
O maker of hopes, leave the deceits of wishes

يا معمل الآمال دع خدع المنى

1. O maker of hopes, leave the deceits of wishes
For despair destroys all that you have tied

١. يا مُعمِلَ الآمالِ دَعْ خُدَعَ المنى
فاليأسُ ينقضُ كلّ ما أبرَمتَهُ

2. Sicken your heart with resignation, perhaps
It will be made easy after the intent, if you throw it

٢. مَرِّضْ فؤادَكَ بالسّلوِّ لعلّه
مُتَيَسّرٌ بَعدَ النّوى إن رُمتَه

3. For it is ignorance to hope for their union
After separation, and in closeness, its prohibition

٣. فمنِ الجهالةِ أن تُؤَمّل وصلَهم
بَعد البِعاد وفي الدّنُوِّ حُرِمتَه