1. What care I for the lofty mountain when
All desire is a perfumed hill,
١. مَالي وللجبلِ الأغَرّ وإنّما
كلّ الهوَى جبلٌ أشمّ بَهيمُ
2. Shrouded in the land of Syria as though
The rain clouds with their showers were still,
٢. موفٍ على أرضِ الشّآمِ كأنّما
جُونُ السحائب في ذُرَاهُ جُثُومُ
3. It remained the resting place for my eyes until
When my temples were adorned with starry signs of old age.
٣. ما زال مَطْرَحَ نَاظِرِي حتى إذا
لاحَت بفَودِي للمَشيبِ نُجومُ
4. I left it and withdrew from it, but never
Withdrew my love, for the noble one is noble.
٤. فَارقتُه ونأيتُ عنه وما نَأى
وجْدِي به وهوَى الكريمِ كريمُ
5. When I remember those who camped on its plains
And they, though the paths of purpose diverge, I rave.
٥. فإذا ذكرتُ النّازِلِينَ بِسَهْلهِ
وبهم وإن شَطّت نَوَايَ أهِيمُ
6. The earth and the firmament spin as if
I were dizzy or stung by a hornet.
٦. دارَت بي الأرضُ الفضاءُ كأنّما
بِي المُومُ أو لَعِبتْ بِيَ الخُرطُومُ