1. I am amazed at the radiance of your face, bowing humbly,
As if you were preoccupied with grief after being joined together.
١. قَدْ عَجِبْتْ نَضْرَةُ مِنْ تَهْداجِي
مُخْتَضِعا أَهُمُّ بِالهِمْلاجِ
2. With a soft necklace and prominent breasts,
My neck was bent and my limbs emaciated,
٢. إِذْ رَقَّ بَعْدَ مُدْمَجِ الإِدْماجِ
وَدُمْلُجِيٍّ حَسَنِ الدِمْلاجِ
3. After being inclined to pleasure and amusement in my youth.
I do not find rest from the insistence of the obstinate,
٣. مَجْدُولُ عُنْقِي وَبَدَت أَوْداجِي
بَعْدَ مِعَنٍّ في الصِبا مَعَّاجِ
4. Or union with every intimate, delightful companion.
Leaning on her elbow fluttering coquettishly,
٤. لا يَرْعَوِي تَعَمُّجَ العَمَّاجِ
عَنْ وَصْلِ كُلِّ آنِسٍ مِبْهاجِ
5. Swaying with a gait that stirs passion,
As if she were a leaf shaking on a branch.
٥. مَيالَةٍ بِالكَفَلِ الرَجْراجِ
فِي خَدَلٍ مِنْهَا وَفي ارْتِجَاجِ
6. A coolness radiating from a clear complexion,
White, yellow, with the yellowness of ivory.
٦. كَأَنَّهَا فِي الرَيْطِ ذِي الأَراجِ
بَرْدِيَّةٌ رَيَّا مِنَ العِذْلاجِ
7. Bleating among them and mingling together,
Like palm trees afflicted with a disease.
٧. بَيْضاءُ صَفْراءُ اصْفِرَارَ العاجِ
فِي نَعَجٍ مِنْها وَفِي انْبِلاجِ
8. With bright faces but not cheeky,
Nor impudent, joking and laughing,
٨. سَدْرَى بِهَا داءٌ مِنَ الغُناجِ
فِي مُرْشِقاتٍ لَسْنَ بِالأَهْماجِ
9. Exposing their teeth like hailstones.
As if lightning flashed during a commotion,
٩. وَلَسْنَ باِلخَرامِلِ الأهْواج
يَضحَكن عن مَثلوجَةِ الأَثلاجِ
10. Their laughter with its radiance.
They teased me with their swaying hips,
١٠. لَها اللَمى من لُعسَةِ الإِدعاجِ
كَأَنَّ بَرْقاً طارَ فِي إِرْعاجِ
11. The devil of every arrogant, audacious one,
With eloquent, lucid speech without stuttering,
١١. إِبْراقُهُنَّ الضَحْكَ ذا الإِبْلاجِ
غَيَّقْنَ بِالمَكْحُولَةِ السَواجِي
12. And correct, understood language, not babbling,
And eyebrows frowning and scowling.
١٢. شَيْطانَ كُلِّ مُتْرَفٍ سَدّاجِ
بِالمَنْطِقِ المَعْلُومِ بِالإِحْناجِ
13. O Nadra, you have been inclined to impudence
And saying worthless, suspicious things,
١٣. وَالمُعْرَبِ المعَرُوفِ لا اللجْلاجِ
وَكَسراتِ الحاجِبِ الخَلّاجِ
14. That vanquish the soul I confide in
And forget the advice of the hot-tempered one,
١٤. يا نَضْرَ قَد أُولِعْتِ بِاللَجاجِ
وَالقَوْلِ مِنْ بَواطِلِ السِمْهاجِ
15. Spurning the traits of ardency,
And the length of my intimacy with the quarrelsome,
١٥. أَنْ يَغْلِبَ النَفْسَ الَّتِي أُنَاجِي
وَالحِفْظَ مِنْ وَصِيَّةِ العَجّاجِ
16. Who have not mixed any lies or falsehood,
While I desire excuses and argumentation,
١٦. تَكَرُّماً عَنْ سِيمَةِ الهُمّاجِ
وَطُولَ إِنْسَائِي ذَوِي الضَجاجِ
17. Fearing the jealousy of wives,
Which leads to the bed of the spurned,
١٧. ما خَلَطُوا مِنْ كَذِبٍ شِمْراجِ
ورَغبَتي في العُذرِ واحتِجاجِ
18. Who spend the night lying awake in distress,
And select in intense darkness a gloomy, hidden corner,
١٨. خَوْقَاءَ مِنْ تَرَاغُب الأَضْواجِ
تُفْضِي إِلَى مُنْضَرِجِ الأَضْراجِ
19. Green, becoming green like withered grass,
Until it fades away from a bursting pillow,
١٩. تَغْتالُ مَرَّ النُجُبِ النَواجِي
وَإِنْ سَبَرْنَ اللَّيْلَ بِالإِدْلاجِ
20. Wiping tears from the dusty, travel-worn eye,
As if, from being held tightly, clutched,
٢٠. وَاجْتَبْنَ فِي ذِي لُجَجٍ دَجدَاجِ
أَخْضَرَ يَخْضَرُّ اخْتِضَارَ الساجِ
21. And the afternoon, after ample bodies, fully matured,
And insistence with sighing and moaning,
٢١. فِي هَدَبٍ مِنْهُ وَفِي التْجِاجِ
حَتَّى انْجَلَى عَنْ مِعْسَفٍ شَجّاجِ
22. Hollowed out like a water trough,
They cast toward me the echoes' reverberating sound,
٢٢. يَمْطُو قِلاصَ السَفَرِ المَجّاجِ
كَأَنَّهَا مِنْ شِدَّةِ الإِدْراجِ
23. With every burning thirst of firm argument,
As if they came from the heel of someone turned away.
٢٣. إِذْ ضَمَّها نَجانِجُ النَجْناجِ
وَالعَصْرُ بَعْدَ البُدُنِ البَجْبَاجِ
24. Remains of sperm still sticky from discharge
The evil of grazing and confiding has not ceased,
٢٤. وَالنَهْمُ بِالْيَايَاءِ وَالهَجْهاجِ
مُخْرَوَّطاتٌ كَقَنَا الحَلّاجِ
25. With warning without gentle moderation,
And our constantly moving guide without rest,
٢٥. يَرْمِين أَصْوَات الصَدَى البَوَّاجِ
بِكُلِّ ظَمْأى صُلْبَةِ الحِجاجِ
26. Until we drove them along by force,
They threw off every hasty one, scared and alarmed,
٢٦. كَأَنَّهَا مِنْ عُقَبِ الإِيسَاجِ
باقِي نِطافٍ غُرْنَ في الأَلْحاجِ
27. No skin was retained in the blood of the slain.
It overlooked the wailing of the crying women,
٢٧. ما زالَ سُوءُ الرَعيِ وَالتَناجِي
بِمُهْوَأَنٍّ غَيْرِ ذِي لَمَاحِ
28. The moaning of those journeying along the dusty road,
Who left him to the one-eyed cheat
٢٨. وَطُولِ زَجْرٍ بِحَلٍ وَعَاجِ
وَمَرُّ هادِينَا بِلا مُنْعاجِ
29. And the wolf and the cunning decorated with stripes,
And an arrogant fool like a grape picker,
٢٩. حَتَّى مَسَيْنَاهُنَّ بِالإِخْداجِ
يَقْذِفْنَ كُلَّ مُعْجَلٍ نَشَّاجِ
30. Who comes and goes bending over like an arched reed,
Frequenting every firm, steady footstep,
٣٠. لَمْ يُكْسَ جِلْداً في دَم أَمْشاجِ
فَرَّجَ عَنْهُ حَلَقَ الرَتَاجِ
31. Alone with jumping or with the sheep,
As if they were clothed with loose robes,
٣١. تَنْحِيبُ نَحْبِ السَفَرِ السَحّاجِ
غَادَرْنَهُ لِلأَعْوَرِ الشَحّاجِ
32. And gained more hybrids from the sheep traders,
Fabric like Indian linen cloth in wrappings,
٣٢. وَالذِئْبِ وَالمُخَطَّطِ العَرَّاجِ
وَحُجَّلٍ كَدَرْدَق الأَزْناجِ
33. And headdresses in the gowns of young brides,
When we drive them with rebuke,
٣٣. تَغْدُو فَتَطْوِي كَالقَنَا الزَلَّاجِ
بِالبَشْك أَوْ بِالعَنْق النَّآجِ
34. And resolute sand hills, stocked with supplies, stir up
A commotion with harshness and force,
٣٤. مُرْتَادَ كُلِّ رَاجِلٍ رَجَّاجِ
فَرْدٍ بِقَفْز أَوْ مَع النِعاجِ
35. Frightening the inhabitants with eviction.
As if it were the music of jinn causing confusion,
٣٥. كَأَنَّمَا سُرْوِلْن في أَرْداجِ
وَازْدَدْن أَخْلاطاً مِن العُسَّاجِ
36. Accompanying it the twittering of the carpenter bird,
I surpassed it in a flaring, blazing star
٣٦. وُرْقاً كَسَبْيِ السِنْدِ في الأَسْباجِ
وَالعُفْرَ فِي مَعَاطِف الأَوْلاجِ
37. That preserves the burning coals of last night
To the abode receiving various groups
٣٧. إذَا اسْتَزَدْنَاهُنَّ بالإِهْداجِ
وَاعْتَنَّ رَمْلٌ مُحْبِجُ الإِحْباجِ
38. Upon it are the feathers of wild ducks and the fur of rabbits
From the webs of spiders, the web makers
٣٨. تَنَشَّطَتْ بِالعَسْفِ وَالإِمْجاجِ
شَأْسَ الصُوَى مَحْدَوْدِب الأَخْراجِ
39. And if they adopt the method of one who sets forth early,
Emptying the sorrow that rends with no letup,
٣٩. كَأَنَّ عَزْفَ الجِنِّ ذِي الأَهْزاجِ
بِهِ حَنِينُ الزَجِلِ الصَنَّاجِ
40. Carrying their containers with imposition,
Rather, I said, words certainly have pairs.
٤٠. جاوَزْتُهُ في كَوْكَبٍ وَهّاجِ
يُحْمِيهِ سَجْرُ البارِح الأَجَّاجِ
41. O Excellence, what will make you cry in distress?
Are you turning away from a brother in need,
٤١. إِلَى سُدَى مُسْتَوْرِدِ العَجَاجِ
عَلَيْهِ مِنْ مُخْتَلِف الأَفواجِ
42. Owing a pressing, burdensome debt that exhausts resources?
He has sought refuge with you from a perilous year
٤٢. رِيشُ القَطَا وَمُرْمَل الأَوْشاجِ
مِنْ شِبْرَقِ العَنَاكِبِ النُسّاجِ
43. That casts down the leaves of trees.
He treated it while life has remedies,
٤٣. وَإِن أَخَذْنَ عَافِيَ المِنْهاجِ
خَلّاً يَقُدُّ الحَزْنَ ذا الشَراجِ
44. Concerning a girl like chicks of chickens.
O Excellence, O son of the radiant, shining stars,
٤٤. بَلَّغْنَ أُولاَهُنَّ بِالإِلْهاجِ
بَلْ قُلْتُ إِنَّ القَوْلَ ذُو أَزْواجِ
45. O Excellence, O son of the eminent nobles,
The Hashimites, pilgrims to the Sacred House,
٤٥. يا فَضْلُ ما سَيْبُكَ بِالإِزْعاجِ
هَل أَنْتَ مُلْقٍ عَن أَخٍ مُحْتاجِ
46. You are the son of every Mustafa, a guiding lamp,
Easy to praise, of pure silk brocade,
٤٦. دَيْناً مِلَحّاً قَتَب الأَحْداجِ
عاذَ بِكُمْ مِنْ سَنَةٍ مِسْحاجِ
47. Prayed for at the retreat of pilgrims,
Who plunges into every deep, tumultuous water,
٤٧. شَهْبَاءَ تُلْقِي وَرَقَ الحرَاجِ
عالَجَها والَعَيْشُ ذُو عِلاجِ
48. For anguish on the day of raging conflict.
Your accounts are in ease and comfort.
٤٨. عَنْ صِبْيَةٍ كَأَفْرُخِ الدَجَاجِ
يا فَضْلُ يا ابْن الأَنْجُم الأَبْراجِ
49. No one who sought the shade of your shelter
Failed to escape by your saving rope,
٤٩. يا فَضْلُ يا ابْن السادَة الأَفْلاجِ
الهاشِمِيِّينَ بِمَحْجَى الْحاجِ
50. In the joy of a consolation from misfortune.
Though people of high rank or without high rank
٥٠. أَنْتَ ابْنُ كَلِّ مُصْطَفىً سراجِ
سَهْلِ المُحَيَّا خالِصِ الدِيباجِ
51. Shared virtue with an allotted portion,
You surpassed them with an overflowing bucket,
٥١. يُدْعَى لَهُ بِمُعْكِفِ الحُجّاجِ
خَوّاضِ كُلِّ غَمْرَةٍ فَرّاجِ
52. Large Iraqi vessel, collar adorned with pearls,
Of expansive branches, laden, bending under the weight,
٥٢. لِلْكَرْبِ فِي يَوْمِ الوَغَى المَوَّاجِ
أَحْسَابُكُمْ فِي اليُسْرِ وَالإِلْفاجِ
53. Extending into the saturated, abundant meadows,
When the spate of floods converges,
٥٣. شِيبَتْ بِعَذبٍ طَيِّبِ المِزَاجِ
ما احْتَلَّ فِي أَظْلالِكُمْ مِنْ راجِ
54. Relieving the blossoms of the running stream
In a place abundant, filled with meadows,
٥٤. إِلّا نَجَا مِنْكُمْ بِحَبْلِ الناجِي
فِي رَهْوَةٍ عَزَّاءَ مِنْ سُوَاجِ
55. Rearing upon successive commotion,
A sea extending the torrent in gushing forth,
٥٥. وَإِنْ ذَوُو التاجِ وَغَيْرِ التَاجِ
تَنَاهَبُوا الفَضْلَ بِحَظٍّ زاجِ
56. Its tributaries repelling in its tributaries.
٥٦. ناهَبْتَهُمْ بِمَغْرِفٍ عَجّاج
ضَخمِ العَراقي مُكرَبِ العِناجِ
٥٧. رَحبِ الفُروعِ مُتأَقٍ مَجّاجِ
يَمُدُّ فِي مُسْتَوْثِج الأَسْباجِ
٥٨. إِذَا تَلاقَى رَهَجُ الأَرْهاجِ
فَرَّجَ وِرْدَ اللَّائِبِ الرَوَّاجِ
٥٩. فِي ذِي عُبابٍ مالِىءِ الأَحْضاجِ
يُرْبِي عَلَى تَعاقُبِ الهَجْهاجِ
٦٠. بَحراً يَمُدُّ السَيلَ في انبعاجِ
أَفلاجُهُ يَدفعنَ في أَفلاجِ