
With night descending, Layla came by in the dark

قد طرقت ليلى بليل هاجعا

1. With night descending, Layla came by in the dark
With ample blankets to cosily ensconce

١. قَدْ طَرَقَتْ لَيْلَى بِلَيْلٍ هاجِعَا
تَطْوِي إِلَيْهِ مُهْوَأَنّاً واسِعَا

2. She kept me sleepless with dreamt passion and desire
Disheveled and burning, beseeching and dire

٢. فَأَرَّقَتْ بِالحُلْمِ وَلْعاً وَالِعَا
أَشْعَثَ مَضْبُوحاً وَنِضْواً ضَارِعَا

3. The stars lit the way for those lesser lights trailing
Flitting shadows wavering, failing

٣. وَالنَجْمُ يَهْدِي الأَنْجُمَ التَوابِعَا
شَآمِيَاتٍ طائراً وَواقِعَا

4. Suhayl drank deep the wellspring, resting
As a lion drinks deep of the law, questing

٤. وَاسْتَوْرَدَ الغَوْرَ سُهَيْلٌ ضاجِعَا
كَالعَسْجَدِيِّ اسْتَورَدَ الشَرَائِعَا

5. A mirage town looming with spear-tips heavy
From the heat-haze swarming unsteady

٥. وَبَلْدَةٍ تَدَّرِعُ المَدَارِعَا
مِنَ السَرابِ وَالقَتامَ السائِعَا

6. When the banners are lifted their shadows stretch long
Two by two, wearily walking along

٦. إِذَا طَفَت أَعْلامُها شَوافِعَا
تَرَى مَعَ اثْنَيْنِ خَسىً وَرَابِعَا

7. In the morning chill, the mist slowly rising
The camels' necks taut as they came striding

٧. مِنْ سَنِّ رَقْراقِ الضُحَى مُمَائِعَا
كَلَّفْتُها المَهْرِيَّةَ الضَوابِعَا

8. You'd see clash and contest, feinting, contending
As their forelegs struck with dust clouds ascending

٨. إِذَا مَطَت أَعْناقَها الشَعاشِعَا
رَأَيْتَ مِنْها ماتِحاً وَنازِعَا

9. Their flanks heaving like waves on a turbulent sea
From the clash of their weapons so bright to see

٩. إِذَا ابْتَدَلْن الأَذْرُع الذَوارِعَا
وَلاَقَت الأَعْضادُ بَوْعاً بائِعَا

10. Their swords casting rays like the moon when it's full
As their deadly blows rained swift and cruel

١٠. حَسِبْت أَعْلاَمَ الفَلاَ رَواجِعَا
مِنْ خَلْج أَيْدِيها النِجاد اللامِعا

11. I shrouded them with care and with sadness profound
Seeking shelter beneath these shadows around

١١. وَإِنْ أَقَلَّ الآلُ نُصْباً طالِعَا
وَالآلُ يَزْهَى خافِضاً وَرافِعَا

12. As though lifting a keen-bladed sword for a blow
With a steed giving rein that wildly would flow

١٢. حَسِبْتَه أَكْلَفَ يَرْدِي ظالِعَا
عَلَى ثَلاثٍ أَوْ قَرِيعاً قائِعَا

13. Head flung down, eyes weeping, the tears freely flowing
Like a murmuring stream or sandstorm gust blowing

١٣. وَالقَيظُ يُغْشِيها لُعاباً مائِعَا
وَاتَّجَّ لَفّافٌ بِهَا المَعَامِعَا

14. Dappled with blood from the wounds gaping wide
With she-camels milking grief's swellings inside

١٤. بِوَهَجَانٍ يَسْفَعُ السَوافِعَا
إِذَا التَلَظِّي أَوْقَد اليَرَامِعَا

15. As though beneath me an urgent race was transpiring
Full of zeal, a choice colt with vigor untiring

١٥. أَغْشَيْتُها هَمّاً وَأَمّاً صادِعا
يَجْتَبْنَ مِن أَظْلالِها مَخادِعا

16. Driving on without stop o'er the open terrain
Through time without end the horizons sustained

١٦. كَأَنَّما أُنْحِي حُساماً قاطِعَا
بِناعِجٍ يُعْطِي الزِمامَ الزائِعَا

17. As though veiled in shawls that curtain their sight
From dawn until dusk he raced without respite

١٧. أَسْجَحَ رَأْساً وَمَقَذّاً دَامِعَا
كَأَنَّ قاراً أَوْ كُحَيْلاً نابِعَا

18. Feeling the ground shake and tremble with fright
With a roar that would overwhelm the senses outright

١٨. ضَرَّجَ مِنْ أَعْطافِها النَوابِعَا
بِهاجِراتٍ تَحْلُب الأَخَادِعَا

19. He spent the night startled, afraid, and awaking
Till day peeled the shadows away in its breaking

١٩. كَأَنَّ تَحْتِي ناشِطاً مُسَارِعَا
ذا جُدَّةٍ يَجْتابُ نِصْعاً ناصِعَا

20. At dawn the cave's guest rose famished and hounded
He seeks prey before thinking to rest on the ground

٢٠. مُقَلِّصاً لَا يَبْلُغ الأَكَارِعَا
فِي أُبَّدٍ تَطَّرِدُ المَرَاتِعَا

21. When he spied lumbering game, a feast there for taking
With a pack of wild dogs and lions partaking

٢١. كَأَنَّما يَنْظُرْنَ فِي بَراقِعَا
أَصْبحَ مِنْ أَرضٍ لِأَرضٍ جازِعا

22. They chased him until he fell tumbling down
Plunging on, the cackling hyenas abound

٢٢. يَستَشعِرُ الحَفّافَةَ الزَعازِعا
بِذي دَوِيٍّ يَملَأُ المَسامِعا

23. Hot in pursuit of an ostrich fleeing restless
And longing to set on that long graceful neck

٢٣. فَبَاتَ يَقْضِي لَيْلَه أَهازِعَا
حَتَّى إِذَا كَشَّفَ لَيْلاً واضِعَا

24. Until pressed beyond limit, beset by the chase
He turned and attacked them, their lives to efface

٢٤. أَكْنافَهُ قَشْعُ النَهارِ قاشِعَا
غَدَا وَضَيفُ القَفر يَغدو جَائِعا

25. Raining blows on their necks, their sides, without cease
In a frenzy, his talons their living flesh seize

٢٥. يَعْتادُ رَبْلاً قَبْلَ أَنْ يُقَارِعَا
حَتَّى إِذَا عايَنَ رَوْعاً رائِعَا

26. Leaving carcasses shredded, no longer defiant
And seeing no savior appear to rely on

٢٦. كِلابَ كَلاّبٍ وَسِمْطاً هابِعَا
أَتْبَعْنَهُ فانْصَاعَ يَهْوِي وادِعَا

27. To save his own life, as they closed in for the kill
He roared his last roar, and succumbed to their will

٢٧. يَنْجُو وَيَذْرِينَ عَجاجاً ساطِعَا
فِي إِثْرِ ناجٍ يَقْسِم الأَجَارِعَا

28. The sixth, seventh, eighth did not finish their feast
Nor the ninth, two more, then the gluttons increased

٢٨. وَقَدْ طَوَى فِي النَفْسِ أَنْ يُوَاقِعَا
حَتَّى إِذَا رَهِقْنَهُ طَوامِعَا

29. Till his kin lay dead from his frenzied attack
And when the cacophony reached its zenith

٢٩. كَرَّ عَلَيْهَا يَطْعنُ المَجَامِعَا
وَيَطْعنُ الأَعْناقَ وَالمَرَاجِعا

30. As his guttural death-cries rose louder again
Where he fell, thrashing deadly but fighting in vain

٣٠. بَجّاً وَوَخْضاً يَنْفُذ الأَضالِعَا
يَتْرُكُ مِنْ تَخْرِيقِهِ اللَوامِعَا

31. When he saw his love soaking the death-beds in red
Though helpless to fight, refusing to wed

٣١. أَوْهِيَةً لا يَبْتَغِينَ راقِعَا
وَلا تَرَى ذا نَجْدَةٍ مُقَارِعَا

32. He gave up, retreated, the horizon in sight
Alone, like a lost ostrich wandering at night

٣٢. عَنْ نَفْسِهِ إِذْ هَزَّ رَوْقاً ماتِعَا
أَرْبَطَ جَأْشاً وَأَشَدَّ مانِعَا