
My tribe comes to him out of fear

فئتي ألتجي إليه من الخطب

1. My tribe comes to him out of fear
And my provisions, if scarce, become plentiful

١. فِئَتِي ألتَجِي إليهِ من الخَطْ
بِ وذُخرِي إن غَال وَفْريَ غولُ

2. His kingdom is sublime and from the excess of what he bestows
I fulfill the duty of exaltation and attain it

٢. بعلاهُ أسمُو ومِن فضلِ ما نَوْ
وَلَ أَقضِي فَرضَ العُلا وأُنيلُ

3. A king who remembers his promises and covenants
While his favors make him forget what he attains

٣. مَلِكٌ يذكُرُ المواعيدَ والعه
دَ ويُنسيهِ فضلُهُ ما يُنيلُ

4. His rule is a rule of mercy and his judgments
Are according to what the revelation brought us

٤. مُلكُهُ ملْكُ رَحمةٍ وقضايَا
هُ بما جاءَنا بهِ التَّنزيلُ

5. You have adorned the people of this age with virtues
Until the unknown became known

٥. أنتَ حلَّيتَ بالمكارِم أهلَ ال
عصرِ حتّى تعرَّفَ المجهولُ

6. While the indolent became active and the coward brave
The betrayer loyal and the stingy generous

٦. وعلاَ خاملٌ وحَامَى جَبانٌ
ووفَى غَادِرٌ وجادَ بَخيلُ

7. You have protected the lands with the sword so the easy became difficult
And the humiliated became dignified

٧. وحميتَ البلادَ بالسّيفِ فاستص
عَبَ منهَا سهلٌ وعَزَّ ذليلُ

8. You have divided the Franks in two by conquest
So this one is moaning while the other lies dead

٨. وقسمتَ الفَرِنجَ بالغزوِ شطري
ن فهذَا عانٍ وهذَا قتيلُ

9. He who did not fold at the fear of your sword
Became by nightfall a mindless man

٩. والّذي لم يَحِن بسيفِكَ من خَو
فِك أمسَى وعقلُهُ مخبولُ

10. Fear has imagined before his eyes hosts against you
In the innermost part of his house that do not disappear

١٠. مثَّل الخوفُ بينَ عينيهِ جيشاً
لك في عُقرِ دارِه ما يزولُ

11. To him usury is armies and the surge of the sea
In every bay a fleet

١١. فالرُّبى عِندَه جيوشٌ وموجُ ال
بحرِ في كلِّ لُجّةٍ أسطولُ

12. And if he dozes off, your bare sword takes him in sleep
To slay him in a dream

١٢. وإذا مَا أغفَى أقضَّ به المَضْ
جعَ في الحُلم سيفُكَ المسلولُ

13. So remain a refuge for Muslims and a pit for the Franks
As ages succeed with no change

١٣. فابقَ للمسلمينَ كهفاً وللإف
رنجِ حَتْفاً ما أعقبَ الجيلَ جيلُ

14. Between an eternal rule and grace that knows no decline
With firm resolve, lofty, sincere, and generous

١٤. بين مُلكٍ يدومُ ما دامتِ الدّنيا
وحالٍ في الفضلِ ليست تَحولُ

15. Your deputy fulfilled and accomplished
And he is the eloquent, accepted one

١٥. ثابِتَ الدَّستِ في اعتلاءٍ وجَدٍّ
وعطاياكَ في البلادِ تَجولُ

16. He saw in the resolve to conquer what made
The earth and mountains tilt toward him

١٦. بَالغَ العبدُ في النّيابةِ والتَّحْ
ريضِ وهو المفَوَّهُ المقبولُ

17. And the swords responded to him with the clanking of steel
And the horses with neighing

١٧. فرأَى من عَزيمةِ الغَزوِ ما كَا
دت له الأرضُ والجبالُ تميلُ

18. He saw the sun still beneath the horizon
And the earth flooding with armies

١٨. وأجابتْه بالصّليلِ سُيوفٌ
ظَامئاتٌ وبالصَّهِيلِ خُيولُ

19. Every land in which there is a lion army
Marching above it a pack of hyenas

١٩. ورأَى النَّقْعَ راكداً دون مَجرى الشْ
شَمسِ والأرضَ بالجيوشِ تَسيلُ

20. And if fate becomes hostile, God even then
Is enough for us and an excellent Trustee

٢٠. كلُّ أَرضٍ فيها من الأُسْدِ جيشٌ
سائرٌ فوقَه من السُّمْرِ غِيلُ

٢١. وإذا عاقَت المقاديرُ فاللّ
هُ إذاً حسبُنَا ونعْمَ الوكيلُ