
His disapproval did not discourage him, rather it intensified his passion,

لم ينهه العذل لكن زاده لهجا

1. His disapproval did not discourage him, rather it intensified his passion,
And disapproval is what increases longing in the enamored one.

١. لم يَنْهَهُ العَذلُ لكِنْْ زَادَه لَهَجَا
والعذلُ مما يَزيدُ المُستهامَ شَجَى

2. You gave advice in vain to one who does not listen,
And does not see any fault in the delusions of love.

٢. أضَعْتَ نُصحَكَ فِيمن ليس يسمَعهُ
ولا يَرى في ضَلالاتِ الهوى حَرَجَا

3. His heart is not present at the tryst to be restrained by the advisor,
Nor does his advice reach his deaf ears.

٣. ما قلبُه حاضرُ النّجوَى فيردَعُهُ الن
نَاهِي ولا نَهيَهُ في سمعِهِ وَلَجَا

4. A lovesick one who parted from loved ones, grieved over
What they were, when he was joyous in their company.

٤. مُدلَّهٌ فارقَ الأحبابَ أغْبَطَ مَا
كانُوا وكانَ بِهم جذلانَ مُبتهِجَا

5. He asks the abode about them at dawn, so if it is
Unable to respond, he cries or laments.

٥. يستخبرُ الدّارَ عنهم صبوةً فإذا
أَعيَتْ عليهِ جواباً ناحَ أَو نَشَجا

6. My tears flowed copiously from their spring, so every spectator thought them a deluge.
Oh what a night of anguish dawns upon him and what

٦. فاضَت بِقَانِي الدّمِ المنهلّ مقلتُهُ
فكلُّ راءٍ رآها ظنّها وَدَجَا

7. A night of anguish descends when the night of sorrows becomes dark.
I would sacrifice an image that travelled by night and at dawn

٧. يا ويْحَهُ مِن جوىً يغدُو عليه ومِنْ
جَوىً يَرُوحُ إذا ليلُ الهمومِ دَجَا

8. The world was illuminated by its lights and the morning had not yet broken.
I was amazed by him crossing formidable obstacles, traversing

٨. أَفِدي خيالاً سَرَى ليلاً فأَشرَقَتِ الد
دُنيا بأَنوارِه والصبحُ ما انْبَلَجَا

9. The land of enemies and the evil whisperers, how did he escape?
Whenever I see the beloved breeze organized,

٩. عجبتُ منهُ تخطّى الهولَ مُعترِضاً
أَرضَ العِدا وَوُشَاةَ الحيِّ كيفَ نَجَا

10. I remember that fresh and sweet calmness.
Oh what distance remains between us, their traveling mounts

١٠. إِذا رأَيتُ حَبَابَ الرّاحِ مُنتظماً
ذكرتُ ذاكَ الرُّضَابَ العذبَ والبَلَجَا

11. Left grief behind whenever they departed loaded with supplies.
They travelled with the delight of my eyes in their litters,

١١. يَا لي من البَينِ لا زالَت مَطِيَّهُمُ
حَسْرَى إذا إرتَحَلَت معقولَةً بِوَجَى

12. So my eyes never saw a pleasant sight after them.
I parted from them as if I never found joy with them,

١٢. سَارَت بإِنسانِ عَيني في هَوادِجِهَا
فما رَأَتْ مَنظَراً من بَعدِهِمْ بَهِجَا

13. And I had lived happily with them for many pilgrimages.

١٣. فارقتُهُم فكأَنّي ما سُرِرتُ بِهِم
يَوماً وقد عِشْتُ مسروراً بِهمِ حِجَجَا