
In a land that lies in ambush for the steps of the wayfarer,

وبلد يغتال خطو المختطي

1. In a land that lies in ambush for the steps of the wayfarer,
With the deceit of misguidance and outstretched evil,

١. وَبَلَدٍ يَغْتالُ خَطْوَ المُخْتَطِي
بِغائِلِ الغَوْلِ عَرِيضِ المَبْسَطِ

2. In it are steep descents and resting places,
With clefts in the rock face and fearsome slopes,

٢. بِهِ الرَذَايَا مِنْ وَجٍ وَمُسْقَطِ
مُنْخَرِقِ الجَوْزِ مَخُوفِ المَهْبِطِ

3. Upon it are folds of scorching heat that smothers,
A network of hills like the teeth of a comb,

٣. عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَكْنافِ قَيْظٍ يَغْتَطِي
شَبْكٌ مِنَ الآلِ كَشَبْكِ المُشَّطِ

4. When the howling winds blow,
The hills are covered with drifting sand,

٤. إِذَا شَمارِيخُ النِياف الأَعْيَطِ
عُمِّمْنَ بِالآلِ اعْتِمام الأَشْمَطِ

5. Before the bent night of the encampment
Can be folded by the tents pitching down,

٥. ما كادَ لَيْلُ القَرَبِ الْمُخْرَوِّطِ
بِالعِيسِ تَمْطُوهَا قِياقٍ تَمْتَطِي

6. Twisted like the twists of a crooked staff,
And the groping of its hands like one searching in the dark,

٦. عُوجاً كَمَا اعْوَجَّتْ قِيَاسُ الشَوْحَطِ
وَخَبْطُ أَيْدِيها صِعَابَ المَخْبَطِ

7. They choose the summits of the rising sand dunes,
Pouring down into the hollow of a paved land,

٧. يَنْتُقْن أَقْتاب النُسُوع الأُطَّطِ
تُفْضِي إلَى أَبْلاطِ جَوْفٍ مُبْلَطِ

8. Upon which blow the hot desert winds,
A range like uncooked meat never warmed by fire,

٨. عَلَيْهِ مِنْ سافِي الرِياحِ الخُطَّطِ
أَجْنٌ كَنَيئِ اللَحْمِ لَمْ يُشَيَّطِ

9. I came upon it before the ungainly hyena and prowling wolf
And before the howling of the wild dogs roaming in packs,

٩. باكَرْتُهُ قَبْلَ الغَطَاطِ اللُغَّطِ
وَقَبْلَ جَوْنِيِّ القَطَا المُخَطَّطِ

10. And before the exuberance of the cheerful dawn
And the arrival of the evening wolves that howl plaintively,

١٠. وقَبْل أَفْراط الصَباح الفُرَّطِ
وَوِرْدِ مَيّاطِ الذِئابِ المُيَّطِ

11. With a brave warrior, ready for the fight,
Who travels the miles with outstretched neck,

١١. بِسِلبٍ ذِي سَلِباتٍ وُخَّط
يَمْطُو السُرَى بِعُنُقٍ عَنَطْنَطِ

12. In the paddle of a constant riding beast for the rider,
The camels extending their necks trot evenly,

١٢. فِي ضَبْرِ ضَوْجانِ القَرَا لِلْمُمْتَطِي
يَنْضُو المَطايَا عَنَقُ المُسَمَّطِ

13. With a leg that stretches out and a quick pace
Their hasty return is never cut short,

١٣. بِرِجلٍ طالَتْ وَبَوْعٍ مِنْشَطِ
يَحْتَثُّ عَجْلَى رَجْعُها لَمْ يُقْسَطِ

14. So which of you makes rash judgements
When I possess a glory that cannot diminish,

١٤. فَأَيُّهَا القائِلُ قَوْلَ المُفْرِطِ
وَأَنَا فِي العِزِّ الَّذِي لَمْ يُوهَطِ

15. That turns away from the enmity of foes and fault finders,
With every angry one prone to complaining,

١٥. يَبْأَى علَى بَغْي الِعدَا وَالمُشْطِطِ
بِكُلِّ غَضْبَانٍ عَلَى التَعَيُّطِ

16. A grim-faced tree, stubborn and frowning,
Baring its fangs in agony,

١٦. مُنْتَفِج الشَجْر أَبِيِّ المُسْخَطِ
يُصْلِقُ نابَاهُ مِنَ التَخَمُّطِ

17. When I have said the words of one who never lacked integrity
Turn away from people and do not get upset,

١٧. وَقُلْت أَقْوال امْرِئٍ لَمْ يُبْعِطِ
أَعْرِضْ عَنِ الناسِ وَلا تَسَخَّطِ

18. For people will transgress against the powerful,
And you will not attain wisdom if you do not restrain

١٨. فَالناسُ يَعْتُون عَلَى المُسَلَّطِ
وَلنْ تَنَالَ الحِلْمَ ما لَمْ تَرْبِطِ

19. Your mind, and know that one who does not squander
Guarding your honour, aloof from shame,

١٩. عَقْلاً وَتَعْلَم أَنَّ ما لَمْ يَفْرُطِ
مِنْ صَوْنِكَ العِرْضَ بَعِيدُ المَشْحَطِ

20. And that the misfortunes of men, the debased,
Come from one who gloats and is fortunate,

٢٠. وَأَنَّ أَدْواء الرِجال النُحَّطِ
مَكانَها مِنْ شامِتٍ وَغُبَّطِ

21. By the grace of the Almighty God,
From the attainment of God, and one who does not mix

٢١. بِفَضْلِ آكَال الإلَه الأَسْبَطِ
مِنْ نائِلِ اللَّهِ وَمَنْ لَمْ يَخْلِطِ

22. Foolishness with wisdom, diminished or fading away,
Just as the noble steed reveals its true nature

٢٢. بِالْحِلْمِ جَهْلاً يَسْتَكِنَ أَوْ يُوهَطِ
وَالحافِرُ الشَرَّ مَتَى يَسْتَنْبِطِ

23. Tossing aside the base and despicable.

٢٣. يَنْزِعْ ذَمِيماً وَجِلاً أَوْ يَحْلِطِ