1. Do not blame repeatedly those who do not blame,
For guiding others than companions is distress.
١. لا تكثِرنَّ عِتَابَ مَن لم يُعتِبِ
فمِن العَنَاءِ قِيادُ غَيرِ المُصْحِبِ
2. Between nightly comfort and the heart of my beloved,
Is the distance between East and West horizons.
٢. بين السّلُوِّ وبينَ قلبِ أَخِي الهَوى
ما بينَ شرقٍ في البِعاد ومغْرِبِ
3. He seems inattentive but for the one he loves,
He is wakeful though no reproacher rouses him.
٣. يُصغِي فتحسَبُه اُرعَوى ولِذكرِ من
يَهوَى أصاخَ ولم يُصِخ لمؤنِّبِ
4. What you see as error is his rectitude,
And the good advice of one who curries favor is deception.
٤. والغَيُّ ما أبصرتَه من رُشدِه
والغِشُّ نُصحُ الناصِحِ المتَقرِّبِ