
Your eyes have been deprived of sleep

أرق عينيك عن الغماض

1. Your eyes have been deprived of sleep
Lightning flashed in a charming eyelid

١. أَرَّقَ عَيْنَيْكَ عَنِ الغماضِ
بَرْقٌ سَرَى في عارِضٍ نَهّاضِ

2. Pearls of your sparkling smile
Water the instruments of melodies

٢. غُرِّ الذُرَى ضَوَاحِكِ الإِيماضِ
يُسْقَى بِهِ مَدَافِع الأَنْواضِ

3. Days of curly hair and smooth skin
Tinkling in her plump body

٣. أَزْمانَ ذاتُ الكَفَلِ الرَضْراضِ
رَقْراقَةُ فِي بُدْنِها الفَضْفاضِ

4. A simpleton in pretentious clothing
If only the daughter of my father saw

٤. بَلْهاءُ مِنْ تَخَفُّر الغِضاضِ
فَلَوْ رَأَتْ بنْت أَبِي فَضَّاضِ

5. The evil of enemies in hatred
My feet hurry and contract

٥. شَزْرَ العِدَى مِنْ شُنُىءِ الإِبْغاضِ
وَعَجَلِي بِالقَوْمِ وانقِبَاضِي

6. The pursuit takes us at night
Cutting through the sands billowing

٦. يُمْسِي بِنَا الجِدُّ عَلَى أَوْفاضِ
يقْطَع أَجْوازَ الفَلا انقِضاضِي

7. As if anointed with oils
Emerging from the darkness of night

٧. بِالعِيسِ فَوْقَ الشَرَكِ الرِفَاضِ
كَأَنَّمَا يُنْضَحْنَ بِالخَضْخاضِ

8. Brimming cups of the flowing wine
Casting intoxication and miscarriage

٨. يَخْرُجْنَ مِن أَجْوازِ لَيْلٍ غاضِ
نضْوَ قِداحِ النابِلِ النَواضِي

9. Many are the female serpents
Throwing the coils of a creeping viper

٩. يَطْرَحْن أَمْشَاجاً مِن الإِجْهاضِ
كَمْ جاوَزَتْ مِنْ حَيَّةٍ نَضْناضِ

10. Bilal, o son of noble lineage
And a lion in ferocious attack

١٠. تُلْقِي ذِراعَيْ كَلْكَلٍ عِرْباضِ
بِلالُ يا ابْنَ الحَسَب الأَمْحاضِ

11. A wolf over its peers
Without blemish or gloom

١١. وَأَسَدٍ فِي غِيلِهِ قَضْقَاضِ
لَيْثٍ عَلَى أَقْرَانِهِ رَبَّاضِ

12. You are a man of glorious feats
Like the moon dispelling night's darkness

١٢. لَيْسَ بِأَدْناسٍ وَلا أَغْماضِ
أَنْتَ امْرُؤٌ فِي المجْدِ ذُو ارْتِكاضِ

13. What a fine young man sought after
And God rewards debts with loans

١٣. كَالبَدْرِ يَجْلُو اللَيْلَ بِالبَيَاضِ
نِعْمَ الفَتَى وَمَرْغَبُ المُعْتاضِ

14. An ordeal like severe weakness
In it a cough from diseased lungs

١٤. وَاللَّهُ يَجْزِي القَرْضَ بِالإِقْرَاضِ
وفِتْنَةٍ كَالعَنِتِ المُنْهاضِ

15. Flashing like lightning in bursting clouds
Its clutch laid eggs in destruction

١٥. فِيها سُعالٌ مِنْ طَنَى الأَمْراضِ
تَبْرُقُ بَرْقَ العارِضِ النَفَّاضِ

16. Nobly, you left the vacant place
And my choking in painful coughs

١٦. أَفْرَخَ قَيْضُ بَيْضِها المُنْقَاضِ
عَنْكُمْ كِراماً بِالمَكانِ الفَاضِي

17. I rested on the day of clawing and tearing
Away from it with a reprimand for the transgressor

١٧. وَخانِقِي مِنْ غُصَّةٍ جَرّاضِ
رَاخَيْتُ يَوْمَ النَقْرِ وَالإِنْقاضِ

18. And if you see the opponent objecting
Deriving from the excretions of bile

١٨. عَنْهُ بِمِرْدىً لِلْعِدَى هَضّاضِ
وَإِنْ رَأَيْتَ الخَصْمَ ذا اعْتِراضِ

19. Then you, o son of two judges
Determined on the established path

١٩. وَاشْتَقَّ مِنْ لَوَاذِعِ الإِمْعاضِ
فَأَنْتَ يا ابْنَ القاضِيَيْنِ قاضِ

20. With firm steps on solid ground
And an unsevered rope

٢٠. مُعْتَزِمٌ عَلَى الطَرِيقِ الماضِي
بِثَابِتِ النَعْلِ عَلَى الدِحاضِ

21. For the opponent at the court of arbitration
You established his cheeks from beating

٢١. وَمُسْتَمرٍّ حَبْلُهُ نَقّاضِ
لِلْخَصْمِ عِنْدَ مَحَكِ العِضاضِ

22. With precise words of clear speech
He who is defiant, God is pleased

٢٢. أَقَمْتَ صُدغَيْهِ عَنِ الجِياضِ
بِصائِبَاتِ المَنْطِقِ النَحَّاضِ

23. With you, and whoever was not pleased with your judgment
Has tasted the kohl of distress

٢٣. مَنْ يَتَسَخَّط فَالإِلهُ راضِ
عَنْكَ وَمَنء لَمْ يَرْضَ في مَضْماضِ

24. And whoever complained of the chains' heaviness
Or a boil you opened with acid

٢٤. قَدْ ذاق أَكْحَالاً مِنَ المَضَاضِ
وَمَنْ تَشَكَّى مَغْلَةَ الإِرْماضِ

25. O son of chiefs, you are no shallow one
From every unruly, deep, gushing fountain

٢٥. أَوْ خُلَّةً أَعْرَكْتَ بِالإِحْماضِ
يا ابْنَ قُرُومٍ لَسْنَ بِالأَحْفاضِ

26. Muddy torrents from a bursting spring
That prevents his cheeks from favors

٢٦. مِنْ كُلِّ أَجْأَى مِعْذَمٍ عَضّاضِ
قَلْخِ الهَدِيرِ مِرْجَسٍ مَخَّاضِ

27. The flailing of an unretracted hand
And the incisors of a grinning cat

٢٧. يَمْنَعُ لَحْيَيْهِ مِنَ الرُوَّاضِ
خَبْطُ يَدٍ لَمْ تُثْنَ بِالإِباضِ

28. You are the son of every generous master
Bounteous, watering the meadows

٢٨. وَنَتْرُ نابَيْ مِجْذَبٍ نَفّاضِ
أَنْت ابْنُ كُلِّ سَيِّدٍ فَيَّاضِ

29. With an outpouring from the floods
When humbled, the arrogant are not deterred

٢٩. جَمِّ العَطاء مُتْرَعِ الحِياضِ
يَمُدُّهُ فَيْضٌ مِن الأَفْياضِ

30. Nor do the honorable recoil from favors
I have never recoiled from dignity

٣٠. لَيْسَ إِذَا خُضْخِضَ بِالْمُنْغاضِ
يَجْفِلُ عَنْهُ عَرْمَضَ العِرْماضِ

31. And a nature that pardons transgressions
Quenching my thirst at an unwilling spring

٣١. ما كُنْتُ مِنْ تَكَرُّم الأَعْراضِ
وَالخُلُقِ العَفِّ عَن الأَقْضاضِ

32. Nor the one who forcefully demands
I am no patcher of torn hopes

٣٢. تَمْتاحُ دَلوِي مُكْرَهَ البَضَاضِ
وَلا الجَدَى مِنْ مُتْعَبٍ حَبَّاضِ

٣٣. وَلا قُمَاشَ الزَمَع الأَحْراضِ