
O dwellers of Paradise, its keeper is pleased with you

يا ساكني جنة رضوان خازنها

1. O dwellers of Paradise, its keeper is pleased with you
You have enjoyed living in spirit and basil.

١. يَا ساكني جَنَّةٍ رِضوانُ خَازنُها
هُنّيتُمُ العيشَ في رَوحٍ ورَيْحَانِ

2. Send the breeze when dawn awakens it
With its scent of diffusion that gives life at times.

٢. مُرُوا النّسِيمَ إذا مَا الفجرُ أيقظَه
بحملِهِ طيبَ نَشرٍ مِنهُ أَحياني

3. Or send out a melody that my heart can live by
Since it died long ago and times past.

٣. أو فَابعَثُوا نَغْمَةً منه يعيشُ بها
قَلبي فقد مَات مُذْ حِينٍ وأَزمانِ

4. A gazelle, the most melodious, roams in the dew
The sun of daylight on a branch of acacia.

٤. ظَبيٌ أغَنُّ تردَّى بالدُّجَى وَجَلاَ
شَمْس النّهارِ على غُصْنٍ من الْبانِ

5. In it is what is in the gardens of eternity of pearls
And of nectar, musk and coral.

٥. في فِيهِ مَا في جِنَانِ الخُلدِ من دُرَرٍ
ومن رَحِيقٍ ومن مسْكٍ ومَرْجَانِ

6. When it appears and tightens in victory, be victorious
With the wishes of the soul of beauty and benevolence.

٦. إذا بَدَا وشَدَا في مَجلسٍ ظَفِرُوا
بمُنية النّفسِ من حُسنٍ وإحسَانِ

7. Do not forget me, O Abu Nasr, when
Your hearts are present between blended and pure wine.

٧. لا تَنْسَنِي يا أبا نَصرٍ إذا حَضَرتْ
قُلوبُكم بين مَزمُومٍ وطَرخاني

8. Be my deputy for the vision and delegate for me
Other than you who can hear my voice of consent.

٨. كُن لي وكيلاً على الرّؤيِا ووكّلْ لِي
سواكَ يَسمعُ عَنّي شَدوَ رضْوانِ

9. And say to it to sing to me from his necklaces
A voice that renews my passion and love songs for me.

٩. وقُل له يَتَغَنّى من قلائِده
صوتاً يُجدّدُ لي شَجْوي وأشْجَاني

10. Its breeze meets me with its flowers
Bringing me the good news of it before meeting me.

١٠. نسيمُه يتلقّاني بزوْرَتِهِ
مُبَشِّراً لي بهِ من قَبلِ يَلقانِي

11. They described Baghdad to me once, but when
I came to it, I came to the best of countries.

١١. وصَفُوا لي بغدادَ حيناً فلمّا
جئتُها جئتُ أحسنَ البُلدانِ

12. A delightful sight and cheerful people
Who have adorned themselves with beauty and benevolence.

١٢. منظرٌ مبهِجٌ وقومٌ سَراةٌ
قد تحَلَّوْا بالحُسنِ والإحسَانِ

13. They have no shortcoming except that in every
Pretty one there is a scale of balance.

١٣. ليس فيهمْ عيبٌ سوى أنّ في كُلْ
لِ بنانٍ علاّقَةَ الميزانِ

14. We heard and did not see anything but
An unjust mother among the women.

١٤. وسمِعْنَا وما رأينَا سوَى
أمِّ ظَلومٍ فيها من النّسوانِ

15. She is a jinniya, uglier than what
Our Lord has created of ghilan.

١٥. وهْي جِنِّيَّةٌ كأَقبحِ ما شَوْ
وَهَهُ ربّنَا من الغيلانِ

16. It has among the maidens suns
That sway on branches in sand dunes.

١٦. إنّ فيها من الصّبَايا شُموساً
في غُصونٍ تهتَزُّ في كُثبانِ

17. The seventies and the pilgrimage distracted us from them
So we said by hearing without seeing.

١٧. شغلَتْنَا السَبعونَ والحجُّ عَنهُنْ
نَ فقلنَا بالسَّمْعِ دُونَ العَيانِ