
The hand of separation has grown long in parting our friendship

طالت يد البين في تفريق ألفتنا

1. The hand of separation has grown long in parting our friendship
Why then has it fallen short of gathering what was scattered?

١. طالَتْ يَدُ البَينِ في تَفريقِ أُلفَتِنَا
فَما لَها قَصُرَتْ عن جَمعِ ما افْتَرقَا

2. We are like spilled water on the plain when it is poured forth
To regather it later is a miracle, after it has flowed far apart

٢. كأنّنا الماءُ سهلٌ حِينَ تُهرِقُه
وجَمعُه مُعْجِزٌ من بَعد ما انْهَرَقَا

3. But the power of Him who folds up the darkness from the earth
And spreads out the dawn in its horizons

٣. لكنّ قُدرةَ من يَطوي الظّلامَ عن الدْ
دنيا وينشُرُ في آفاقِها الفَلقَا

4. Will restore my condition, gathered up and my heart joyful
And make my withered branch thrive, green once more with leaves

٤. يَردّ شَمِليَ مَجموعاً وقَلبيَ مَس
روراً ويَابِسَ عُودي كَاسياً وَرَقَا