
O you in whom is my solace from all those I miss

يا من به سلوتي عن كل مفتقد

1. O you in whom is my solace from all those I miss
And whose affection is closer than kinship

١. يا مَن به سَلْوَتي عن كُلِّ مُفْتَقَدٍ
ومَن مودَّتُهُ أدنَى من النَّسَبِ

2. You confided your concerns to me when I complained, so you
Remain steadfast despite pains and afflictions

٢. شَكوتَ همَّكَ بي لمَّا اشتكيتُ فَلا
زلتَ المُوقّى من الآلامِ والنّوَبِ

3. My body is weakened by its ailments, and I see
My heart cannot be freed from worries and sorrows

٣. أبَّلَ جسمِيَ مِن أوصَابِه وأَرَى
قَلبي مِن الهمِّ لا ينفَكُّ ذَا وَصبِ

4. Its malady is internal, no medicine can reach it
Unless helped by an unexpected kindness

٤. وداؤُه باطنٌ لا طِبَّ يبلُغُهُ
إن لَمْ يُدارِكْهُ لطفٌ غيرُ مُحتَسَبِ

5. What has befallen him from his illness is not strange
But his well-being is among the greatest wonders

٥. وما الّذِي نَالَه من دائِه عَجبُ
لكنْ سلامَتهُ من أعجَبِ العَجَبِ