
And it became desolate in the house when morning came

واوحشتي في الدار لما أصبحت

1. And it became desolate in the house when morning came
Desolate from the deer's eye

١. واوحشتي في الدار لما أصبحت
موحشة من الظباء العين

2. It was a den and nest, so it became
Deserted of nest and den

٢. كانت عرينا وكناسا فاغتدت
مقفرة الكناس والعرين

3. The lion's eye compares it
And time is the bandit of the mate's strength

٣. تقارن الأسد بها عين المها
والدهر قطاع قوى القرين

4. So it has become as you see, there is not in it
Except reasons for passion and yearning

٤. فأصبحت كما ترى ليس بها
إلا دواعي الوجد والحنين