
After death, there is no abode but

فليس بعد الموت دار سوى

1. After death, there is no abode but
The Garden of Eden or a blazing flame.

١. فَليسَ بَعد الموتِ دارٌ سِوى
جنَّةِ عَدْنٍ أو لَظىً تَضرَمُ

2. And the time of Resurrection when we are rewarded for
Our deeds, and regret is for those who repent.

٢. والموعِدُ الحشرُ ونُجزَى عن ال
أعمالِ والغبنُ لمن يَندَمُ

3. The oppressed shall be vindicated from their adversary,
And the sultan and the destitute shall be equal.

٣. ويُنْصَفُ المظلومُ من خَصمِهِ
ويستوي السُّلطانُ والمُعدَمُ

4. People will stand before the Judge
Who will judge them for what He knows.

٤. ويشخَصُ الخلقُ إلى حاكِمٍ
يحكُم فيهم بالّذي يَعلَمُ

5. The nights have a silent preacher,
If only we understood what he says.

٥. ولِلّيالي واعظٌ صامتٌ
يُسمِعُنا لو أنّنا نَفهَمُ

6. People are asleep in this life, how
Quickly the sleepy will awaken.

٦. والنّاسُ في الدّنيا نيامٌ وما
أسرعَ ما يستيقظُ النُّوَّمُ

7. Creation will come with the burden of
What they took on themselves or the reward of what they forwarded.

٧. ويقدَمُ الخلقُ على وِزْرِ ما
تَقَلَّدوا أو أجرِ ما قَدَّمُوا