
O Generous One whose favor is an abundant spring

يا منعما مورد إحسانه

1. O Generous One whose favor is an abundant spring
Effortless; so there is no lack of favor in his gifts

١. يا مُنعِماً مَوْردُ إحسانِه
سَهلٌ فَما في مَنِّهِ مَنُّ

2. He has followed the rain clouds in his generosity
Rather, even the rain clouds follow his example

٢. قد اقْتَدى بالمُزْنِ في جُودِه
بل بِنداهُ يَقتدي المُزنُ

3. You extended a generous hand in ease and hardship
Neither miserliness nor cowardice could restrain it

٣. بَسَطْتَ كفّاً في النّدى والوغَى
ما كَفَّها بُخلٌ ولا جُبْنُ

4. So he is safe from time's harms for in him is over
Every generous, glorious soul a shelter

٤. فاسلَم من الدّهرِ ففِيه على
كلِّ كريمٍ ماجِدٍ ضِغنُ