
Entrust the matter satisfied

فوض الأمر راضيا

1. Entrust the matter satisfied
The pen has dried with what has been

١. فَوِّض الأمرَ راضِيا
جَفَّ بالكائِنِ القَلَمْ

2. There is no trick in livelihood
Indeed, sustenance is only by division

٢. لَيس في الرِّزقِ حيلةٌ
إنّما الرِّزقُ بالقِسَمْ

3. The sustenance of the weak has leaned
And like meat on the bone

٣. دلَّ رزقُ الضعيفِ وهْ
وَ كَلَحمٍ على وضَمْ

4. And the need of the strong is pride
The lion granted it in the thickets

٤. وافتقارُ القويِّ ترْ
هَبُهُ الأُسْدُ في الأجَمْ

5. That for the creation there is a Creator
No rejection of what He has decreed

٥. أنَّ للخلقِ خالِقاً
لا مَردَّ لِما حَكَمْ

6. You have corrupted yourself, O shaded one
With what injustices you have gathered

٦. أوبَقْتَ نفسُكَ يا ظلو
مُ بِما احْتَقَبْتَ من المَظالِمْ

7. You thought that money does not
Perish and that the kingdom is eternal

٧. أظَننتَ أنَّ المالَ لا
يَفنى وأنَّ المُلكَ دائِمْ

8. Alas! You and what
You have collected are both dreams of a sleeper

٨. هيهاتَ أنتَ وما جَمَعْ
تَ كَلاكُما أحلامُ نائمْ

9. It perishes and he perishes, and He who
Remains are the sins and crimes

٩. تَفنى ويَفنى والَّذِي
يَبقى الخَطايا والمآثمْ

10. And tomorrow the account
Will discuss you about the lowliest of crimes

١٠. وغداً يُناقِشُكَ الحِسا
بَ عَلى الحَقيرِ مِن الجَرائِمْ

11. A King whom the hearts
Confide to Him of sins with what they conceal

١١. ملكٌ تُناجيهِ القُلو
بُ مِنَ الذُّنوبِ بما تُكاتِمْ

12. The justice of judgment with everything
The chests of creation conceal, He knows

١٢. عدلُ القضاءِ بكلِّ مَا
تُخفي صُدورُ الخلقِ عالِمْ