1. Neither have the landmarks and customs made you ignorant
Except to reveal your concealed secret
١. ما استَجْهَلَتْك مَعالمٌ ورُسُومُ
إلاّ لِيُعْلَنَ سِرُّكَ المكتُومُ
2. Or after the end of gray hair, ignorance
Dignity and wisdom refuse you
٢. أوَ بَعدَ نَاهِيةِ المشيبِ جَهالةٌ
يأبى الوقارُ عليكَ والتّحلِيمُ
3. How did you behave in the darkness of youth, so how when
The stars on your cheeks shone for the gray hair
٣. مَا جُرتَ في داجِي الشّبابِ فكيفَ إذْ
وَضَحَتْ بِفَودِك للمشيب نُجومُ
4. My friends stopped me, so I don't hear
Advice, and some advisers are blamed
٤. أعوَاذِلي كُفّوا فَليس بِمُسمعِي
نُصْحٌ وبعضُ النّاصحينَ مَلُومُ
5. And the motives of separation deafened my hearing after them
So who would blame and scold an adviser?
٥. وَقَرَتْ دَواعي البَينِ سَمعِيَ بَعدهُم
فَلِمَن يُعنِّفُ ناصحٌ ويَلومُ
6. Every day I have a horror from one bidding farewell
And my anxious mind is gentle and old
٦. لي كلّ يومٍ رَوعةٌ بمودَّعٍ
ونَوىً فَهمِّي طارِفٌ وقديمُ
7. And on the mounts, one who delays with our debts
The difficulty of repayment with ease is oppressive
٧. وعَلَى الرّكائبِ مَاطلٌ بِديُونِنَا
عَسِرُ القَضَاءِ مع اليَسارِ ظَلُومُ
8. Smiling at one whose sunset is clear
To him the strung pearls are consoled
٨. مُتَبَسِّمٌ عَن ذي غُروبٍ واضحٍ
يُعزَى إليه اللؤْلُؤُ الْمنظومُ
9. In his face the water of salinity wanders
And our thirsty hearts hover over him
٩. في وجْهِهِ ماءُ الملاَحةِ حَائرٌ
فقلوبُنا الظّمأى عليه تَحومُ
10. I followed them with the wounds of eyelids one night
Sometimes my tears wake and sometimes cloud
١٠. أتْبَعتُهم قَرحَى الجفونِ كليلةً
تُصحِي بدَمعِي تَارةً وتَغيمُ
11. With tears that turned into blood
As if their human was tortured
١١. مَسْمُولَةً بمَدَامعٍ حالَت دماً
فكأنّما إنسانُها مَكلُومُ
12. Oh you who moved away, time was stingy with his nearness
My liver longs for you even if you left resident
١٢. يا نَازِحاً ضَنّ الزّمانُ بقُربهِ
وجْدِي عليكَ وإن رَحلتَ مُقِيمُ
13. I have an eyelid that was hurt by your distance
The outpouring of tears and the cooing of grief
١٣. لي مقلَةٌ قَذِيَتْ ببُعدِكَ بَرَّها
فيضُ الدّموعِ وعقَّها التّهويمُ
14. Your absence equalized its night and day
Each as worries decreed, confused
١٤. ساوَى بِعادُك ليلَها ونَهارَها
كلٌّ كما قَضَتِ الهمومُ بَهيمُ
15. How many times did your remembrance create in my feelings
A sigh from my heart, branded with it
١٥. كم أنشأتْ ذِكرَاكَ بين جَوانِحي
من زَفرةٍ قَلبِي بها مَوسُومُ
16. A breath that the crookedness of my ribs stands for
And the pericardium is too narrow for its whims
١٦. نَفَسٌ يقومُ له إعوجاجُ أضالعي
ويَضيقُ عن نَزَواتِه الحيزُومُ
17. The intentions did not make a mistake in you
But the reproach of blamers is painful
١٧. مَا أخْطأتْ فيكَ النّوى عادَاتِها
لكنَّ تَقْرِيفَ الكُلومِ أليمُ