
His whim showed him separation was in my interest,

أرته غرته في الهجر مصلحتي

1. His whim showed him separation was in my interest,
Ignorantly he ruined all that was sound between us.

١. أَرتْه غِرَّتُه في الهَجْر مَصْلَحتي
جهلاً فأفسدَ منِّي كلَّ ما صَلَحا

2. And said he has no heart that can bear
Patience, though if he tried solace he'd thrive.

٢. وقَال لَيس له قلبٌ يُطيقُ بهِ
صَبراً ولو همَّ بالسُّلوانِ لافْتُضِحَا

3. The madness of love was there before he rejected me,
Afterwards indifference or departure are the same.

٣. وصبوةُ الحبِّ كانت قبلَ بَذلَتِهِ
وبَعدها فسواءٌ صدّ أو نَزَحَا

4. Like hair that's memorized before it's shaved off, once
You've cut it, protection cannot bring it back again.

٤. كالشَّعر يُحفظُ ما لم يُبتذلْ فإذا
حَلَقْته عَادَ بعد الصّون مُطَّرَحَا