouching to sharpen his elbows,
The joints of necks and humps,

٥٩. كَأَنَّ مِنْ عادِيَّةٍ مَقَابِرا
أَوْ قَرْنَ حَيْدَى راسِهِ قبائِرا

60. A blow in response to what befell him, fruitlessly,
With slaps that resemble butcher knives,

٦٠. إِذا تَقَبَّى يَشْحَذُ المَآشِرا
مَجامِع الأَعْناقِ وَالقَنابِرا

61. They tasted from it a bloody and sullied battle,
As if it were injuries, rocks, and blazing embers,

٦١. ضَغْماً لِمَا نالَ وَخَلْباً عاقِرا
بِسَرْطَمَاتٍ تُحْسَبُ الخَناجِرا

62. And the violent swaying of one mounted on a stretcher,
And jolts that break the broken ones,

٦٢. مارَسْنَ مِنْهُ عَرِكاً عُذَافِرا
كَأَنَّ أَوْجاماً وَصَخْراً صاخِرا

63. While the lions dread its impact, muted,
Fearing its onslaughts and sudden calamities,

٦٣. وَحَيْد أَرْضامٍ عَلَى ضَمازِرا
لَثَّدْنَ مِن أَجْرازِهِ زَوافِرا

64. They have tasted from it combat without respite,
A roaring agitated by outrage and humps,

٦٤. وَمِخْبَطاتٍ تَكْسِرُ المَكاسِرا
وَالأُسْدُ تَخْشَى وَقْعَهُ جَواحِرا

65. When intending to gore or trample,
It flung the fierce lions into slaughterhouses,

٦٥. خُرْساً فَما تَسْمَعُ مِنْها زائِرا
يَرْهَبْنَ مِنْ صَوْلاتِهِ البَوادِرا

66. There occurred slaughter along with maiming of the barren,
From the length of what it dragged around,

٦٦. قَدْ ذُقْنَ مِنْهُ عَرِكاً مُهاصِرا
هَوّاسَةً ذا لِبْدَةٍ هُزابِرا

67. But I have sworn an oath and warning,
While my knowledge informs the well-informed,

٦٧. إِذا أَرَاد النَطْح أَوْ مُداسِرا
أَلْقَى اللُيُوثَ الحُمْسَ فِي مَجازِرا

68. I have stayed up nightly thinking of you,
By Him who reveals secrets,

٦٨. جَرى مَعَ الصَرعِ وَعَقراً عاقرا
مِن طُولِ ما جرَّرها المَجَاورا

69. From where terse meaning conceals the meanings,
Of the hidden and the manifest,

٦٩. بَلْ قَدْ حَلَفْتُ حَلَفاً وَناذِرا
وَكُنْتُ وَالإِخْبارُ تُحْفِي الخابِرا

70. It was not my abandonment to become a migrant,
A migrant, since I never visited as one migrating,

٧٠. أَبِيتُ مِنْ هَمِّي إِلَيْكَ ساهِرا
فَوَالَّذِي يَطَّلِعُ السَرائِرا

71. Except for recurring chills that afflict the visitor,
How can I forget a suitor and refuser

٧١. مِنْ حَيْثُ يَطْوِي المُضْمِرُ الضَمائِرا
مِنْ باطِنِ السِرِّ وَأَمْراً ظاهِرا

72. Of your kinship with us and a commander ordaining
The Sunna of justice and a victorious sword,

٧٢. ما كانَ هَجْرِي أَن أَكُونَ هاجِرا
مُهاجِراً مُذْ لَم أَزُرْ مُهاجِرا

73. For God, I follow His religion as a supporter,
And for the Commander of the Faithful, I prefer,

٧٣. إِلَّا عَوَادٍ يَعْتَقِينَ الزائِرا
وَكَيْف أَنْسَى رَاجِياً وَناكِرا

74. Over the nature of natures, chaste,
Saved in conduct upon moral ways,

٧٤. قُرْبَاكَ مِنَّا وَأَمِيراً آمِرا
بِسُنَّةٍ العَدْلِ وَسَيْفاً ناصِرا

75. Truthful, pious, and modestly veiled,
And a forbearance that spared him tribulations,

٧٥. لِلّه أَرْعَى دِينَهُ مُوازِرا
وَلأَمِيرِ المُؤْمِنِينَ آثِرا

76. And if you pull the knot tightly, coercively,
You will not find in his covenant one who betrays,

٧٦. عَنْ طَبَع الأَطْباعِ عَفّاً طاهِرا
يَنْجُو مِنَ الأَمْرِ عَلَى مَعَابِرا

77. And if he sees the bare-faced unbelief of a disbeliever,
An unjust arbiter unaware of insights,

٧٧. صِدْقاً وَتَقْوى وَعَفَافاً ساتِرا
وَشِيَماً جَنَّبْنَهُ القَناطِرا

78. One whose transgression permits transgressions,
Misleading one who has strayed from the path, lost,

٧٨. وَإِنْ شَدَدْتَ العِقْدَ إِصْراً آصِرا
لَمْ تُلْقَ عِنْدَ العَهْدِ فِيهِ غادِرا

79. Into feared misfortunes that loss incurrs,
And a concealer who observes the circles,

٧٩. وَإِنْ رَأَى باخِعَ كُفْرٍ كافِرا
مُحَكِّماً لا يَعْرِفُ البَصَائِرا

80. God poured upon him a striking falcon,
And defeat that hangs the defeated,

٨٠. مِمَّنْ يَرُدُّ البَغْيُ في مَحائِرا
تَغْيِيقَ مَنْ ضَلَّ السَبِيلَ دَاجِرا

81. Shutting in the passages and crossings,
Or a rotating prison where he ended up fallen,

٨١. في مُخسَراتٍ يَسْتَثِرْنَ الخاسِرا
وَمُسْتَسِرّاً يَرْقُبُ الدَوائِرا

82. His transgression humbled, in disgrace,
With shackles on his legs, his garment dragged,

٨٢. صَبَّ عَلَيْهِ اللَّهُ صَقْراً صاقرا
وَناسِراتٍ تُعْلِقُ المَنَاسِرا

83. When he complains of pain in his ravaged throat,
They tightened the nails upon his fingertips,

٨٣. تَنْتَظِم الأَجْوازَ وَالكَعابِرا
أَوْ سِجْنَ دَوَّارٍ فَأَمْسَى دَاثِرا

84. There he complains, anguished or patient,
And if he saw an opponent disputing in truth,

٨٤. مُحْتَنِيَ البَغْيِ مُهَاناً صاغِرا
تَسْحَبُ رِجْلاهُ قِمِطْراً شاغِرا

85. Crooked, unaware of the rights of the Creator,
Delighting in wrong, leaving none untouched,

٨٥. إِذا اشْتَكَى في الحَلَقِ المَحافِرا
شَدُّوا عَلَى أَطْرافِه المَسامِرا

86. And if he intended to ride the lame mounts,
The testicles might meet the blow,

٨٦. هُناكَ يَشْكُو جازِعا أَوْ صابِرا
وَإِنْ رَأَى في الحَقِّ خَصْماً شاجِرا

87. And the command of the righteous, vanquisher,
The resolved decision of one whose steps never faltered,

٨٧. أَعْوَجَ لا يَعْرِفُ حَقّاً فاطِرا
مُشْتَقَّ جَوْرٍ لَم يَدَعْهُ جائِرا

88. Comes with eased affairs facilely,
And if he saw a stricken or afflicted one,

٨٨. وَإِنْ تَنَمَّى يَرْكَب الأَواعِرا
وَقَدْ يُصِيبُ المِخْصَرُ المَخاصِرا

89. He blamed him with lies and baseless claims,
The enemies tasted from him stabbing swords,

٨٩. وَفْقَ صَلاحٍ وَقَضاءً قاهِرا
عَزْمَ امْرِىءٍ لَمْ يَرْتَدِ الدَغَامِرا

90. Most furious, with lasting, festering hatred,
When the cooking boiled over, fiercely bubbling,

٩٠. يَأتِي بِأَمْرِ اليَسَرِ المُيَاسِرا
وَإِنْ رَأَى أَعْسَر أَوْ مُعاسِرا

91. He cured the honor's wound with spreading harm,
With oil, burning and flaming embers,

٩١. أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ الزَوْرَ وَالكَرَاكِرا
قَدْ عالَجَتْ مِنْهُ العُدَا قُناسِرا

92. While the blaze heals mangy camels,
After friction that scrapes away the scales,

٩٢. أَشْوَس أَبّاءً وَعَضْباً باتِرا
إِذا اسْتَجاشَ الطَبْخَ غَلْياً آفِرا

93. When he saw the injustices and schemes,
Watering bitter afflictions and simmering angers,

٩٣. دَاوَى بِأَرْضِ العِرْضِ عَرّاً باثِرا
بِالنَفط إِحراقاً وشَعلاً ساجرا

94. He bridled the weaving of fabrics and stoked the fires,
A Lord sufficed to restrain wrongs and immoralities,

٩٤. وَالشَعْلُ يَشْفِي الجَرَبَ القُسابِرا
بَعْدَ احْتِكاكٍ يَقْشِرُ المَقاشِرا

95. He did not cease until binding the relations,
Brandishing the enemies a flashing blade,

٩٥. لَمّا رَأَى الأَضْغانَ وَالمَآئِرا
يَسْقِين أَمْراراً وَغَيْظاً واجِرا

96. You see him casting them down into misfortunes,
Either perishing or plummeting from the high places,

٩٦. سَدَّ سَتَى النَسْجِ وَشَدَّ النائِرا
رَبٌّ كَفَاُ العَسْفَ وَالجَوائِرا

97. And if he commanded binding the elite
Around the neck of an obstinate criminal,

٩٧. ما زالَ حَتَّى وَثَّقَ الضَبائِرا
وَلَوَّح الأَعْداءَ صَهْراً صاهِرا

98. Blinder than a dog or chaser,
He twisted him or pulled his pegs,

٩٨. تَراهُ يُهْوِيهمْ عَلَى مَشازِرا
فِي المَوْت أَوْ يَهْوُونَ عَنْ مَطامِرا

99. The tent rope coiled, swirling,
And if the fallen one collapsed into a wadi,

٩٩. وَإِن أَمَرَّ العُقَد الشَزائِرا
في عُنْقِ عاصٍ يَجْتَنِي المَغَادِرا

100. That faltering weakling did not meet him,
Punishing in his essence or forgiving,

١٠٠. أَعْمَى عُمَاة كَلِباً أَوْ داعِرا
أَلْوَى به أَوْ جاذَبَ العَتائِرا

101. You will find for him in each day a besieger,
A duty from truth and issuing justice,

١٠١. سُمْرَ القَنا مَلْوِيَّةً سَماهِرا
وَإِنْ هَوَى الهاوِي عَلَى تَراتِرا

102. And the order of greatness gathering people,
When his days manifest their glories,

١٠٢. لمَْ تَلْقَهُ ذاكَ الذَلُولَ العاثِرا
مُعاقِباً في كُنْهِه أَوْ غافِرا

103. The son of Abdullah extended splendidly
To the lofty heights, luminously shining,

١٠٣. تَرَى لَهُ في كُلِّ يَوْمٍ حاصِرَا
وِرْداً مِنَ الحَقِّ وَحَقّاً صادِرا

104. Like the dawn, brighter and more radiant,
You are a man who builds enduring glory,

١٠٤. وأَمْرَ جُلٍّ يَجْمَعُ المَعَاشِرا
إِذا أَجْتَلَت أَيّامُه المَفَاخِرا

105. The noblest of nobles and the last of them,
The finest of the fine and the most bountiful,

١٠٥. مَدَّ ابْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ شِبْراً شابِرا
إِلَى عُلا الأَعْلا وَضَوْءاً زاهِرا

106. And the most generous, first and last,
When they traced fathers and relatives,

١٠٦. كَالصُبْح أَجْلَى وَالسِرَاجَ باهِرا
أَنْتَ امْرُؤٌ تَعْمُرُ مَجْداً عامِرا

107. In an honored lineage and abundant ancestry,
And you surpassed Qais with prolific increase,

١٠٧. وَالأَشْرَف الأَشْرَف وَالأَخايِرا
وَالاَطْيَبِينَ الطِيبَ وَالاَكاثِرا

108. The length of pillars and firm-rooted continuity,
And the torrent with rushing spillways,

١٠٨. وَالأَكْرَمِينَ أَوَّلاً وَآخِرا
إِذْ حَسَبُوا الآباءَ وَالضَرائِرا

109. They risked glory, while you remained victorious,
You became thanking God abundantly,

١٠٩. في عامِرٍ مَجْداً وَعِرْضاً وافِرا
وَسَدَّ أَيّام العُدَى المَخَاصِرا

110. The scale of justice and an aware guide,
Recognizing norms, denying the deniable,

١١٠. فَقَدْ وَسَطْتَ البَزَرَى الآبازِرا
أَشْرافَها وَالسادَةَ البَهازِرا

111. When matters confused even the greatest,
With puzzling issues that invalidate the claims,

١١١. مَجْداً تَلِيداً لَسْتَ عَنْهُ قاصِرا
في الإِرْثِ وَالعادِيَّةَ الجَماهِرا

112. Begetting or pollinating proliferating harm,
Or yielding on the inauspicious day of the deceiver,

١١٢. وَازدَدْتَ مِنْ قَيْسٍ عَدِيداً زاخِرا
طُولَ دِعاماتٍ وَضَبْراً ضابِرا

113. You roused, undertaking them boldly,
And if the timbers of lofty trees writhed,

١١٣. وَالسَيْلَ ذا الدُفّاعِ وَالأَباجِرا
قَدْ قامَرُوا المَجْدَ فَكُنْتَ القامِرا

114. A sublime mark raising the sights,
Gleaning wisely from his words and preferring,

١١٤. أَصْبَحْتَ تَجْزِي اللَّهَ شُكْراً شاجِرا
مِيزانَ عَدْلٍ وَإِماماً خابِرا

115. And of God's Book, remembering the reminder,
Compiling meanings and apportioning them,

١١٥. عارِفَ عُرْفٍ يُنْكِر الأَناكِرَا
إِذا الأَمُورُ اعْرَوْرَتِ الأَكَابِرا

116. Or a rescue - you were the brave, supportive pillar,
Whose foundation is stirred by reflections,

١١٦. بِمُعْضلاتٍ تُبْطِل الأَهاتِرا
يُنْتَجْن أو يُلْقَحْنَ شَرّاً باسِرا

117. When the bastard brings back the Byzantines,
In the belly of one vicious and clawed,

١١٧. أَوْ خُضْنَ يَوْمَ الكَلِبِ المَغَامِرا
نَهَّضْتَ حَمّالاً بِهِنَّ جاسِرا

118. Relinquishing what his veins fancy,
And when good tidings of gladness come to pass,

١١٨. وَإِنْ عَلَوْبَ الخَشَبَ الشَواجِرا
أَشْرَفَ سَامٍ يَرْفَعُ النَواظِرا

119. As the steeds blanket the racecourses,
And the enemy lightens the enraged burden,

١١٩. يَسْتَنُّ في القَوْمِ اسْتِنَاناً ماهِرا
مُقْتَضِباً مِنْ قَوْلِهِ وَآثِرا

120. You granted from it lasting rain,
Pardoning while you subjugated the ruinous,

١٢٠. وَمِنْ كِتابِ اللَّهِ ذِكْراً ذاكِرا
جَوامِع الأَشْتاتِ وَالأَشاطِرا

121. After being mired in what drowns settlements,
Sheltering the kindling of its smoking embers,

١٢١. أَوْ نَجْدَةً كُنْتَ الشُجَاعَ الآصِرا
يَدُقُّ رُكْنَاكَ الهِقَبَّ الخاطِرا

122. But I have sworn an oath and warning,
While my knowledge informs the well-informed,

١٢٢. إِذا أَعاد الزِيرَ وَالبَرابِرا
في جَوْفِ ذِي ضَغْمٍ وَذِي أَظافِرا

123. You saw flaws and dishonor,
Suffering vituperation and quick reprisal,

١٢٣. يَتْرُكُ ما أَهْوَى لَهُ شراشِرا
وَحِينَ تُجْرِي يُرْزَقُ البَشائِرا

124. From us when evil adorns its fineries,
And oath-breaker and forgiver,

١٢٤. إِذا الجِيادُ عَمَّتِ المَحَامِرا
وَأَوْخَفَ العَدْوُ العَجاجَ الثَائِرا

125. And the Meccan and Maghrebi and veil-makers,
And the cavalry that bite the gaping throat,

١٢٥. أَعْطَيْتَ مِنْهُ غَيِّثاً مُثابِرَا
عَفْواً وَإِنْ طاوَلْتَهُ مُهامِرا

126. God has made them behind an impregnable wall,
To oppress the sinners, an overwhelming sovereign.

١٢٦. بَعْدَ اغْتِراقٍ يُغْرِقُ المَحَاضِرا
يَحْمِي تَأَوِّي كَعْتِهِ الدَوابِرا