
I complain to Allah of my anxiety and misery

إلى الله أشكو روعتي ورزيتي

1. I complain to Allah of my anxiety and misery
And the burning in my intestines from missing my father Bakr

١. إلى اللهِ أشكُو رَوعَتي ورزِيَّتي
وحُرقَةَ أحشائي لفَقْدِ أبي بَكرِ

2. My eyes are empty of him and his image was their pupil
And my chest was never empty of sorrow and passion for him

٢. خَلا ناظِري مِنه وكان سوادَهُ
ولم يَخْلُ من حزني ووجدي به صَدْري

3. I feared orphanhood for him but his bereavement and yearning
Never occurred to me in thought

٣. خَشِيتُ عليه اليُتْمَ لكنَّ ثُكْلَهُ
ولوعَتَه لم يخطُرَا لي على فِكْرِ

4. If only he met what I used to fear for him
While I would be the companion of the grave

٤. فيا ليتَه لاقى الذي كنتُ أختَشي
عليه وأنّي دونَهُ صاحبُ القَبْرِ

5. After him there is no comfort left in my life
Oh how long my grief will last if my lifetime is prolonged

٥. فما في حياتي بعدَهُ ليَ راحَةٌ
فيا طولَ حُزني إن تطاولَ بي عُمري

6. The days did not ask me about him, rather
My consolation is in the reward I hope for in patience

٦. ولم تُسْلِني الأيَّامُ عنهُ وإنَّما
سُلُوِّي بما أرجو من الأجْرِ في الصَّبْرِ