
What use is standing at the abode of one with a ladder

ماذا الوقوف على دار بذي سلم

1. What use is standing at the abode of one with a ladder,
Whether unintelligible or stripped bare by the veil of tears,

١. ماذا الوُقوفُ على دارٍ بِذي سَلَمَ
عجماءَ أو قد عَراها عارِضُ البَكَمِ

2. Time has changed it from what you used to tend,
And its inhabitants have departed to the tribes of nations,

٢. أحالَها الدهرُ عمّا كنتَ تَعهَدُهُ
وغالَ مستوطِنيها غائلُ الأُممِ

3. Until after them it grew dark, and truly
They sang of it while they were the moons in the darkness,

٣. حتى لقد أظلمَتْ من بَعدِهم ولقد
غَنوا بها وهمُ الأقمارُ في الظُّلَمِ

4. They met the same fate as their ruins, and how much
Has time destroyed of home and family of old,

٤. بَلُوا كما بَلِيَتْ آثارُهم ولَكَم
أبْلى دياراً وأهلاً سالِفُ القِدَمِ

5. Fortune allotted them a time and deluded them
With what they were allowed of this life, but it did not last,

٥. أملى الزَّمانُ لهم حيناً وغرَّهُمُ
ما خُوَّلوهُ من الدّنيا فلم يَدُمِ

6. They passed away, taking with them no money or bounty,
And they were questioned about the account of money and bounty,

٦. مضَوْا وما استصحبُوا مالاً ولا نِعَماً
ونوقِشوا عن حساب المالِ والنِّعَمِ

7. When their destiny came upon them,
From all they had gained they gained nothing but regret,

٧. لم يحْصُلوا حين وافاهُم حِمامُهُمُ
مِن كلِّ ما حَصَّلوا إلاّ عَلى النَّدَمِ

8. And people's intoxication with this life and their preoccupation
With what will vanish and not last of sorrows.

٨. وصبوةُ النَّاسِ بِالدّنيا وشُغلهم
عمَّا سيَبقى بِما يَفنى من اللَّمَمِ