
Yet nights have ruled over us with their injustice,

ولكن قضت فينا الليالي بجورها

1. Yet nights have ruled over us with their injustice,
And their ways are the disbelief of virtues and oppression.

١. ولكِن قضتْ فِينا اللّيالي بجَوْرِهَا
وعادتُها كُفرُ الفَضائلِ والغَمطُ

2. Their ruling has tilted the scales, not a gram does their weight shift,
So the deficient rises up and the virtuous is brought down.

٢. حكى حكْمُهَا الميزانَ لا دَرَّ دَرُّها
فذُو النّقصِ يَستعلِي وذو الفضلِ ينْحَطُّ

3. And I have, in the face of the confusion of their events,
A resolute determination that does not yield to what they conclude.

٣. وعِندي على ما رابَ من حِدْثَانِها
صريمَةُ عزمٍ مَا لِمَا عَقَلَتْ نَشطُ

4. Troubles seem trivial to me, though troubles are momentous,
And difficulties withdraw their hands from me, though difficulties have the upper hand.

٤. تُهوِّنُ عندي الخطبَ والخطبُ هائلٌ
وتقبِضُ عنِّي كفَّهُ ولهَا البَسطُ