
When war unsheathes its blade,

إنا إذا ما الحرب حد نابها

1. When war unsheathes its blade,
And brandishes its sword in its palace,

١. إِنَّا إِذَا مَا الحَرْبُ حُدَّ نابُها
وَصَرَّ فِي قِصَرِهَا أَشْنَابُها

2. We repulse it, its dogs routed,
By lions whose claws are concealed.

٢. نَرُدُّهَا مُفَلَّلاً كُلَّابُها
بِأُسْدِ غَابٍ فِي الأَكفِّ غابُهَا

3. With biting, vanquished serpents their necks,
And fleeing, defeated horses their flanks,

٣. غابُ وَشِيجٍ سَلِبٍ كِعَابُهَا
عُذَافِراتٍ غُلُبٍ رِقَابُها

4. Long has their weakness burdened them,
Disasters that multiply their turmoil.

٤. قَدْ طالَ بَعْدَ بُزْلِها صِعابُها
عَوَاتِرٌ يَزِيدُهَا اضْطِرابُهَا

5. When their swords are drawn,
And the horses charge with yielding sides,

٥. ليناً إِذا ما نشِبَت حِرابها
وَالخيلُ تَعدو لَيِّناً جِنابها

6. The hastening raid pleased them,
And its striking held back their slaughter.

٦. عَدْوَ المَخَاضِ سَرَّهَا جَنابُها
وَحَالَ دُونَ عَقْرِهَا ضِرَابُهَا

7. Their high grasses shaded the land
With the clamor of lively spring.

٧. ظَلَّتْ بِأَرْضٍ سَامِقٍ أَعْشَابُها
مِنَ الرَبِيعِ صَخِبٍ ذُبابُها

8. Whenever a band attacks me,
Oppressive, their insults please me.

٨. إِنِّي إِذَا ما عُصْبَة أَنْتَابُهَا
ظالِمَةٌ قد سرَّنِي سِبَابُهَا

9. I answer their curses without fear
Until their witchcraft is seen in their dogs,

٩. أَصْدُقُها الشَتْمَ وَلا أَهابُهَا
حَتَّى تُرَى جَاحِرَةً كِلابُها

10. When the rhymes are bent in their tails,
You find their doors wide open,

١٠. إِذَا القَوَافِي كُوِّرَت أَذْنابُهَا
وَجَدْتَهَا مُفَتَّحاً أَبْوَابُهَا

11. Facing you, their valleys pouring forth.

١١. مقْبِلَةً تُسِيلُهَا شِعَابُها