1. A village whose echo he calls India
The night excites longing in it
١. وَبَلْدَةٍ يَدْعُو صَدَاها هِنْدَا
يُهَيِّجُ اللَيْلُ عَلَيْها وَجْدا
2. Like one with sorrows who finds solace in loss
Wherein the hot sands harbor roses
٢. كَذات أَحْزان أَرَاحَتْ فَقدا
يُحْمِي بِهَا الحَرُّ المَهارَى وِرْدا
3. Of what the twittering grouse bowed to
Nibbling the Euphorbia stalks
٣. مِمّا تَصَلَّيْنَ الهَجِير الصَخْدا
تَفْصِد أَوْشال الذَفارَى فَصْدا
4. The kneading of the dough was still damp
The night slips smoothly down
٤. ما زالَ إِسْآدُ المَطايَا سَمْدا
يَنْسَلِبُ اللَيْلُ انْسِلاباً مَسْدا
5. Where the people of Najd called it Najd
Until the sitting was blessed and the love fulfilled
٥. بِحَيْثُ سَمَّى أَهْلُ نَجْدٍ نَجْدا
حَتَّى بَرَى الجَلْسَ وَأنْضَى الأُجْدا
6. The pattering of hooves that shorten the distance
With legs that raced an ostrich to water
٦. تَقْلِيب أَخْفافٍ تُدَنِّي البُعْدَا
بِأَرْجُلٍ ساقَتْ نَعاماً زُبْدا
7. As if refusing the partnership that slumbers
When the path in the wilderness crooked
٧. كَأَنَّ رَفْضَ الشَركِ المُرْقَدّا
إِذا الطَرِيقُ بِالفَلاةِ ارْمَدّا
8. The strides of a Meccan excelling at racing
Though the specialty of their nights straightened
٨. أَنْساعُ مَكِّيٍّ أَجاد القَدَّا
وَإِنْ خَصاصُ لَيْلِهِنَّ اسْتَدّا
9. They blocked it from its burrows or blocked
It from them as it limped, injured, away
٩. صَدَدْنَ عَنْ عِرْنِينِه أَوْ صَدّا
عَنْها وَتَعْرَوْرَى سِهاباً جُرْدا
10. When the war drums beat exhausted
You'd think there were some hyenas underneath me
١٠. إِذا تَهَاوى القَرَبِ اجْرَهَدَّا
كَأَنَّ تَحْتِي ذا شِيّاتٍ فَرْدا
11. He ventured out in the night and cold violently
Arching and bleating, warding off the cold
١١. بادَرَ لَيْلاً وَشَمالاً صَرْدا
أَرْطَى وَأَحْقافاً يَذُدْنَ البَرْدا
12. The camels straighten their necks, awakened
Your awakening from the Yemeni's sheath
١٢. يَنْضُو المَطايَا عَنَقاً وَوَخْدا
نَضْوَكَ عَن صَدْرِ اليَمانِي الغِمْدا
13. Repelling blame and shortening praise
Their dark manes obscuring meanings
١٣. تَطْرُدُ ذَمّاً وَتُدَنِّي حَمْدا
تَعْمِي مَعَانِيها اللُغامَ الجَعْدا
14. They no longer reckon people will visit me
Showing, from anger, faces like pus
١٤. لا تَعْد أَقْوام إِلَيَّ القَصْدا
أَبْدَوْا مِنَ الغَيْظِ وُجُوهاً رُبْدا
15. Sick, though they were healthy inside
No tumor of one who swelled healed
١٥. مَرْضَى وَإِنْ كانُوا بِطاناً كُبْدا
لا بَرِئَتْ غُدَّةُ مَن أَغَدّا
16. When the satire's opposition hardened
I knew the greater number prepared
١٦. إِذا اعْتِراضُ الرَجَزٍ اصْمَعَدّا
عَرَفْت أَنَّ العَدَد الأَعَدّا
17. And the pillar, if you compete with the firmest
For us, when the day of horrors stretched out
١٧. وَالرُكْنَ إِنْ زاحَمْتَه الأَشَدّا
لَنا إِذا يَوْمُ الحِفَاظِ امْتَدَّا
18. And the days of misery spread wide
And though they commanded harvesting the harvest
١٨. وَعَمَّ أَيّام الضِناك الحَشْدا
وَإِن أَمَرَّ المُحْصِدُون الحَصْدا
19. On a day of stirring or covering intensity
And we did not find any matter of import
١٩. فِي يَوْمِ هَيْجَا أَوْ غَشِين الجِدّا
وَلَمْ نَجِدْ مِنْ عُظْم أَمْرٍ بُدَّا
20. While we have not seen any proper matter
We bring down upon the people because of us misery
٢٠. وَنَحْنُ ما لَمْ نَر أَمْراً رُشْدَا
نُدْنِي لِنُكْدِ الناسِ مِنّا نُكْدا
21. And whoever we wanted boldness and schemes from
By our forcing servitude, became a slave
٢١. وَمَن أَرَدْنَا جُرْأَةً وَمَكْدا
بِقَسْرِنَا التَعْبِيدَ كانَ عَبْدا
22. You see, when the respectable prepared
A messenger from us, guiding and praiseworthy
٢٢. تَرَى إِذا ذُو الحَسَبِ اسْتَعَدّا
مِنّا رَسُولاً هادِياً وَحَمْدَا
23. Through him we scattered the parasites and glory
And our uncle is the best of uncles, mottled
٢٣. بِهِ تَفَنَّخْنَا الذُرَى وَالمَجْدا
وَعَمُّنَا أَفْضَلُ عَمٍّ زَبْدا
24. Qais, when the milkbag was extracted
The greatest in battle, an army
٢٤. قَيْسٌ إِذا ما المَحْلِبُ اسْتَمَدّا
الأَعَظَمُونَ فِي الجِهادِ جُنْدا
25. The safest with covenants and pacts
That, and my grandfather the most fortunate, Sa'd
٢٥. وَالأَمْنَعُونَ ذِمَماً وَعَهْدا
ذَاكَ وَسَعْدِي الأَفْضَلُونَ سَعْدا
26. If you judge us fairly, judging
We judge fairly, a number judged
٢٦. إِنَّكَ إِنْ تَعْدِلْ بِنَا مَعَدّا
نَعْدِلُ مَعَدّاً عَدَداً وَجَدَّا
27. And enough the day of superiority, reckoned
And if we wronged people, we said, deliberately
٢٧. وَحَسَباً يَوْمَ الفِضالِ عِدّا
وَإِن ظَلَمنا الناسَ قُلنا عَمدا
28. So you, blaming a matter done
If you expect us, then strike Uhod
٢٨. فَأَيُّها الرائِمُ أَمراً إِدَّا
إِنْ كُنْتَ تَرْجُونَا فَنَاطِح أُحْدا
29. We have from each spearpoint a spearpoint
From cows, milk and provision
٢٩. إِنَّ لَنَا مِنْ كُلِّ نِهدٍ نِهْدا
مِنَ الرِبابِ حَلَباً وَرِفْدا
30. And our life provision for us and repayment
And the family of Zayd, an advance and delegation
٣٠. وَعَمْرُنَا رِفْداً لَنا وَرِدَّا
وَآلُ زَيْدٍ سَلَفاً وَوَفْدا
31. As lions from each people, lions
You'd see them, if an affair became serious
٣١. مُسْتَأْسِداً مِنْ كُلِّ قَوْمٍ أُسْدَا
تَرَى لَهُم إِنْ رام أَمْراً ضَهْدا
32. Necks hardened from the harshness of glory
And a group who don't complain of twisting
٣٢. مِنْ قَسْوَةِ العِزِّ رِقاباً لُدّا
وَجِلَّةً لا يَشْتَكٍينَ اللَهْدا
33. Slavering the necks of phalanxes with biting
When they charge on a day of arming, charging
٣٣. يَخْضِدْن أَعْناق القُرُومِ خَضْدا
إِذا إحْتَضَرْنَ يَوْمَ زَأدٍ زَأْدا
34. You see only one grimacing, chewing
A Franciscan made fat in body
٣٤. لَمْ تَرَ إِلّا مُقْرَماً عِلَّكْدا
فُرَانِساً أُرِبَّ جِسْماً مَغْدا
35. Whose appetite for threats grows
When he repeats the roar and readies
٣٥. يَزِيدُهُ نَهْمُ الوَعِيدِ حَرْدا
إِذا أَعاد الزَأْرَ وَاسْمَعَدّا
36. And they became angry with great anger
I thought it covered him in the color pink
٣٦. وَقَدْ غَضِبْنَ غَضَباً عِرْبَدّا
حَسِبْتُهُ غَشَّاهُ لَوْناً وَرْدا
37. Wearing only a loincloth or tattered garment
It's as if when his fangs sharpen
٣٧. طالِيه إِلّا بِتَكاً أَوْ لِبْدا
كَأَنَّ نَابَيْهِ إِذَا اسْتَحَدّا
38. They rebound off the other two, blunted
In a cleft I see him most severe
٣٨. بِالآخَرَيْنِ مِغْوَلاَنِ ارْتَدّا
فِي وُرَّمٍ أَرْآدُه أَلَدّا
39. With resolve like an anvil that met an anvil
When he frowned his scowl intensified
٣٩. وَهامَةٍ كَالصَمْدِ لاَقَتْ صَمْدا
إِذا اضْمَأَكَّ أَخْدَعَاه ابْتَدّا
40. Arrogant, defiant, sneering
His rage helped his wrathful brow
٤٠. صَلِيفَ مُرْدِيٍّ وَمُصْلَخِدّا
أَعانَ حَيْداهُ جَبِيناً صَلْدا
41. They race with the gargle of the stream racing
High-stepping and purplish red
٤١. يَزْغَدْنَ بَخْباخَ الهَدِيرِ زَغْدا
بَوَاذِخاً راجِسَةً وَرَدّا
42. You hear for them the earth groan
And if you saw a shoulder and arm
٤٢. تَسْمَعُ لِلأَرْضِ بِهِنَّ وَأْدا
وَإِنْ رَأَيْتَ مَنْكِباً وَعَضْدا
43. Of them pelted with firm throws
You'd think their skins full of vesicles
٤٣. مِنْهُنَّ تُرْمَى بِاللَكِيكِ لَثْدا
حَسِبْتَ فِي أَجْلادِهِنَّ سُخْدا
44. From the swelling of tumors that crept out
٤٤. مِنْ نَضْو أَوْرامٍ تَمَشَّتْ سَأْدَا