
Oh Fate, why do you not refrain

يا دهر مالك لا يصددك

1. Oh Fate, why do you not refrain
From blaming me unjustly?

١. يا دَهرُ مالَكَ لا يَصُد
دُكَ عن إساءَتِيَ العِتابُ

2. You make sick those I love though it grieves me
That separation makes them sick.

٢. أَمْرَضْتَ مَن أَهوَى ويَأْ
بَى أَن أُمَرِّضَه الحجابُ

3. If you were just, I would bear the sickness
And they would reap the reward.

٣. لو كُنْتَ تُنصِفُ كانت ال
أَمراضُ بي ولَهُ الثّوابُ