
On my knees, humbly I bow

إني على جنابة التنحي

1. On my knees, humbly I bow
Chomping the bit, my soul doth now

١. إِنِّي عَلَى جَنابَةِ التَنَحِّي
وَعَضِّ ذاكَ المَغْرَمِ المُلِحِّ

2. Seek not the ways of knaves so low
Whose hacking cough, their weakness show

٢. لا أَبْتَغِي سَيْب اللَّئِيم القُحِّ
قَدْ كادَ مِنْ نَحْنَحَةٍ وَأَحِّ

3. That echoes from the east, so hollow
Abd al-Muqaddim, most virtuous fellow

٣. يَحْكِي سُعالَ الشَرِق الأَبَحِّ
عَبدِ الْمِقَدَّيْن أَنْوح الأَفْحِ

4. Wearied by sorrows, trials in tow
Grinding his joints till nothing left to gnaw

٤. بادِي الكُدَى يُعْيِي انْتِحاتَ النَقْحِ
تَراهُ يَرْبُو بِطْنَةَ المُجِحِّ

5. Glutton he'd be, though to pray you'd cajole
Lame excuses he'd find, refuse the patrol

٥. لُؤْماً وَإِنْ خَادَعْتَهُ بِالمَسْحِ
صَارَ إِلَى تَعَلُّلٍ وَأَزْحِ

6. And wonders he works, piety on show!
Though besieged here in my hold

٦. وَعَجَباً لِلآمِنِ المُضَحِّي
وَقَدْ أُصادِي بِالمُقَامِ الصِرْحِ

7. By enemies, a cohort bold
Oh best of all, my friend of old

٧. أَوْقاً وَأَعْداءً ثِقَالَ الرَزْح
يا خَيَّ لا أَفْرَق أَنْ تَفِحِّي

8. Stay nearby, do not let go
Or disappear like mist, to and fro

٨. أَو أَنْ تَحِفِّي كرَحَى المُرَحِّي
إِنِّي أَنَا الدامِغُ وَالمُصَحِّي

9. For I am the vanquisher, the victor of foes
With fire I frighten, all my woes

٩. بِالنارِ عَنْ أُمِّ الفِراخِ الوُكْحِ
يَخْشَعُ لِي شَيْطانُ كُلِّ طَمْحِ

10. Subject is Satan to each of my blows
Woe to those who would oppose my cause

١٠. وَيْلٌ لِمَنْ حارَبَنِي وَصُلْحِي
صُلْحٌ لِمَنْ باشَرَنِي بِنُصْحِ

11. Peace to those who heed my laws
For I shall water those who are my foes

١١. إِنِّي لأَسْقِي الشانِئِينَ جَدْحِي
قَواتِلاً مِنْ غَلَثِيِّ الذَرْحِ

12. With the worst of plagues that I compose
Many who tasted of my wrath, its throes

١٢. قَدْ ذاقَ هاماتُ العِدَى مِنْ نَطْحِي
صُلْبَ الحِجاجَيْنِ رَحِيبَ الجُرْحِ

13. Did feel when pierced by my mortal blows
Their ribs I cracked, their flesh I tore

١٣. مِنْ صَقْعِ قَرْنَيْهِ دَوَامِي القَرْحِ
بِحَيْثُ شَجَّا مِنْ كِفاحِ الكَفْحِ

14. By my horns maimed them, wounds galore
Where I gored them with all my force

١٤. آثارَ ثُعْل كَالرِحالِ الرُكْحِ
وَأَنَا في تَحَلُّمِي وَفَشْحِي

15. My hooves left prints, gashes without remorse
Yet I am forbearing, though incensed

١٥. عَنْ نَفَسِ المُكْرُوبِ حَرَّ اللَفْحِ
في كُلِّ يَوْمٍ مُسْمَهِرِّ الصَمْحِ

16. Sparing the oppressed, whom I sensed
Each morn I roar, alarming dissent

١٦. يُرْهِبُ زَأرِي كَلَبَاتِ النَبْحِ
وَالمُخدِراتِ في الإِجامِ المُلْحِ

17. Hushing the howls of dogs that went
Subduing rebels, their cries I quenched

١٧. وَالبُزْلَ قَدْ دَوَّخْتُها بِالْكَبْحِ
خَواضِعاً مِنْ صادِماتِ الرَنْحِ

18. With might I conquered their discontent
Humbled are those who my anger rent

١٨. ذاكَ وَأُنحي العَضَّ حينَ أُنْحِي
وَسَمُّ أَنْيابِي جُراز الذَبْحِ

19. Thus I cast the foe whence he came
My fangs like daggers, their flesh I maim

١٩. وَناضِبِ الماءِ قَلِيلِ الشَبْحِ
أَزْوَرَ بِالرَكْبِ رَكُوضِ الرُمْحِ

20. My withers sweat, dripping as I strain
I race onward, with warriors in train

٢٠. صِيرَانُهُ فَوْضَى بِكُلِّ نَدْحِ
يَحْجُجْنَ بِالقَيْظِ حِفافَ الرَدْحِ

21. Their steeds frothing, exerting utmost vein
Red sea they cross, like coral terrain

٢١. حَجَّ النَصَارى العِيدَ يَوْمَ الفِصْحِ
كَأَنَّ أَصْوات الصَدَى ذِي الضَبْحِ

22. As Christians on Easter pilgrimage deign
Echoes at night, cries of mourners plain

٢٢. بِاللَيْل أَصْوات النِياح الصُدْحِ
يَسْقِي بِهِ الجُونُ فِراخَ الضِحِّ

23. The birds chirp and sing, bleating an airy strain
I slew him, his folk wailing in bane

٢٣. زُغْباً بِمُلْقىً عِنْدَ قَيْضِ المُحِّ
قَطَعْتُهُ وَالآلُ جارِي السَبْحِ

24. My sword nearer than a friend sans feint
With fierce lions, their jaws blood-stained

٢٤. وَالسَيْف أَدْنَى صاحِبٍ مِنْ كَشْحِي
بِشَمَّرِيَّاتِ القِلاصِ المُرْحِ

25. Their young they nourished, teats swollen and distained
Doe-eyed gazelles, their scent sweet as musk grain

٢٥. قَدْ عَضَّ أَنْساعٌ بِهِا كَالوُشْحِ
صُهْبِ الذَفارَى طَيِّباتِ النَتْحِ

26. When their leg veins did rupture and drain
And over soft thighs did their life blood spill

٢٦. إِذا جَرَى مِنْها انْفِصَادُ الرَشْحِ
وَقَدْ جَرَى فَوْقَ المِتانِ الفُضْحِ

27. Whiter than their glossy hides, but to kill
The wind fluttering their skins did fill

٢٧. أَبْيَضُ مِنْ رَقْراقِهِنَّ الوُضْحِ
وَالرِيحُ تُذْرِي الخَرْقَ بَعْدَ الكَسْحِ

28. In the valley depths, far from the plain
Barren and dry, no hint of rain

٢٨. في عَمِق الأَجْوافِ نائِي النَدْحِ
خاو مَسَاقِيهِ شَطُونِ اللُجْحِ