
O my savior, and the hand of time scratches me

يا منقذي ويد الزمان تنوشني

1. O my savior, and the hand of time scratches me,
And the burden of my grandfather is failing,

١. يا مُنقِذي ويدُ الزَّمانِ تَنُوشُني
ومُقيلَ جَدّي وهْو كابٍ عاثِرُ

2. Surely you are the carrier of the heaviness of my worries,
And the one who makes time recover from me,

٢. حتّامَ أنتَ لِثِقْلِ هَمّي حَاملٌ
ولما يهيضُ الدّهرُ منّي جَابِرُ

3. And the one who faces time and its people for me,
While they are uncooperative, and you are the victorious hero,

٣. ومقارِعٌ دونِي الزمانَ وأهلَه
مستلئِمينَ وأنت فَذٌّ حَاسرُ

4. Take it easy, I ransom you with a brain that you have defended
From its disasters when there was no helper but you,

٤. مهلاً فَدىً لك مهجةٌ دافَعْتَ عن
حَوْبائِها إذ ليسَ غيرَكَ نَاصرُ

5. Lower yourself, for things have an end,
And everything is heading towards the end

٥. خَفِّضْ عليكَ فلِلأُمور نهايةٌ
وإلى النّهايةِ كلُّ شيءٍ صَائِرُ