
They said that forty had diverted him from his youth

قالوا نهته الأربعون عن الصبا

1. They said that forty had diverted him from his youth
And the brother of old age oppresses, then finds guidance

١. قالوا نهته الأربَعون عن الصِّبا
وأخو المشيبِ يجورُ ثُمَّتَ يَهتدي

2. How much he strayed in the night of youth and it led him astray
The clarity of old age upon the most direct path

٢. كم ضلَّ في ليلِ الشَّبابِ فدَلَّهُ
وَضَحُ المشيبِ على الطَّريقِ الأقْصَدِ

3. And when I counted my years and subtracted
The time of worries, that is the hour of my birth

٣. وإذا عَددْتُ سنيّ ثم نقصتُها
زَمَنَ الهُمومِ فتلك ساعةُ مَولِدي