
Had I been in a Raiman, I would never leave

لو كنت في ريمان لست ببارح

1. Had I been in a Raiman, I would never leave
And its cleft is sealed with mud

١. لَوْ كنتُ في ريْمانَ لسْتُ ببارحٍ
أبداً وسُدَّ خَصاصُهُ بالطّينِ

2. In its seeds are my food and drink
My wishes came to me, seeking me

٢. لي في ذُراهُ مآكلٌ ومشارِبٌ
جاءَتْ إليَّ مَنيَّتي تبغيني

3. And I certainly passed by the wicked one cursing me
So I went on, then said: it does not concern me

٣. وَلقدْ مررْتُ على اللّئيمِ يسبُّني
فمضيْتُ ثُمَّت قُلْتُ لا يعْنينِي

4. Angry, filled with hatred towards me
By your Lord, his anger satisfies me

٤. غَضْبانَ ممتلئاً عليَّ إهابهُ
إنّي وربِّكَ سُخْطُهُ يرْضيني

5. O Lord, failure, if my wish comes to him
Happy and torn, if I die sorrowful

٥. يا رُبَّ نِكْسٍ إنْ أتتْهُ منيَّتي
فرِحٍ وخِرْقٍ إنْ هَلَكْتُ حزينُ