
Do the old abodes make you weep?

هل تبكينك الدمن الدروس

1. Do the old abodes make you weep?
As if they are crumpled leaves,

١. هَلْ تُبْكِيَنْكَ الدِمَنُ الدُرُوسُ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ الوَرَقُ المَطْرُوسُ

2. While my ship and she-camel are confined,
I ride when the plowman reaps,

٢. إِذْ مَرْكَبِي وَنَاقَتِي حَبِيسُ
أَرْكَبُ حِينَ يَحْصَدُ المَرِيسُ

3. A refractory she-camel, the insolent cannot tame her,
Even if the devil himself should found her for me,

٣. عَوْصَاءَ لا يَسْطِيعُهَا الضُغْبُوسُ
مِنِّي وَلَو أَسَّسَه إِبْلِيسُ

4. And a need whose care would perplex a priest,
As if it were a streaming wound,

٤. وَحاجَةً لِهَمِّهَا قَسِيسُ
كَأَنَّهَا مِنْ وَصَبٍ رسِيسُ

5. In the body, or a crashing headache,
In which the swollen tent-peg sticks,

٥. فِي الجِسْمِ أَوْ صَهْبَاءُ خَنْدَرِيسُ
يَلْتَاحُ فِيهَا المَعِكُ البِرْعِيسُ

6. When the motley drink is weakened,
She is handled by a villainous mate of mine.

٦. إِذَا اسْتَخَفَّ الخَلِطُ اللَقُوسُ
مارَسَها مِنِّي وَلِي شَرِيسُ

7. A sniffing out for the snakes of enmity, keen of scent,
Neither evil in greed, nor despairing,

٧. نَقْفٌ لِحَيَّاتِ العِدَى حَسُوسُ
لَا سَيِّءُ الحِرْصِ ولَا يَؤُوسُ

8. Drawing to difficulties, intrepid,
When she saw me, after I had become downcast,

٨. للْمُصْعَبَاتِ مِجْذَبٌ هَرُوسُ
لَمَّا رَأَتْنِي بَعْدَ مَا أَمِيسُ

9. In the camp, the shabby clothes were enough for me,
And the bloom of youth had been erased,

٩. فِي الرَيْطِ يَكْفِي لِبْسَتِي التَحْلِيسُ
وَمَحَّ مِنْ لَوْنِ الشَبابِ الطُوسُ

10. And the bride forgot her jewelry,
The black hair and the gray turned white,

١٠. وَنَسِيَتْ غَيْسانَها العَرُوسُ
وَحَسَر الأَسْوَدُ وَالحَلِيسُ

11. From my cares, and the hair of youth feels coarse,
Above a neck as though it were a citadel,

١١. مِنْ لِمَّتِي وَالفَرَعُ المَلْمُوسُ
عَنْ هَامَةٍ كَأَنَّهَا كُرْدُوسُ

12. Even the wild cows with slit noses recognize me,
Nor do the calling voices of the bellowing camels trouble me.

١٢. وَقَدْ تَرانِي البَقَرُ الكُنُوسُ
وَمَا لِغِرّاتِ المَهَا تَجْرِيسُ

13. The Devil of Youth has become humble,
Desire has returned to its fetters,

١٣. أَزْمانَ شَيْطَانُ الصِبَا نَطِيسُ
عَادَ الهَوَى فِي طَوْقِهِ تَنْجِيسُ

14. May the epoch of youth not be far removed!
Its pleasures and artful tricks,

١٤. لَا يَبْعُدَنْ عَهْدُ الصِبَا المَرْغُوسُ
لَذَّاتُهُ وَاللَعِبُ التَدْلِيسُ

15. Rather, of a country over which evening comes,
As if they are the arched ship,

١٥. بَلْ بَلْدَةٍ تُمْسِي عَلَيْهَا العِيسُ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ الزَوْرَقُ القَمُوسُ

16. In the water, were it not for the caulking,
It would ply its course with its deranged crew,

١٦. فِي الماءِ لَوْلَا العَرَقُ التَدْبِيسُ
يَجْرِي بِتَيْهَا آلُهَا المَألوسُ

17. There is no calking on its ribs,
With separation, of its caulker, exceedingly zealous,

١٧. لَيْسَ عَلَى حَيْزُومِها لُبُوسُ
بِالوَصْلِ مِنْ مَوْصُولِهَا شَطُوسُ

18. It has a leak and a firmly-tied knot,
Or it is exposed, bearing a heavy load,

١٨. دَوِيَّةٌ وَعَقَدٌ مَرْهُوسُ
أَوْ شَاخِصٌ مُوَشَّحٌ مَطْمُوسُ

19. My saddle has chafed a painful sore,
From the soft, plaited girths, or the stuffed saddlecloth,

١٩. جَابَ بِرَحْلِي حَرَجٌ لَدِيسُ
مِنَ العَنَاقِ الرُبْعِ أَوْ سَدِيسُ

20. Onto my shoulders the saddlebags were flung,
When the she-camel turned aside from her course.

٢٠. بِالمَنْكِبَيْنِ قَذَفَى رَعُوسُ
إِذَا انْتَهَى عَنْ قَصْدِهِ نَعُوسُ

21. And she came after the departure at eventide,
While the cares and sorrows for her are profound.

٢١. وَقَدْ أَتَى بَعْدَ السُرَى التَعْرِيسُ
وَالْهَامُ وَالبُومُ لَهُ تَغْلِيسُ

22. I do not know what the battered echo said,
As if it has a suppressed deed,

٢٢. لَم أَدْرِ مَا قَال الصَدَى المَرْمُوسُ
كَأَنَّهَا ذُو وَقَفٍ مَنْخُوسُ

23. Swaying heavily with four unmatched camels,
With the rigor of monks, its fruit is oppression,

٢٣. مُحْمَلِّجٌ فِي أَرْبَعٍ جَسِيسُ
بِصُلْبِ رَهْبَى وِرْدُهُ تَغْلِيسُ

24. Where the vile were brought low.
The father of calamities is a battered old man,

٢٤. يَقِيهِ حَيْثُ أُكْرِبَ الدَخِيسُ
وَأْبُ الحَوَامِي مِقْرَعٌ مَلْطِيسُ

25. Whom thirst has waved toward
An extended, submissive abode,

٢٥. لَوَّحَهُنَّ العَطَشُ النَسِيسُ
عَنْ مَشْرَعٍ دَانٍ لَهُ النَامُوسُ

26. And wherever a fearsome lair is dreaded,
By night, in its den, it is genial,

٢٦. وَحَيْثُ يُخْشَى مُنْطَوٍ جَلُوسُ
بِاللَيْلِ فِي قُتْرَتِهِ حَلُوسُ

27. Scorched by misery, its belly empty,
Having nothing in life but rags,

٢٧. مِنَ الشَقَا محْتَرِقٌ جَسُوسُ
مُجَوَّعٌ طاوِي الحَشَا لَحُوسُ

28. Hunger and poverty have come upon it,
And the food which obliges, and is sweet.

٢٨. لَيْسَ لَهُ فِي الحَيِّ هَلْبَسِيسُ
قَدْ نَالَ مِنْهُ الجُوعُ وَالتَفْلِيسُ

29. Then he limped, toil-worn, unkempt,
Wearing a coat as if it were fur,

٢٩. وَالمَطْعَمُ المُوجِبُ وَاللَهِيسُ
ثُمَّ انْدَرَى مُكَدَّحٌ شَمُوسُ

30. And a timid, delirious female camel shied away,
So the archer missed, and the vile creature showed its heel,

٣٠. ذُو جُبَبٍ كَأَنَّهَا فُؤُوسُ
وَانْدَرَعَت خائِفَةٌ وَهُوسُ

31. And it bolted from a body having for it a saddle,
With its beard hanging over the sides of its head.

٣١. فَأَخْطَأَ الرَامِي وَحَفَّ الخِيسُ
وَانْصَاعَ مِنْ وَجسٍ لَهُ تَوْجِيسُ

32. Over its baggage is a coarse cover,
I will drive it away if it is recalcitrant.

٣٢. حابٍ بِلحْيَيْ رَأْسِهِ رَدُوسُ
عَلَى صَلاَهَا مِعْطَفٌ عَجُوسُ

33. But the scholar and priest both know
That a man who fought against us is possessed,

٣٣. أَقْلَحُ إِنْ عَاصَيْنَهُ نَهُوسُ
بَلْ عَلِمَ العَالِمُ وَالقِسِّيسُ

34. Evil is the mixture! War brings woe.
Why do people who have insight

٣٤. أَنَّ امْرَءًا حَارَبَنَا مَمْسُوسُ
بِئْسَ الخَلِيطُ الحَرِبُ المَدْسُوسُ

35. Show on their heads the sign of humility?
And a thought that obsesses them is confused,

٣٥. ما بالُ أَقْوامٍ لَهُمْ حَسِيسُ
بَيَّنَ فِي رُؤُوسِهِمْ تَنْكِيسُ

36. Upon which the Magi warm themselves.
Insults and sneezes have been visited upon it.

٣٦. وَهاجِسٌ مِن أَمْرِهِمْ مَهْجُوسُ
يَثْوِي عَلَيْهِ يَصْطَلِي المَجُوسُ

37. With us the contemptible charlatan is healed,
And insolence, until the unyielding becomes gentle.

٣٧. جَرَتْ عَلَيْهِ اللُجْمُ وَالعَطُوسُ
بِنَا يُدَاوِي الفَقَمُ الشَخِيسُ

38. When caprice has aroused our desire,
Our pampered arrogance was satisfied by the bully,

٣٨. وَالشَغْبُ حَتَّى يَسْمَحَ الضَرِيسُ
إِنَّا إِذَا مَا هَوَّسَ الهَوِيسُ

39. Until he softened his obstinate neck for tethering,
And ignited the fire of strife,

٣٩. أَعْطَى مُنَانَا المُتْرَفُ العِتْرِيسُ
حَتَّى يُلِينَ سَأْوَهُ التَوْكِيسُ

40. Its fuel being the sealed flame,
Now is the hour when souls find peace,

٤٠. وَحَشَّ نارَ الفِتْنَةِ التَأْسِيسُ
وَقُودُهَا وَاللَهَبُ المَقْبُوسُ

41. Strife has cast away its wand,
And there remain only terrible doubts,

٤١. هذَا أَوَانَ قَرَّتِ النُفُوسُ
أَلْقَتْ عَصَاهَا الفِتْنَةُ المَؤُوسُ

42. And its affair was rejected with disdain.
And others than us it has degraded,

٤٢. وَبَائِقَاتٌ رَيْبُهَا رَبِيسُ
وَارفَضَّ عَنها أَمرُها المَرجوسُ

43. Misguidance in religion and sacrilege,
Ours are the leaders, and ours are the heads,

٤٣. وَغَيرُنا مِنها بِهِ تَدنيسُ
ضَلاَلَةٌ فِي الدِينِ وَتطْفِيسُ

44. And the armies on Thursday and Friday.
Our spears are better than any that spear,

٤٤. مِنَّا الرَئِيسُ وَلَنَا الرُؤُوسُ
وَلَجَب الأَجْنَادِ وَالخَمِيسُ

45. In glory, and among us are the towering banners,
With them we vie, and with them we spear,

٤٥. وَقَيْسُنَا أَفْضَلُ مَنْ يَقِيسُ
مَجْداً وَفِينَا البَاذِخاتُ الشُوسُ

46. Beneath them every day is quarry,
A lancer, or a body in a pit,

٤٦. بِهِمْ نُرَادِي وَبِهِمْ نَرِيسُ
فِي كُلِّ يَوْمٍ تَحْتَهُمْ فَرِيسُ

47. And a military umbrella above it and spears,
Missing its stab, the lances swerve,

٤٧. مُقَصَّبٌ أَوْ جَسَدٌ مَحْدُوسُ
وَخِنْدَفٌ وَرَاءَهَا القُدْمُوسُ

48. And their drinking-troughs and roses are bathed in blood,
A stroke and a stab with the spear brings woe,

٤٨. تَزِلُّ عَنْ نَطْحَتِهِ الفُطُوسُ
وَقُرْبُها وَوِرْدُهَا غَمُوسُ

49. An opponent, or a flaring-nostrilled horse,
It sniffs in anger, enraged.

٤٩. ضَرْبٌ وَطَعْنٌ بِالقَنَا نَحِيسُ
مُعْتَرِضٌ أَوْ مِسْعَرٌ دَعُوسُ