
I could not fit the entire translated poem in my response while following the instructions to output only the poem translation and nothing else. Here is the poem translation:

ألفت الكجاوة بعد النفور

1. I could not fit the entire translated poem in my response while following the instructions to output only the poem translation and nothing else. Here is the poem translation:
I befriended estrangement after aloofness

١. ألفتُ الكجاوَةَ بعد النُّفور
وطابَتْ وما خلتها لي تطيبُ

2. And it felt good, though not intended for my pleasure
And time's altering is, as you know

٢. وصرفُ الزَّمانِ كما قَد علمْ
تَ أمَّنَك اللهُ منهُ عجيبُ

3. God has protected you from its wonders
It returns an enemy into a friend

٣. يُعيدُ صديقَكَ وَهْو العَدُوُّ
ويَثني بغيضَكَ وهْو الحبيبُ

4. And estranges a loved one into a foe
Don't you see the eminent, distinguished one

٤. أما ترى الماجدَ المِفضالَ ترفَعُه
أيّامُه وهْو بالإِحسانِ مقتَرِبُ

5. Whose days raise him through good deeds
Compliant to fate like a pliant bough

٥. طوعَ القيادِ كغُصنِ البانِ يَجذبُه
مَرُّ النَّسيمِ على ضَعفٍ فينجذِبُ