1. O daughter of 'Amr, do not insult my daughter
Your kindness is enough, if you are kind
١. يا بِنْتَ عَمْرٍو لا تَسُبِّي بِنْتِي
حَسْبُك إِحْسَانُك إِن أَحْسَنْتِ
2. Woe to you, if you become Muslim, for you are you
If you saw my erect tail like a jug
٢. وَيْحَك إِن أَسْلَمْ فَأَنْت أَنْتِ
أَإِنْ رَأَيْتِ هَامَتِي كَالطَسْتِ
3. After Khadari, a polished shoot
Amongst the robbing of the whitest, flawless
٣. بَعْدَ خُدارِيٍّ غُدافِ النَبْتِ
فِي سَلِب الأَنْقاءِ غَيْرِ شَخْتِ
4. Your spittle and the white hair are the mask of old age
My body has become bent like you bent it
٤. رَابَكِ وَالشَّيْبُ قِنَاعُ المَقْتِ
نُحُولُ جُسْمانِي كَمَا نَحَلْتِ
5. And my roughness after the prime of my youth
From times I know not, even if you asked
٥. وَخُشْنَتِي بَعْدَ الشَبابِ الصَلْتِ
أَزْمانَ لا أَدْرِي وَإِنْ سَأَلْتِ
6. I care not for Friday compared to Saturday
I wander heedlessly in the time
٦. ما نُسْكُ يَوْمِ جُمْعة مِنْ سَبْتِ
أَغْيَدُ لا أَحْفِلُ يَوْم الوَقْتِ
7. Like a water snake swimming in mud
Human and Jinn alike, as you described
٧. كَحَيَّةِ الماءِ جَرَى فِي القَلْتِ
إِنْساً وَجِنِّيّاً كَمَا وَصَفْتِ
8. I ride what is less than outrageous immorality
So the people of my house are the best and my path is straight
٨. أَرْكَبُ ما دُونَ الفُجُورِ البَحْتِ
فَآل أَوْلِي وَاسْتَقَامَ سَمْتِي
9. If you see me keeping silent
I stand in the place of firmness
٩. فَإِنْ تَرَيْنِي أَحْتَمِي بِالسَكْتِ
فَقَد أَقُومُ بِالمَقَام الثَّبْتِ
10. Braver than one with a blunt sword
My ribs rattle with my trembling
١٠. أَشْجَعُ مِنْ ذِي لِبَدٍ بِخَبْتِ
يَدُقُّ صُلْبَاتِ العِظامِ رَفْتِي
11. Twisting and writhing the same either way
The ambitious peak has submitted
١١. لَفْتاً وَتَهْزِيعاً سَواءَ اللَّفْتِ
وَطَامِحِ النَخْوَةِ مُسْتَكِتِّ
12. To his tempting devil
My sound rebuttal to the enemy and my voice
١٢. طَأْطَأَ منْ شَيْطانِهِ المُعَتِّي
صَكِّي عَرَانِينَ العِدَا وَصَتِّي
13. Until the clear is seen as the obscure
My sincerity belies his sincerity and exposes my shock
١٣. حَتَّى يَرَى البَيِّنَ كَالأَرَتِّ
يَعْتَزُّ صَدْقِي صِدْقَهُ وَبَهْتِي
14. The land of Jinn under hot sands
With meadows like the dunes of Bukht
١٤. وَأَرْضِ جِنٍّ تَحْتَ حَرٍّ سَخْتِ
لَهَا نِعَافٌ كَهَوَادِي البُخْتِ
15. Covering their various undertones
More compliant than the guide of a dark night
١٥. يُغْسي عَلَى ألوانِهِنَّ الكُمْتِ
أَوْطَفُ مِنْ وَادِقِ لَيْلٍ هَفْتِ
16. Bellowing with the listening of the expert guide
And if the disturbing thorns prick
١٦. يَنْبُو بِإِصْغَاءٍ الدَّلِيلِ البُرْتِ
وَإِنْ حَدَا مِنْ قَلِقاتِ الخُرْتِ
17. Five like the strand of plaited hair
When the girls of Arhabi at their peak
١٧. خِمْسٌ كَحَبْلِ الشَّعَرِ المُنْحَتِّ
إِذَا بَنَات الأَرْحبيِّ الأَفْتِ
18. Come close to the farthest part with care
And choose supple youth like resin of tar
١٨. قَارَبْن أَقْصَى غَوْلِهِ بِالمَتِّ
وَاجْتَبْنَ جَوْناً كَعُصَارِ الزِفْتِ
19. From the tallest and most roaring camels
And when they pick him out from the elite
١٩. مِنْ سافِعاتٍ وَهَجِير أَبْتِ
وَهْوَ إِذَا مَا اجْتَبْنَهُ مِنْ شَتِّ
20. Imported long like the ropes of ships
Deviating crookedly from clever subtlety
٢٠. مُسْتَوْرِداتٍ كَحِبالِ المُسْتِي
جَافَيْنَ عُوجاً عَنْ حِجافِ النَكْتِ
21. How much did they bend to and fro as suits their nature
Oppressively, and thus is their way
٢١. وَكَمْ طَوَيْنَ مِنْ هَنٍ وَهَنْتِ
تَعَسُّفاً وَهَكَذَا بِالسَمْتِ
22. They shake off purer than shoes of Saturday
With spiritual feet and silken hands
٢٢. يَنْفُضْن أَنْقَى مِنْ نِعال السِبْتِ
بِأَرْجُلٍ رُوحٍ وَأَيْدٍ هُرْتِ