
O heedless one, for how long will you turn away?

أيها الغافل كم هذا الهجوع

1. O heedless one, for how long will you turn away?
The caller has made his call, are you not hearing?

١. أَيّها الغافِلُ كم هَذا الهجوعُ
أعلنَ الدَّاعيِ فهل أنتَ سَميعُ

2. You are oblivious to what is coming,
As if the terrible news has caught you unawares.

٢. أنت عَمّا هو آتٍ غافلٌ
وكأَنْ قد فاجأَ الخطبُ الفَظيعُ

3. We are branches whose roots have gone,
How many branches remain after they perish?

٣. نحن فرْعٌ لأصولٍ ذَهبتْ
كم تُرى من بَعدِها تبقى الفُروعُ

4. And crops for death that were harvested
By its hands before us from among us were crops.

٤. وزُروعٌ للمنايا حُصِدَتْ
بيَدَيْها قبلَنَا مِنَّا زُروعُ

5. Show fear and do good deeds,
What return is there for one who died to this world?

٥. بادِرِ الخَوفَ وقَدِّم صالحاً
ما لِمَن مات إلى الدُّنيا رُجوعُ

6. We are a journey, predecessors travelled on,
And after their tracks the rest proceed.

٦. نحن سَفْرٌ سارَ مِنّا سلَفٌ
وعَلى آثارِهم يَمضي الجميعُ

7. To the destined watering place is their appointment,
Where slow and swift meet.

٧. وإلى المورِدِ ميعادُهُمُ
يلتقي فيه بطيءٌ وسريعُ

8. Our mother, this world, is a saddle, equal before her
In loss are elderly and infant.

٨. أُمّنَا الدُّنيا رَقوبٌ يستوي
عندَها في الفقدِ كَهلٌ ورضيعُ

9. Never have we seen a mourner for her loss,
For one departed she has no tears.

٩. ما رأيْنا ثاكلاً مِنْ قَبْلها
مالَها في إثْرِ مفقودٍ دُموعُ

10. We are all from her and she is all from us,
Neither does she satisfy, or we lie vanquished.

١٠. كلُّنَا منها ومنّا كلُّها
فهيَ لا تشبعُ أوْ نحنُ صَريعُ

11. Evil is the mother who cast her children away,
By her finery! Evil is such work.

١١. بئستِ الأمُّ رَمَتْ أولادَها
برزاياها ألا بِئْسَ الصَّنيعُ

12. Not rousing them above her is their sleep,
In it till the resurrection they toss and turn.

١٢. ما هناهُم فوقَها نَومُهُمُ
فهُمُ فيها إلى الحشرِ هُجوعُ

13. She is forever harsh to us, and we toward her,
Have yearning and inclination all our days.

١٣. أبداً تجفو علينا ولَنا
نحوَهَا الدّهرَ حنينٌ ونزوعُ

14. She is my night, and all people altogether,
Each has measured her - ecstasy or agony.

١٤. هي ليلَي والوَرى أجمعُهم
قَيسُها كلٌّ بها صبٌّ وَلوعُ

15. Strive, O sought one, strive with true striving,
The seeker will attain the pursued.

١٥. جِدَّ يا مطلوبُ من جدَّ نَجا
إنَّ ذا الطّالِبَ مِدراكٌ تَبوعُ

16. Neither mighty entourage nor impregnable fortress
Saves from His death-grip or His irresistible decree.

١٦. ليس يُنْجي الجحفلُ الجَرّارُ مِن
يدهِ الطُولى ولا الحِصنُ المنيعُ

17. He seizes the empowered sultan, who has no power
To defend himself or the crowds around him.

١٧. يأخذُ السلطانَ ذا الجمعِ فَلا
يدفعُ السلطانُ عنه والجموعُ

18. He spares no neighbor, nor saves the far-wandering,
On distant rugged hills.

١٨. ليسَ يَرعى حرمةَ الجارِ ولا
يُنقذُ الشّاسِعَ في البُعدِ الشُّسُوعُ

19. Do not be deluded by weak, false hopes,
In your seventies, no delays remain.

١٩. ما معَ السَّبعينَ تسويفٌ فلا
يخدعَنْكَ الأملُ الواهي الخَدوعُ

20. You have borne in your weakness the heavy burden
Of sins beyond your capacity to bear.

٢٠. قد تحمّلْتَ على ضعفِك مِن
ثِقْل أوزارِك ما لا تَستطيعُ

21. The days of your youth have passed you by
And despicable old age is upon your temples.

٢١. وتَقضَّتْ عنك أيّامُ الصِّبا
وعلى مفرقِكَ الشَّيبُ الشَّنيعُ

22. Then the period of old age led to decrepit senility,
Which is followed by swift-coming death.

٢٢. ثمَّ أفضَتْ مدّةُ الشَّيبِ إلى
هرمٍ يَعقُبه الموتُ الذّريعُ

23. The pasture was emptied, so what do you expect
After the pasture of your life is empty?

٢٣. صوَّحَ المرعَى فماذا تَرتجي
بعد ما صوَّح مَرْعاك المَريعُ

24. Do you see anything left but withered remnants
Scorched as the spring disappears?

٢٤. هل تَرى إلاّ هشيماً ذاويا
تجْتويهِ العينُ إن ولَّى الرَّبيعُ