
Blessed is Your name, how many signs have witnessed

تبارك اسمك كم من آية شهدت

1. Blessed is Your name, how many signs have witnessed
That You are the One, the Most High, the Eternal

١. تباركَ اسمُكَ كمْ مِن آيةٍ شهِدَتْ
بأنّكَ الواحدُ المستعلِيُ الصَّمَدُ

2. None but You can make the pitch-black night radiant white
None dares take on Your dye, O Peerless and Only Might

٢. ما يصبغُ الأسودَ الغِربيبَ غيرُكَ مُبْ
يَضّاً ولا يتعاطَى صِبغَهُ أَحَدُ