
Have they not seen the world's ups and downs with us,

أما رأوا تقلب الدنيا بنا

1. Have they not seen the world's ups and downs with us,
And its havoc on those who settled in it?

١. أمَا رأوْا تقلُّبَ الدنيا بِنَا
وفتكهَا بِمَنْ إليهَا أخْلَدَا

2. How the blows of fate have torn down mountains,
And turned a vast sea into a wasteland.

٢. كم نَسَفَتْ أيدِي الخطوب جَبَلاً
وصيَّرَتْ لُجّةَ بَحْرٍ ثَمَدَا

3. How it has impoverished the wealthy,
And left a large tribe as just one man.

٣. وكم أعَادَتْ ذَا ثَرَاءٍ مُعْدَماً
وذا قَبِيلٍ وعَدِيدٍ مُفْرَدَا

4. I have learned what they do not know, and my eyes
Have seen the source and course of my fate.

٤. عَلِمْتُ مَا لم يَعْلَمُوا ونَظَرتْ
عَيْنَاي دَهْرِي مَصْدَراً ومَوْرِدَا

5. So I saw naught but a fleeting shadow,
With each extending toward it a hand of ignorance.

٥. فما رأيتُ غيرَ ظلٍّ زائلٍ
كلٌّ يَمُدُّ نَحْوَهُ جَهْلاً يَدَا