
O home, other than you is destruction, and tribulations took control over you.

يا دار غيرك البلى وتحكمت

1. O home, other than you is destruction, and tribulations took control over you.
In you the misfortunes erased the traces.

١. يا دار غيرك البلى وتحكمت
فيك الخطوب ومحت الآثارا

2. The hearts came to recognize you only as an illusion,
And denial turned its eyes away from you.

٢. أصبحت تعرفك القلوب توهما
ويصد عنك الأعين الإنكارا

3. Time did not leave any leaning trace of you,
That would indicate that there was once a home here.

٣. لم يبق منك الدهر رسما مائلا
ينبي بأن هناك كانت دار

4. I grieve for the short lifetime I spent with you.
If only the days of joy had been longer!

٤. لهفي على الزمن القصير قطعته
بك إن أيام السرور قصار

5. Nothing remains of it but a blazing yearning
In the heart, kindled by remembrance into flame.

٥. لم يبق منه سوى جوى متسعر
في القلب يذكي ناره التذكار