
I heard the turns of fate and the reproacher's words

سمعت صروف الدهر قول العاتب

1. I heard the turns of fate and the reproacher's words,
And avoided the war of the battling king,

١. سمعت صروف الدهر قول العاتب
وتجنبت حرب المليك الحارب

2. And the days turned away from what he sought,
Yet no seeker honored him more than he who asked.

٢. وتجافت الأيام عن مطلوبه
وما رده أكرم به من طالب

3. He who knew us - even if he were to disobey by day,
His armies would pelt his enemies with darkness.

٣. هو من عرفن فلو عصاه نهاره
لرماه نقع جيوشه بغياهب

4. And when he is relaxed, the hearts of his enemies
Writhe like a toy in the hands of a playing boy.

٤. وإذا سطا أضحت قلوب عداته
تلوى كمخراق بكفي لاعب

5. Who is there to call on the victorious king in whose hand
Are storms of generosity and gifts?

٥. من ذا ينادي الناصر الملك الذي
في كفه بحرا ردى ومواهب

6. And when he marched forth, the plain became
Waves - white, and boats white.

٦. وإذا سرى خلت البسيطة لجّة
أمواجها بيض وبيضٌ قواضب

7. The love and awe of hearts are the possessions of a king Who thus easily leads them, out of awe, though wrathful.

٧. ملك القلوب محبة ومهابة
فاقتادها طوعا بهيبة غاضب