1. My nature refuses to bear injustice
In it, despite what has afflicted me, is disdain
١. يأبَى احتمالَ الضَيم لي خُلقٌ
فيه على ما رابَنِي صَلَفُ
2. Easy to deal with when he acts justly
Hard to control when he is overbearing
٢. سهلُ العريكةِ حين تُنصِفُه
صعبُ المَقَادَةِ حين يُعتَسَفُ
3. A nature nurtured by the finest, noblest wine
The courage of battle, proud and high-minded
٣. خُلُقٌ نَماهُ أغَرُّ أروعُ ميْ
مونُ النقيبَةِ ماجدٌ أَنِفُ
4. Of a people whose roots were wholesome
Nobility ascended over them to the highest place
٤. من معشرٍ طابت مغارِسُهُم
فَسما لهم فوق السُّها شَرفُ
5. A people, if their virtues were counted
The sun itself would nearly eclipse
٥. قومٌ إذا عُدّتْ مناقِبُهم
كادت لهنَّ الشمسُ تنكَسِفُ
6. If they tried for the cosmos, they would not fall short
Neither their palms nor their strength would fail
٦. لو حاولُوا الأفلاكَ ما قَصُرتْ
عنها أكفُّهُمُ ولا ضَعُفُوا
7. No fault in them but that they
In their generosity were excessive spendthrifts
٧. لا عيبَ فِيهمْ غير أنَّهُمُ
في جُودِهم لعُفَاتِهم سَرَفُ
8. I speak with my knowledge about them while they
Are beyond praise and beyond description
٨. أُثْنِي بِعلمي فيهمُ وهُمُ
فوقَ الثّناءِ وفوقَ ما أَصِفُ