1. I used to hear, but now I take as an example,
That nights deter the falcon with decayed ruins,
١. قَد كنتُ أسمَعُ لكن خِلتُه مثَلاً
أنَّ اللّيالِي يَصِدْن الصّقرَ بالخَرَبِ
2. And that their hands were paralyzed and did not stretch out,
When they struck, they broke the spring in the waste,
٢. وأن أَيدِيَها شَلّتْ ولا انبسطَت
إذا ضَربنَ كَسرْن النّبعَ بالغَرَبِ
3. Until I saw the ostriches that killed
The lion of the den, what a wonder for people,
٣. حتّى رأيتُ النّعامَ الرّبْدَ قد قَتَلَتَ
أُسْدَ العرينِ فيا لَلنّاسِ للعَجَبِ
4. As if the dome of deaths was roaring among them,
So they all died neighbors of the falcon,
٤. كأَنَّ سقْبَ المنَايا وسْطَ جمعِهِمُ
رغَا فماتُوا جميعاً جيرةَ الصّقَبِ
5. Their rescue did not avail them when their day came,
It did not protect them from the violence of affliction,
٥. لم تُغنِ نجدتُهُم إذ حانَ يَومُهُمُ
عنْهم ولم تَحمهم من سطوةِ النُّوَبِ
6. Alas for the stranger whose lands are her lands,
She did not depart from them and did not live abroad,
٦. وَيْحَ الغَريبةِ والدّيارُ دِيارُها
لم تَرتَحِلْ عنها ولم تَتَغَرَّبِ
7. She died a stranger, lone, in her soil,
And from her brothers and cousins and father,
٧. ماتت غريبةَ وِحدةٍ من تِرْبِها
وشقيقِها ومن العُمومةِ والأبِ
8. She is the only one, and the relatives around her,
And she is the remote one in the closest place,
٨. فهي الوحيدةُ والأقارِبُ حولَها
وهي البعيدةُ في المحَلِّ الأقربِ
9. So when the memory of her smolders in the bosoms,
Sorrow said: By Allah O eye pour,
٩. فإذا تضرَّمَ في الجوانِحِ ذكرُها
قال الأسَى باللهِ يا عينُ اسكُبِي